Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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Alliance. Connection, relationship, affinity; confederacy, league, union, treaty, co-partnership, coalition; affiliation, similarity.
Ant. Separation, estrangement, divorce; antagonism, disruption, enmity, hostility, schism, secession.
Allot. Divide, apportion, distribute, deal out, dispense; assign, grant, give, appoint, destine.
Ant. Refuse, retain, misdeal, deny, confiscate, appropriate, seize, withhold.
Allow. Grant, own, confess, admit; permit, let, authorize; suffer, tolerate, endure; yield, give, grant; approve, sanction, abate, remit.
Ant. Protest, refuse, deny, disapprove, forbid, disallow, reject, withstand, resist.
Allowance. Leave, permission, sanction, approval; admission, acknowledgment, assent; commission; qualification, exception; ration.
Ant. Refusal, disapproval, denial; ratification, confirmation.
Alloy, n. Admixture, adulteration, deterioration, debasement, disparagement, drawback.
Ant. Genuineness, enhancement, purity, integrity.
Allude. Intimate, insinuate, point, refer, suggest, signify, hint, imply, indicate, mention.
Ant. Demonstrate, specify, declare.
Allure. Decoy, entice, coax, attract, tempt, inveigle, seduce.
Ant. Dissuade, repel, warn, chill, damp, drive away, deter, alarm, terrify.
Allusion. Hint, suggestion, intimation, reference, implication, innuendo.
Ant. Mention, demonstration, specification.
Ally, n. Assistant, helper, aider, friend, associate, colleague, partner, accessory, accomplice.
Ant. Opponent, adversary, foe, enemy, antagonist.
Aloft. Above, skyward, heavenward, overhead, in the air.
Ant. Beneath, earthward, below.
Alone. Solitary, sole, single, isolated.
Ant. Accompanied, associated.
Along. Lengthwise, onward, forward; together, beside, simultaneously.
Ant. Across, sidewise or sideways, lateral; apart, tandem.
Aloof. Apart, distant, away, off.
Ant. Close, near, together, unitedly.
Aloud. Distinctly, audibly, vociferously, clamorously, sonorously.
Ant. Softly, silently, inaudibly.
Also. As well, likewise, too, similarly, withal, besides, in addition, in like manner.
Ant. Nevertheless, notwithstanding, on the contrary, but, yet, in spite of, on the other hand.
Alter. Change, turn, vary, modify, shift, substitute, remodel, transform, convert.
Ant. Conserve, perpetuate, preserve, arrest, solidify, retain.
Alteration. Change, variation, modification, shifting, mutation.
Ant. Changelessness, identity, fixity, permanence.
Altercation. Dispute, contention, controversy, difference, quarrel, wrangle, dissension.
Ant. Concord, agreement, compromise, reconciliation, unanimity, harmony, consonance.
Alternate. Reciprocal, every other one, one after another, in turn, interchangeable, mutual.
Ant. Continuous, successive, consequent, proximate, sequent.
Alternative. Choice, option, preference, election, pick, resource.
Ant. Compulsion, quandary, necessity; fixity, changelessness.
Although. Albeit, even if, supposing, grant that.
Ant. Yet, notwithstanding.
Altitude. Height, elevation, loftiness, ascent, eminence.
Ant. Depth, declivity, descent, abasement.
Altogether. Collectively, conjointly, wholly, quite, completely, totally, utterly, entirely, thoroughly, fully, in the mass.
Ant. Partially, piecemeal, by instalments, partly, incompletely, by halves, wanting; individually, separately.
Altruism. Philanthropy, unselfishness, public spirit, devotion to others, self-sacrifice, self-forgetfulness, generosity.
Ant. Selfishness, self-indulgence, worldliness, meanness; egoism.
Always. Ever, forever, eternally, for aye, evermore, everlastingly, perpetually; uniformly, invariably, generally, habitually.
Ant. Now, momently, instantly, suddenly; sometimes, occasionally.
Amalgamate. Mix, commingle, unite, combine, blend, compound, incorporate, join, fuse, consolidate.
Ant. Disintegrate, decompose, disperse, separate, dissipate, analyze.
Amaranthine. Of the amaranth; fadeless, imperishable, undying, immortal, perennial; purplish, amethystine.
Ant. Ephemeral, perishable, mortal, fading.
Amass. Accumulate, heap up, collect, gather, hoard, store up.
Ant. Disperse, divide, scatter, spend, squander, waste, dissipate; portion, distribute, parcel.