Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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Ant. Dry, expose.
Battle, n. Fight, contest, skirmish, combat, encounter, bout, engagement, strife, action, conflict.
Ant. Armistice, truce, concord.
Bauble. Trifle, toy, plaything, trinket, gimcrack, knickknack.
Ant. Valuable, jewel, ornament, decoration, gem, possession.
Bays. Crown, wreath, garland, chaplet; honors, renown, plaudits, praise, glory, applause.
Ant. Disgrace, contumely, stigma, brand.
Beach. Shore, strand, margin, sands, marge, rim, coast, seashore, seaboard.
Ant. Ocean, sea, deep, main.
Beacon, n. Signal fire, mark, sign, guide, light, flame.
Ant. Shadow; dark; will-o’-the-wisp, ignis fatuus.
Beam, v. Shine, emit rays, beacon, gleam, glitter, be radiant.
Ant. Die out, grow dark, go out.
Bear. Support, sustain, hold up, carry; have, hold, possess; suffer, undergo, endure, tolerate, submit to; permit, allow; maintain, cherish, harbor; be responsible for; produce, yield, give birth to; generate.
Ant. Drop, drag; release, give up; protest, resist, rebel, resent, reject.
Bearing. Behavior, deportment, demeanor, appearance, aspect, position, carriage, mien, air; relation, connection; patience, endurance; direction, course, aim; effect, force, meaning, scope; producing; bed, socket.
Ant. Misbehavior; disconnection, independence, irrelevancy; pendency, suspension; diversion, deflection; inanity, absurdity.
Beat. Strike, thrash, flog, cudgel, pound, scourge, whip, batter, smite, pommel, overcome, chastise, conquer, defeat, castigate, bruise, bastinado, belabor, switch, spank, worst, vanquish.
Ant. Soothe, stroke, caress, pat, shield, protect, mollify, heal.
Beatific. Ravishing, enrapturing, enchanting, transporting, ecstatic.
Ant. Tormenting, disgusting, obnoxious.
Beatitude. Bliss, felicity, blessedness.
Ant. Suffering, tribulation, pain, dolor.
Beautiful. Handsome, lovely, charming, fair, pretty, graceful, exquisite, beauteous, bewitching, attractive, picturesque, comely.
Ant. Hideous, repulsive, ugly, deformed, frightful, ghastly, grim.
Because. Since, inasmuch as, for, as.
Ant. Yet, notwithstanding, however, although, nevertheless.
Beckon. Signal, sign, call by gesture, nod.
Ant. Ignore, repulse.
Become. Suit, adorn, fit, set off, be appropriate to; get or grow to, turn to, change into; befall, bechance, happen to.
Ant. Disagree, clash, mismatch.
Becoming. Befitting, beseeming, fit, graceful, proper, neat, suitable, congruous, worthy.
Ant. Unseemly, indecent, derogatory, unsuitable.
Befall. Happen, occur, chance, betide.
Ant. Impend, threaten, loom.
Befitting. Decent, becoming, suitable, proper, appropriate, expedient.
Ant. Compulsory, obligatory; improper, inexpedient.
Before. Preceding, in front of; prior to, previous; in advance of, ahead of; hitherto; above, in a former place or previous passage; formerly, of old, already; under the judgment or control of.
Ant. Behind, after, subsequently, later.
Beg. Beseech, pray, ask, request, supplicate, solicit, sue, implore, importune.
Ant. Require, demand, extort, exact, insist; refuse.
Beggar. Mendicant, supplicant, pauper, suitor, applicant.
Ant. Bestower, giver, benefactor.
Beggary. Want, penury, indigence, destitution.
Ant. Riches, wealth, affluence, abundance, plenty.
Beginning. Origin, commencement, fountain, source, spring, start, opening, initiation, arising, outset, rise, inception, inauguration.
Ant. End, finish, fulfilment, outcome, conclusion, termination, result, effect, expiration, completion.
Beguile. Cheat, deceive, befool; amuse, entertain, cheer, solace.
Ant. Enlighten, advise; weary, bore.
Behavior. Conduct, deportment, manners, breeding, carriage, bearing, action, demeanor, life.
Ant. Misconduct, misdemeanor.
Behest. Command, injunction, charge, precept.
Ant. Option, liberty.
Behind. Back, astern, rearward.
Ant. Before, in front of.
Behold. See, look, discern, gaze, scan, observe, contemplate.
Ant. Ignore, miss, wink, overlook, disregard, connive.
Behoof. Advantage, profit.
Ant. Loss, detriment, disadvantage.