Исторический словарь английских синонимов и антонимов. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
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ANT: Indolence, ease, inactivity, facility, skill, recreation, rest, refreshment.
KEY: Labored.
SYN: Elaborate, studied, carefully wrought.
ANT: Not elaborate, unstudied, easy, off hard.
KEY: Laborer.
SYN: Workman, workingman, employe, operative, breadwinner, hand.
ANT: Employer.
KEY: Laborious.
SYN: Assiduous, diligent, painstaking, indefatigable, arduous, burdensome, toilsome, wearisome, industrious, hard-working, active, difficult, tedious.
ANT: Idle, indiligent, lazy, indolent, easy, facile, light, feasible, simple.
KEY: Labyrinth.
SYN: Maze, complexity, bewilderment, involution, perplexity, inexplicable, difficulty.
ANT: Clue, explication, elimination, enucleation.
KEY: Lace, [See BIND].
KEY: Lacerate, [See TEAR].
KEY: Lack \n.\
SYN: Failure, scarcity, deficiency, want, need, demand, insufficiency.
ANT: Fulness, abundance, sufficiency, satisfaction, supply, competence.
KEY: Lack \v.\
SYN: Want, require, need, be destitute of.
ANT: Supply, have abundance of.
KEY: Laconic.
SYN: Terse, curt, epigrammatic.
ANT: Prolix, wordy, tedious, prosy, garrulous, circumlocutory, loquacious.
KEY: Lade, [See LOAD].
KEY: Laden, [See LOAD].
KEY: Lading, [See LOAD].
KEY: Lag.
SYN: Loiter, linger, saunter, dally, tarry, Idle.
ANT: Press, hasten, speedup, hurry, stir.
KEY: Laggard.
SYN: Loiterer, saunterer, dawdler, slow goer, sluggard.
ANT: One moving quickly.
KEY: laical.
SYN: Secular, non-libel, civil, temporal.
ANT: Clerical, legal, ministerial, ecclesiastical, sacerdotal, priestly, canonical, spiritual, Lull.
KEY: Laity, [See CLERGYMAN].
KEY: Lame.
SYN: Weak, faltering, hobbling, hesitating, ineffective, impotent, crippled, halt, defective, imperfect.
ANT: Robust, agile, potent, efficient, satisfactory, cogent, convincing, tolling, effective.
KEY: Lament.
SYN: Deplore, mourn, bewail, regret, grieve for, bemoan, wail for.
ANT: Welcome, hall.
KEY: Land.
SYN: Plant, place, fix.
ANT: Extricate, {[rt-iiiovu]?}, disestablish, upset.
KEY: Language.
SYN: Speech, talk, conversation, dialect, discourse, tongue, diction, phraseology, articulation, accents, vernacular, expression.
ANT: Jargon, jabber, gibberish, babel, gabble, cry, whine, bark, howl, roar, &c, obmutescence, dumbness, muteness, inarticulateness, speechless ness.
KEY: Languid.
SYN: Faint, weary, feeble, unnerved, unbraced, pining, drooping, enervated, exhausted, flagging, spiritless.
ANT: Strong, healthy, robust, rigorous, active, braced.
KEY: Languish.
SYN: Pine, droop, sink, faint, wither, sigh, decline.
ANT: Flourish, luxuriate, bloom, prosper, thrive.
KEY: Languor.
SYN: Lassitude, weariness, weakness.
ANT: Strength, vigor, freshness, energy, lithesomeness.
KEY: Lank.
SYN: Lean, loose, slender, slim, long, lax, rawboned.
ANT: Plump, short, full, rounded, crisp, curled.
KEY: Lapse.
SYN: Gliding, falling, flow, onflow, flux, progress, escheatment, devolution, reversion, elapsing.
ANT: Stability, uprightness, stationariness, fixture, arrestation, stoppage, retention, inheritance, possession.
KEY: Large.
SYN: Big, bulky, extensive, abundant, capacious, ample, liberal, comprehensive, enlightened, catholic, great, vast, wide.
ANT: Small, mean, narrow, circumscribed, contracted, scanty, illiberal, niggardly, bigoted, petty, sordid.
KEY: Lascivious.
SYN: Lustful, libidinous, lewd, lecherous, wanton.
ANT: Pure, chaste, continent.