Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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with; at, on; from, according to; near, close by; past; along, over; before, in the sight of, in the name of; per, at.


      Cabal. Confederacy, conspiracy, conclave, combination, faction, crew, junto, gang, coterie, plot, political intrigue, league.


      Cadaverous. Bloodless, pallid, pale, wan, ghastly, deathlike, ashy.

      Ant. Rosy, blushing, sanguine, incarnadine.


      Cage, v. Imprison, immure, confine, incarcerate.

      Ant. Liberate, free, dismiss, unbar.


      Caitiff. Rascal, miscreant, villain, wretch, coward, sneak, traitor, scoundrel, vagabond.

      Ant. Gentleman, patriot, philanthropist.


      Cajole. Coax, wheedle, flatter, fawn upon, blandish; deceive, entrap, beguile, inveigle, impose upon.

      Ant. Scold, chide, warn.


      Calamitous. Disastrous, unfortunate, unlucky, adverse, untoward, deplorable, ruinous, inauspicious, wretched, distressing, grievous, ill-starred, troublous, hapless, ill-omened.

      Ant. Fortunate, auspicious, felicitous, propitious, favorable, advantageous.


      Calamity. Disaster, misfortune, catastrophe, mishap, trial, trouble, affliction, adversity, distress, hardship, ill luck, visitation.

      Ant. Blessing, boon, advantage, good fortune, benefaction.


      Calculate. Number, reckon, sum up, count, compute, account, estimate, enumerate, rate; consider, deem, apportion, investigate.

      Ant. Guess, risk, chance, conjecture, stake.


      Calculating. Wary, cautious, scheming, crafty, cool, hard, selfish; careful, circumspect, sagacious, farsighted.

      Ant. Shortsighted, improvident, rash, careless.


      Calculation. Reckoning, computation; expectation, anticipation, prospect; foresight, forethought, caution, wariness, discretion, prudence, deliberation.

      Ant. Omission, carelessness, imprudence, indiscretion, inconsideration.


      Caliber. Diameter, gage, capacity; faculty, scope, talent, ability, gifts, parts, endowment.

      Ant. Smallness, thinness; imbecility, incapacity, puerility.


      Call. Cry, bellow, clamor, ejaculate, scream, roar, shout, shriek, bawl, yell, exclaim, vociferate; invite, summon, send for, bid; assemble, convene, muster; elect, ordain, appoint; invoke, appeal to.

      Ant. Be silent, hush, list, listen, harken, be still; ignore; disperse; disdain, defy.


      Calm. Composed, peaceful, placid, quiet, still, tranquil, self-possessed, serene, undisturbed, dispassionate, sedate, collected, imperturbable, unruffled.

      Ant. Frantic, frenzied, passionate, furious, raging, stormy, violent, boisterous, agitated, excited, fierce, turbulent, wild, heated, wrathful, disturbed.


      Calumniate. Slander, traduce, defame, vilify, revile, asperse.

      Ant. Praise, commend, vindicate, laud, honor, eulogize; shield.


      Calumny. Slander, aspersion, defamation, detraction, abuse, obloquy.

      Ant. Vindication, justification; eulogy, panegyric.


      Camp. Encampment, bivouac.

      Cancel. Obliterate, scratch out, erase, efface, expunge, cross off; abolish, abrogate, nullify, annul, revoke, rescind, make void, repeal.

      Ant. Confirm, enact, perpetuate, approve, enforce, uphold, sustain, maintain, establish, record, write.


      Candid. Honest, open, straightforward, transparent, unbiased, artless, frank, guileless, ingenuous, naive, sincere, impartial, innocent, unprejudiced, aboveboard, simple, truthful, unsophisticated, fair.

      Ant. Deceitful, designing, foxy, sharp, shrewd, crafty, artful, sly, tricky, subtle, adroit, cunning, insincere, diplomatic, intriguing, wily.


      Candidate. Aspirant, solicitant, petitioner, canvasser, claimant, solicitor.

      Ant. Non-competitor; resigner, abandoner, abjurer.


      Canvass. Debate, discuss, dispute, agitate; examine, investigate, scrutinize, sift, study, consider; solicit votes from, apply for.

      Ant. Admit, pass, misexamine, allow, ignore, disregard.


      Capability. Capacity, ability, skill, power, competency, efficiency, caliber, force, faculty, scope, brains, talent.

      Ant. Dulness, inability, inaptitude, difficulty, awkwardness.


      Capacity. Space, magnitude, volume, dimensions, extent, size, tonnage, caliber; faculty, gift, talent, genius, competency, capability, discernment, cleverness, skill, aptitude; sphere, office, province, character, function.

      Ant. Restriction, narrowness, contractedness, incapacity; incompetency, inefficiency, inability.


      Capital, n. Metropolis; large letter; stock, sum invested; head of a column or pillar; mental, physical, or financial resources.


      Capital, a. Chief, principal, essential, leading, cardinal; fatal, forfeiting life; excellent, prime, first-class, first-rate, consummate, high, important.

      Ant. Subordinate, inferior, unimportant, minor; defective, mean.


      Capitulate. Surrender, yield, submit, stipulate.

      Ant. Resist, contend, struggle.


      Caprice. Vagary, freak, whim, fancy, crotchet.

      Ant. Purpose, plan, determination, conviction, seriousness.


      Capricious. Wayward, fanciful, freakish, whimsical, inconstant, uncertain, fitful, fickle, changeable.


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