Английские идиомы. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Английские идиомы - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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      For dear life

      For fear of (something)

      For free

      For good

      For good measure

      For instance

      For keeps

      For kicks

      For life

      For my money

      For once

      For one thing

      For one's (own) part

      For one's (own) sake

      For openers

      For peanuts

      For real

      For safekeeping

      For sale

      For short

      For sure

      For that matter

      For the asking

      For the better

      For the birds

      For the duration (of something)

      For the good of (someone or something)

      For the heck/hell of it

      For the life of (someone)

      For the most part

      For the record

      For the sake of (someone or something)

      For the time being

      For the world

      Forbidden fruit

      Force (someone) to the wall

      Force someone's hand

      Force to be reckoned with

      Foregone conclusion

      Forever and a day

      Forever and ever

      Fork money out (for something)

      Fork over (some money)

      Fork over (something)

      Form an opinion

      Forty winks

      Foul one's own nest

      Foul up

      Four eyes


      Fraught with danger

      Freak out

      Free and clear

      Free and easy

      Free as a bird

      Free hand

      Free translation



      Freeze (someone) out

      Fresh out of (something)

      Frighten (someone) out of his or her wits

      Frighten (someone) to death

      Frighten the living daylights out of (someone)

      Fritter (something) away

      From A to Z

      From cradle to grave

      From dawn to dusk

      From day to day

      From door to door

      From hand to hand

      From head to toe

      From near and far

      From now on

      From rags to riches

      From scratch

      From side to side

      From start to finish

      From stem to stern

      From the bottom of one's heart

      From the ground up

      From the heart

      From the old school

      From the outset

      From the top

      From the word go

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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