Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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style="font-size:15px;">      SYN: Eager, vehement, sharp, piercing, penetrating, acute, cutting, biting, severe, sarcastic, satirical, ardent, prompt, shrewd.

      ANT: Indifferent, languid, blunt, dull, blind.


      KEY: Keep.

      SYN: Hold, restrain, retain, detain, guard, preserve, suppress, repress, conceal, tend, support, maintain, conduct, continue, obey, haunt, observe, frequent, celebrate, protect, adhere to, practise, binder, sustain.

      ANT: Release, acquit, liberate, send, dismiss, {[betrnj^]?}, neglect, divulge, discard, abandon, intermit, disobey, disregard, transgress, forsake, desert, {[oblivate]?}.


      KEY: Keeper, [See KEEP].


      KEY: Keeping.

      SYN: Care, guardianship, maintenance, custody, [See CARE].


      KEY: Keepsake.

      SYN: Souvenir, remembrancer, a gift of affection.


      KEY: Ken.

      SYN: View, survey, knowledge, cognizance.

      ANT: Oversight, ignorance, incognizance, inobservance, inexperience, discredulity.


      KEY: Kernel, [See CORK].


      KEY: Key.

      SYN: Clew, guide, explanation, solution, [See EXPLANATION].


      KEY: Kick.

      SYN: {[Oaloitrate]?}, rebel, resist, spurn.

      ANT: Caress, soothe, flatter, obey, yield.


      KEY: Kill.

      SYN: Slay, murder, assassinate, destroy, slaughter, butcher, immolate, massacre, deaden, put to death, despatch.

      ANT: Resuscitate, revivify, vivify, reanimate.


      KEY: Kin.

      SYN: Race, kindred, offspring, kind, family, sort, ilk, genus, kidney, class, relationship, consanguinity, kinsfolk, blood.

      ANT: Foreignership, strangership, disconnection, inaffinity, irrelation.


      KEY: Kind \n.\

      SYN: Style, character, {[laeriptkm]?}, designation, denomination, genus, species, sort, class, nature, set, breed.

      ANT: [See KIN], [See DISSIMILARITY].


      KEY: Kind \a.\

      SYN: Benevolent, benign, tender, indulgent, humane, clement, lenient, compassionate, gentle, good, gracious, forbearing, kind-hearted.

      ANT: Unkind, harsh, severe, cruel, hard, illiberal.


      KEY: Kindle.

      SYN: Light, ignite, excite, inflame.

      ANT: Extinguish, suppress, quench, allay, Kindness, [See KIND].


      KEY: Kindred \n.\ [See KIN].


      KEY: Kindred \a.\

      SYN: Congenial, allied, cogitate, akin, related.

      ANT: Uncongenial, unallied, unrelated.


      KEY: Kingdom.

      SYN: Empire, realm, dominion, sovereignty, monarchy.


      KEY: Kingly.

      SYN: Royal, regal, imperial, magnificent, noble.



      KEY: Knave.

      SYN: Hogue, cheat, rascal, villain, miscreant, scoundrel.

      ANT: True-penny, gentleman, innocent, dupe, simpleton, gull, oaf.


      KEY: Knavery, [See KNAVE].


      KEY: Knavish.

      SYN: Fraudulent, villainous, dishonest, [See HONEST].


      KEY: Knit, [See JOIN and INTERLACE].


      KEY: Knot.

      SYN: Tie, bond, intricacy, difficulty, perplexity, cluster, collection, band, group, protuberance, joint.

      ANT: Loosening, unfastening, dissolution, solution, explication, unravelling, dispersion, multitude, crowd, indentation, evenness, smoothness, cavity.


      KEY: Knotty.

      SYN: Tough, bard, difficult, complicated.

      ANT: Plain, simple, easy, obvious.


      KEY: Know.

      SYN: Perceive, understand, comprehend, recognize, apprehend, distinguish, [See PERCEIVE].


      KEY: Knowing.

      SYN: Shrewd, {[-instate]?}, discerning, sharp, acute, sagacious, penetrating, proficient, skillful, intelligent, experienced, well-informed, accomplished.

      ANT: Simple, dull, innocent, gullible, undiscerning, stolid, {[siuy]?}.


      KEY: Knowledge.

      SYN: Apprehension, comprehension, recognition, understanding, conversance, experience, acquaintance, familiarity, cognizance, notice, information, instruction, [See {le*i–'-ing]?} ]?}], enlightenment, scholarship, attainments, acquirements.

      ANT: Misapprehension, inobservance, incomprehension, misunderstanding, misconception, inconversance, inexperience, ignorance, unfamiliarity, incognizance, misinformation, deception, misinstruction, uneducatedness, untutoredness, rudeness, illiterateness.


      KEY: Labor.

      SYN: Work,

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