Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Amid, among, betwixt.

      Ant. Outside, beyond, without.


      Bewail. Bemoan, lament, sorrow, grieve.

      Ant. Rejoice, joy, exult.


      Beware. Take care, be cautious, be wary, look out, mind.

      Ant. Be reckless, careless; neglect, ignore.


      Bewilderment. Confusion, embarrassment, daze, maze, perplexity, mystification.

      Ant. Enlightenment, self-possession, calmness, discernment, perspicacity.


      Bewitch. Charm, enchant, fascinate, captivate.

      Ant. Repulse, avoid, recoil, annoy, harass.


      Beyond. Over, across, remote, farther than, before; yonder, above, exceeding.

      Ant. Beside, near, at hand, close; behind, back; below, less than.


      Bias. Bent, inclination, tendency, leaning, proneness, proclivity, propensity, partiality, predilection.

      Ant. Repulsion, reaction, repugnance.


      Bicker. Wrangle, quarrel, dispute, squabble.

      Ant. Agree, sympathize, understand, harmonize.


      Bidding. Command, order, direction, appointment, mandate; offer, bid, proposal.

      Ant. Request, solicitation; refusal, rebuff.


      Bide. Dwell, stay, reside, wait, tarry, remain; endure, bear.

      Ant. Depart, go, move, migrate; resist, rebel, protest.


      Big. Large, great, wide, bulky, huge, gross, fat; proud, arrogant, haughty, pompous.

      Ant. Small, little, least, thin, narrow; humble, subservient, unassuming.


      Bigot. Zealot, fanatic, dogmatist, devotee.

      Ant. Skeptic, liberal, apostate, proselyte, doubter, agnostic.


      Bigoted. Intolerant, opinionated, prejudiced, dogmatical, narrow-minded, one-sided.

      Ant. Liberal, broad-minded, open to conviction.


      Bill. Account, charge, score, amount due, reckoning; draft of law; poster, placard, advertisement.


      Bind. Fetter, tie, fasten, shackle, restrict, restrain, secure; compel, oblige, engage.

      Ant. Free, loose, set free, untie.


      Birth. Family, parentage, origin, source, lineage, nativity, descent, extraction, race; rise.

      Ant. Death, extinction.


      Bit. Part, piece, fragment, morsel.

      Ant. Whole, mass, aggregation.


      Biting. Gnawing, sharp, severe, sardonic, censorious, piercing, sarcastic, trenchant.

      Ant. Pleasant, gentle, soothing, genial, flattering.


      Bitter. Harsh, caustic, cutting, savage, acidulous, acrimonious, irate, sharp, sour, stinging, pungent, virulent.

      Ant. Sweet, honeyed, nectared, luscious, dulcet, saccharine.


      Blacken. Slander, malign, defame, daub, bespatter, befoul, asperse, traduce, vilify, decry, calumniate.

      Ant. Clear, eulogize, vindicate, whiten, whitewash.


      Blackguard. Rascal, scoundrel, villain.

      Ant. Gentleman.


      Blame. Censure, rebuke, chide, reprove, reproach, condemn, vituperate, reprobate, reprehend, dispraise.

      Ant. Approve, praise, exonerate, acquit, exculpate.


      Blameless. Pure, innocent, irresponsible, without fault.

      Ant. Guilty, implicated, blameworthy, faulty.


      Blanch. Bleach, whiten, whitewash.

      Ant. Blacken, stain, dye, darken, color.


      Bland. Soft, gentle, mild, affable, gracious, tender, benign, courteous, complaisant.

      Ant. Harsh, abrupt, rough, biting, savage, severe, impolite.


      Blandishment. Flattery, coaxing, fascination, wheedling, attraction, charm, fawning, cajolery.

      Ant. Bluntness, unmannerliness, roughness, scolding, severity, sternness.


      Blank. Bare, drear, bleak, void, empty; utter, pure, simple, mere, unqualified, unmitigated; amazed, astonished, confused, disconcerted.

      Ant. Full, replete; complex; modified, qualified; composed, controlled, self-possessed, cognizant, intelligent.


      Blasphemy. Profanity, sacrilege, impiety, swearing.

      Ant. Reverence, godliness, veneration.


      Blast. Shrivel, destroy, blight, kill, ruin, wither, annihilate; explode, rend, burst.

      Ant. Restore, expand, swell.


      Blazon. Exhibit, show off, blaze, blare, trumpet, proclaim, publish.

      Ant. Conceal, hush, cover, hide, suppress, shroud, bury.


      Bleach. Blanch, whiten.

      Ant. Blacken, darken, soil, stain.


      Bleak. Windy, exposed, bare; cold, chill, raw, desolate,

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