Английские идиомы. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Английские идиомы - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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leaps and bounds

      By means of

      By no means

      By shank's mare

      By the book

      By the day

      By the dozen

      By the dozens

      By the handful

      By the hour

      By the month

      By the same token

      By the seat of one's pants

      By the skin of one's teeth

      By the sweat of one's brow

      By the way

      By the week

      By the year

      By virtue of (something)

      By way of (something or somewhere)

      By way of (something)

      By word of mouth





      Calculated risk

      Call (someone or something) into question

      Call (someone) in

      Call (someone) names

      Call (someone) on the carpet

      Call (something) in

      Call a meeting

      Call a meeting to order

      Call a spade a spade

      Call for (someone or something)

      Call for (someone)

      Call it a day/night

      Call it quits

      Call of nature

      Call off (something)

      Call on (someone)

      Call out to (someone)

      Call someone's bluff

      Call the dogs off

      Call the roll

      Call the shots

      Call up (someone)

      Calm down

      Can of worms

      Can take (something) to the bank

      Can't do anything with (someone or something)

      Can't see beyond the end of one's nose

      Can't see the forest for the trees

      Can't stand (someone or something)

      Can't stand/stomach (someone or something)

      Can't stomach (someone or something)

      Cancel (something) out

      Cannot see one's hand in front of one's face

      Cap and gown

      Captain of industry

      Card up one's sleeve

      Cards are stacked against (someone)

      Carried away

      Carrot and stick

      Carry (something) out

      Carry a lot of weight with (someone or something)

      Carry a motion

      Carry coals to Newcastle

      Carry on

      Carry one's (own) weight

      Carry over (something)

      Carry over figures/numbers/costs

      Carry the ball

      Carry the day

      Carry the torch

      Carry the weight of the world on one's shoulders

      Carry through with (something)

      Carte blanche

      Case in point

      Case of mistaken identity

      Cash cow

      Cash in (something)

      Cash in on (something)

      Cash in one's chips

      Cash on the barrelhead


      Cast a (critical/professional) eye over (someone or something)

      Cast an eye over (something)

      Cast around/about for (someone or something)

      Cast aspersions on (someone)

      Cast doubt on (someone or something)

      Cast doubts on (someone or something)

      Cast in the same mold

      Cast one's lot in with (someone)

      Cast one's vote

      Cast pearls before swine

      Cast the first stone

      Castles in the air

      Cat burglar

      Cat gets one's tongue

      Cat nap

      Cat on a hot tin roof

      Catch (someone's) eye

      Catch (someone) in the act of (doing something)

      Catch (someone) napping

      Catch (someone) off balance

      Catch (someone) off guard

      Catch (someone) red-handed

      Catch (someone) with their pants down

      Catch a cold

      Catch fire


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