Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z - Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

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style="font-size:15px;">      KEY: Leader.

      SYN: Chief, director, guide, pioneer, head.

      ANT: Follower.


      KEY: Leading, [See LEAD].


      KEY: League.

      SYN: Bond, combination, alliance, compact, confederacy, union, coalition, confederation.

      ANT: Dissolution, disconnection, neutrality, secession, disunion, disruption, alienation, divorce.


      KEY: Leak, [See OOZE].


      KEY: Lean \v.\

      SYN: Incline, rest, support, tend, bend, depend, hang, repose, confide, slope.

      ANT: Stabilitate, erect, re-erect, raise, rise, straighten.


      KEY: Lean \a.\

      SYN: Meagre, lank, tabid, emaciated, shrivelled, bony, thin, scraggy, skinny, slender, scanty.

      ANT: Fat, brawny, plump, well-conditioned.


      KEY: Leaning.

      SYN: Tendency, inclination, proclivity, propensity, partiality, bias, liking.

      ANT: Avoidance, aversion, repugnance, loathing.


      KEY: Leap.

      SYN: Jump, bound, bounce, spring, vault, hop.

      ANT: Plunge, dip, dive, duck, walk.


      KEY: Learn.

      SYN: Acquire, attain, imbibe, collect, glean, understand, gather.

      ANT: Lose, forget, teach, instruct.


      KEY: Learned.

      SYN: Conversant, erudite, read, skilled, scholarly, literary, knowing, well-informed, versed.

      ANT: Inconversant, illiterate, ignorant, unlearned, unscholarly.


      KEY: Learner.

      SYN: Tyro, novice, pupil, student, beginner, scholar, disciple, catechumen.

      ANT: Teacher, master, professor, adept, authority.


      KEY: Learning.

      SYN: Knowledge, erudition, literature, lore, letters, acquirements, attainments, scholarship, education, tuition, culture.

      ANT: Ignorance, boorishness, it, literiteness, emptiness, sciolism, intuition, revelation, inspiration.


      KEY: Least.

      SYN: Smallest, lowest, meanest, last.

      ANT: Greatest, highest, first, {[nuiin]?}, principal.


      KEY: Leave \v.\ [See ABANDON and BEQUEATH].


      KEY: Leave \n.\

      SYN: Liberty, permission, license, concession.

      ANT: Restriction, prohibition, prevention, inhibition, refusal.


      KEY: Legal.

      SYN: Legitimate, lawful, allowable, juridical, constitutional.

      ANT: Illegal, illegitimate, unlawful, unallowable, lay, unconstitutional.


      KEY: Legend.

      SYN: Myth, fable, marvellous story, fiction.

      ANT: History, fact, actual occurrence.


      KEY: Legible.

      SYN: Plain, decipherable, well-written, calligraphic.

      ANT: Obscure, undecipherable, illwritten, illegible, cabalistic, cryptographic.


      KEY: Legitimate.

      SYN: Allowable, normal, fair, licit, real, genuine, fairly deduced, lawfully begotten.

      ANT: Illegitimate, unallowable, unfair, illicit.


      KEY: Leisure.

      SYN: Freedom, vacation, opportunity, convenience, ease, quiet, retirement, spare time, unoccupied time.

      ANT: Constraint, employment, occupation, distraction, labor, bustle, toil, business, absorption, engagement.


      KEY: Leisurely.

      SYN: Easy, deliberate, sauntering.

      ANT: Eager, hurried, precipitate, rapid, expeditious.


      KEY: Lend.

      SYN: Advance, loan, grant, afford, present.

      ANT: Resume, retract, appropriate, retain, withhold, refuse.


      KEY: Lengthen.

      SYN: Elongate, stretch out, prolong, [See EXTEND].


      KEY: Lengthy.

      SYN: Diffuse, prolix, tedious, long-drawn, verbose.

      ANT: Concise, compendious, curt, short, brief, laconic, compact, condensed, succinct.


      KEY: Lenient, [See MILD and KIND].


      KEY: Lenitive.

      SYN: Palliative, initiative, soothing.

      ANT: Inflammatory, exaggerative, provocative, aggravating, Irritant, exasperating.


      KEY: Lenity, [See KINDNESS].


      KEY: Lentous, [See GELATINOUS].



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