Английские идиомы. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Английские идиомы - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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up to (something)

      Face value

      Face value (of something)


      Facts of life

      Fair and impartial

      Fair and square

      Fair game

      Fair play

      Fair shake

      Fair to middling

      Fair-weather friend

      Fall apart

      Fall apart at the seams

      Fall asleep

      Fall back

      Fall back on (someone or something)

      Fall behind

      Fall by the wayside

      Fall down on the job

      Fall flat on one's face

      Fall for (someone or something)

      Fall for (someone)

      Fall from grace

      Fall head over heels

      Fall head over heels in love with (someone)

      Fall ill

      Fall in love (with someone)

      Fall in love with (someone or something)

      Fall in with (a group of people)

      Fall into a trap

      Fall into line

      Fall into place

      Fall off

      Fall off the wagon

      Fall on deaf ears

      Fall on hard times

      Fall out of use

      Fall out with (someone) over (something)

      Fall over backwards (to do something)

      Fall over oneself to do something

      Fall short of (one's expectations)

      Fall short of (something)

      Fall through

      Fall to (someone) to do (something)

      Fall upon/on (someone or something)

      Fall/drop into one's lap

      Fall/get into the wrong hands

      Falling-out (with someone)

      False arrest

      False pretenses

      False witness

      Familiar with (someone or something)

      Fan the flames of (something)

      Far and away the best

      Far and wide

      Far be it from (someone) to do (something)

      Far cry from (something)

      Far from it

      Far into the night

      Far out

      Farm (something) out

      Fast buck

      Fast talker

      Fat chance

      Fat is in the fire

      Fat of the land

      Favor (someone) with (something)

      Favorite son


      Feast one's eyes on (someone or something)

      Feather in one's cap

      Feather one's nest

      Fed up with (someone or something)

      Fee simple

      Feed (someone) a line

      Feed one's face

      Feed the kitty

      Feel (something) in one's bones

      Feel at home

      Feel blue

      Feel dragged out

      Feel fit

      Feel free to do (something)

      Feel it beneath oneself to do (something)

      Feel like a million dollars

      Feel like a new person

      Feel like doing (something)

      Feel like going (somewhere)

      Feel like having (something)

      Feel on top of the world

      Feel out (someone)

      Feel out of place

      Feel put upon

      Feel sorry for (someone)

      Feel the pinch

      Feel up to (do something)

      Feet of clay

      Fence (someone) in

      Ferret (information or something) out of (someone)

      Few and far between

      Fiddle around

      Fiddle while Rome burns

      Field questions


      Fight against time

      Fight like cats and dogs

      Fight tooth and nail

      Fighting chance

      Figure on (something)

      Figure out (someone or something)

      Figure out (something)

      Fill (someone's) shoes


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