Английские идиомы. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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Catch on
Catch one's breath
Catch one's death of cold
Catch sight of (someone or something)
Catch some Z's
Catch up to (someone or something)
Catch up with (someone or something)
Caught in the middle/cross fire
Caught short
Caught unaware
Caught with one's hand in the cookie jar
Cause a stir
Cause eyebrows to raise
Cause tongues to wag
Causing a disturbance
Cave in
Cave in to (someone or something)
Caveat emptor
Chalk (something) up to (something)
Chalk up (something)
Champ at the bit
Champ/chomp at the bit
Chance (something)
Chance upon (someone or something)
Change (someone's) mind
Change hands
Change horses in midstream
Change of heart
Change of pace
Change of scenery
Change one's tune
Change the subject
Charley horse
Chase rainbows
Cheat on (someone)
Cheek by jowl
Cheer (someone) on
Cheer (someone) up
Cheese (someone) off
Cheesed off
Chew (someone) out
Chew out (someone)
Chew the fat
Chew the fat with (someone)
Chew the fat/rag
Chicken and egg situation
Chicken feed
Chicken out of (doing something)
Chickens come home to roost
Chilled to the bone
Chime in
Chip in
Chip in (money)
Chip off the old block
Chips and dip
Chips are down
Chisel (someone) out of (something)
Choke (someone) up
Choke (something) off
Circle the wagons
Circulate the agenda
Circumstantial evidence
Citizen's arrest
Civil action
Civil law
Claim a life
Clam up
Clamp down on (someone or something)
Class action lawsuit
Clean bill of health
Clean slate
Clean up
Clean up one's act
Clear (someone's) name
Clear a hurdle
Clear of (something)
Clear out (of somewhere)
Clear out (something)
Clear sailing
Clear the air
Clear the decks
Clear the table
Clear up (something)
Climb the wall
Clip (someone's) wings
Clip joint
Close a deal
Close at hand
Close call/shave
Close in on (someone or something)
Close one's eyes to (something)
Close out (something)
Close ranks
Close the books
Close the books (on someone or something)
Close to (someone)
Close to home
Close to the bone
Close up shop
Close/near to (someone's) heart
Closefisted (with money)
Cloud up
Clue (someone) in
Coast is clear
Cock of the walk