Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов. С. Ю. Дмитриева

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Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов - С. Ю. Дмитриева

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style="font-size:15px;">      • What made him (her) choose this profesion;

      • His (her) interests;

      • His (her) favourite subjects;

      • Difficult subject(s) for him.

Text 1 Timiryasev Agricultural Academy

      Timiryasev Agricultural Academy was founded in 1865 as Petrovskaya Academy. It is one of the oldest academies in Russia. In the 19th century only 300-400 students studied there. Now the number of students has increased to 3000. Many of them come from villages.

      The teaching staff includes high-skilled teachers, assistant professors and professors. Scientists of the academy are well-known not only in Russia but in the whole world of agricultural science. There are five faculties in the academy:

      – the faculty of agronomy;

      – the faculty of economics;

      – the faculty of zoo engineering;

      – the faculty of horticulture;

      – the faculty of agro-chemistry.

      In the academy there is an extra-mural department. Not only teachers but many students are engaged in research. They investigate many interesting fields in agriculture: poultry-farming, horse-raising, protected plant-breeding, medicinal plants, agricultural economics and many others.

      There are spacious lecture halls, laboratories, a big library, reading-rooms, a computer center in the academy. The students have a good opportunity to study foreign languages because there are well-equipped laboratories for English, German and French there.

      Exercise 1. Scan the text and understand its contents.

      Exercise 2. Find English equivalents for the following terms in the text:

      садоводство, птицеводство, разведение парниковых культур, лекарственные растения, коневодство.

      Exercise 3. Arrange the items of the plan in the correct order.


      I Research Activities

      II The Foundation

      III The Faculties

      IV The Teaching Staff

      V Lecture Halls and Laboratories

       Exercise 4. In pairs, agree or disagree with the statements:

      a) Moscow Timiryasev Agricultural Academy is older than my institute.

      b) There are four faculties in Timiryasev academy.

      c) About 4000 students study at the academy.

      d) There is no extra-mural department in the academy.

      e) Professors and teachers are engaged in research.

      Use the speech patterns:

      – You are right. – Вы правы.

      – You are mistaken. – Вы ошибаетесь.

      – On the contrary. – Напротив.

      – You are right to a certain extent. – Отчасти, Вы правы.

Text 2 Penza State Agricultural Academy

      Penza State Agricultural Academy was founded in 1951 as an agricultural institute. Since 1995 it has had the status of an academy. Now it is a large-scale institution of higher education and the centre of agricultural science in Penza region.

      The academy is headed by the rector. The types of activities are:

      1) teaching;

      2) research;

      3) close cooperation with different farms of Penza region in agricultural production.

      There are four faculties in the academy: the faculty of agronomy, the faculty of engineering, the technological faculty and the faculty of economics. About 4000 students study at the full-time and extra-mural departments. More than 200 lecturers work at the academy, among them are doctors of sciences and professors.

      The course of studies at the academy lasts five years. The academic year starts in September and ends in June. Classes start at eight o’clock in the morning. Every day the students have three or four double-periods. They take their examinations twice a year. The curriculum includes theoretical studies of special subjects and social sciences and practical training. During the semesters students attend lectures, tutorials, carry out laboratory tests, do practical work.

      The students actively participate in the scientific, sport and public life of the academy: they take part in conferences, sport contests, foreign language competitions, concerts. Many students receive grants.

      Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

      Exercise 2. Make up a plan to the text.

      Exercise 3. Answer the questions.

      1) When was Penza agricultural academy founded?

      2) Who is the head of the academy?

      3) What are the types of activities?

      4) What faculties are there in the academy?

      5) What specialists does the teaching staff include?

      6) Is there an extra-mural department in the academy?

      7) How long does the course of studies last?

      8) How many double-periods do the students have every day?

      9) What do the students do during the semesters?

      10) How do students participate in the scientific, public and sport life?

       Exercise 4. In pairs, act out a conversation between students of the two academies (see Texts 1, 2).

       Exercise 5. Make a report about your institute.


      1) I study at …

      2) My institute ( academy, university) was founded in …

      3) It trains specialists in the sphere of …

      4) There are … faculties in … They are…

      5) It is headed by …

      6) … students

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