Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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Affray. Quarrel, tussle, scuffle, scrimmage, collision, brawl, disturbance, fight, rumpus, struggle, contest, strife, encounter, feud, tumult.
Ant. Peace, amity, friendship, good will.
Affront. Outrage, insult, abuse, annoyance, displeasure, offense, provocation, wrong, vexation, wound, exasperation, irritation.
Ant. Courtesy, homage, amends, compliment, apology.
Afire. Ablaze, burning, ignited, aflame.
Ant. Out, quenched, extinguished.
Afloat. Adrift, at sea, abroad, loose; happening, betiding, brewing.
Ant. Moored, anchored, aground, stranded, fixed, steadfast, firm.
Afoot. Afloat, preparing, forthcoming, ready, brewing, on hand, astir.
Ant. Unprepared, unprovided for, inactive, sluggish, latent.
Aforesaid. Above-mentioned, foregoing, preceding, abovenamed.
Ant. Following, subsequent, subjoined, forthcoming, after-cited.
Afraid. Fearful, timid, apprehensive, anxious, alarmed, terrified, frightened.
Ant. Fearless, bold, confident, reckless, venturesome, indifferent, secure, hopeful, audacious.
Afresh. Anew, again, newly, frequently, repeatedly, once more.
Ant. Uniformly, connectedly, continuously.
After. Subsequent, later; following, behind, rear, back, posterior; concerning, about, for, in relation to; in imitation of, in the pattern of.
Ant. Before, preceding, introducing; in front of; opposite; facing; previous or prior to, afore; in advance; previously,
Again. Anew, afresh, repeatedly; further, moreover, besides; on the contrary; back, in answer or restitution, in return; once more.
Ant. Once, continuously, uninterruptedly, uniformly.
Against. Opposite, across, adverse to, counter to, athwart; facing, fronting, close up to, in contact with; for, in preparation for, in expectation of; in compensation for, in requital of, to match.
Ant. With, for, beside, accompanying, aiding, promoting.
Agape. Yawning, open-mouthed; wondering, gazing, dazed, amazed; curious, inquisitive, agog, astare, eager.
Ant. Listless, lukewarm, incurious, indifferent.
Age. Duration; period, date, epoch, time; maturity, generation; era, century.
Ant. Infancy, youth, boyhood, childhood; moment, instant.
Agent. Actor, doer, operator, promoter, performer; cause, force, power; deputy, factor, attorney, representative, substitute; means, instrument.
Ant. Counteragent, counteractor, opponent, neutralizer; chief, principal; originator, inventor.
Agglomeration. Accumulation, heap, pile, mass, conglomeration, cluster.
Ant. Dispersion, division, separation, sifting, dissipation.
Aggrandize. Exalt, honor, elevate, dignify, promote, advance, enrich, augment.
Ant. Degrade, impoverish, debase, humiliate, dishonor, lower.
Aggravate. Exasperate, provoke, wound, make worse, intensify, embitter, heighten.
Ant. Soothe, assuage, palliate, diminish, conciliate, alleviate.
Aggregation. Collection, accumulation, mass, heap, pile, amount, total, sum, result, whole, agglomeration.
Ant. Dispersion, dissipation, separation, division; unit; element, individual, ingredient, item.
Aggression. Attack, invasion, encroachment, assault, injury, offense, onslaught, provocation, intrusion.
Ant. Retaliation, repulsion, retreat, resistance, evacuation.
Aghast. Dismayed, horrified, terrified, frightened; amazed, astounded, startled, astonished, dumfounded.
Ant. Cool, fearless, indifferent, unmoved, unaffected, unexcited.
Agile. Nimble, active, lively, smart, prompt, alert, supple, brisk, quick, ready, sprightly, spry.
Ant. Slow, heavy, clumsy, bulky, awkward, inert, ponderous.
Agitate. Disturb, trouble, shake, jar, convulse; excite, rouse, ferment; fluster, hurry, disconcert; discuss, controvert, debate, examine, ventilate, investigate; deliberate, contrive, devise, plan.
Ant. Calm, allay, pacify, smooth, compose, quiet; solve, determine, settle.
Ago. Past, gone, since.
Ant. Future, coming, hereafter, hence.
Agony. Anguish, torture, torment, distress, throe, pangs, pain, suffering, woe, excruciation.
Ant. Assuagement, comfort, relief, composure, ease, enjoyment.
Agree. Accept, assent, approve, comply, consent, concur, admit, accede.
Ant. Contend, disagree, deny; dissent, dispute, protest, oppose, demur, differ; decline.
Agreeable. Suitable, proper, appropriate, befitting, accordant, conformable, consonant, welcome, amiable, pleasing, gratifying.
Ant. Unpleasant, disobliging, obnoxious, disagreeable, unwelcome, offensive, inharmonious, unaccommodating.
Agreement. Contract, compact, bond,