Английские идиомы. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Английские идиомы - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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      Coffee break

      Cog in the machine

      Cold comfort

      Cold fish

      Cold hard cash

      Cold snap/spell

      Cold turkey

      Collect one's wits

      Come (someone's) way

      Come a cropper

      Come a long way

      Come about

      Come across (someone or something)

      Come again.

      Come alive

      Come along

      Come and get it!

      Come around

      Come as no surprise

      Come away empty-handed

      Come back

      Come back (into fashion)

      Come back to (someone)

      Come back with an offer

      Come between (two people)

      Come by (something)

      Come by (something) honestly

      Come clean

      Come clean (with someone/about something)

      Come down hard on (someone)

      Come down in price

      Come down in the world

      Come down to (something)

      Come down to earth

      Come down with (something)

      Come face to face with (someone or something)

      Come from (somewhere)

      Come from far and wide

      Come from nowhere

      Come full circle

      Come hell or high water

      Come home to (someone)

      Come in handy

      Come in low

      Come into (some money)

      Come into fashion

      Come into one's own

      Come of age

      Come off

      Come on strong

      Come on the scene

      Come out ahead

      Come out for (someone or something)

      Come out in the wash

      Come out of left field

      Come out of nowhere

      Come out of one's shell

      Come out of the blue

      Come out of the closet

      Come out with (something)

      Come over

      Come through

      Come to

      Come to a bad end

      Come to a dead end

      Come to a head

      Come to a pretty pass

      Come to a standstill

      Come to an end

      Come to blows

      Come to do/feel (something)

      Come to grief

      Come to grips with (something)

      Come to life

      Come to light

      Come to mind

      Come to nothing/naught

      Come to one's senses

      Come to pass

      Come to terms

      Come to terms with (someone or something)

      Come to the fore

      Come to the point

      Come true

      Come unglued

      Come up

      Come up in a discussion

      Come up in the world

      Come up smelling like roses

      Come up with (something)

      Come what may

      Come with the territory


      Come/go away empty-handed

      Come/turn up trumps

      Commercial law

      Commit (something) to memory

      Common ground

      Common law

      Common property

      Common touch

      Community property

      Company man

      Company town

      Comparative negligence

      Compare apples and oranges

      Con (someone) out of (something)

      Conclusive evidence

      Conditional sale

      Confide in (someone)

      Conk out

      Consecutive sentences

      Conspicuous by one's absence

      Contemplate one's navel


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