Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов. С. Ю. Дмитриева

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Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов - С. Ю. Дмитриева

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[΄forin] languages [΄læŋgwiʤiz] – иностранные языки

      30. grant [gra: nt] – стипендия

      31. science [΄saiəns] – наука

      32. knowledge [΄noliʤ] – знание

      33. to be founded [΄faundid] – быть основаным

      34. post-graduate [΄pəust΄grædjuit] – аспирант

      35. to take an examination [ig΄zæmi΄nei∫ (ə)n] – сдавать экзамен

      36. to pass an examination – сдать (выдержать) экзамен

      37. to make a report [ri΄po:t] – готовить доклад

      38. to attend [ə΄tend] – посещать

      39. to participate [pa:΄tisipeit] – участвовать

      40. to take part in… – принимать участие в …

      41. to receive [ri΄si: v] – получать

      42. to include [in΄klu:d] – включать

      43. entrance [΄entrəns] exams [ig΄zæmz] – вступительные экзамены

      44. subject [΄s٨bʤikt] – предмет

      45. term [tə:m] – семестр

      46. applicant [΄æplikənt] – абитуриент

Days of the Week

      Monday – on Monday; Tuesday – on Tuesday; Wednesday – on Wednesday; Thursday – on Thursday; Friday – on Friday; Saturday – on Saturday; Sunday – on Sunday

Word-building exercise

      Read the nouns and translate them. Pay attention to the suffixes.

      Scientist, doctor, teacher, brother, rector, professor, computer, attachment, depth, measurement, division, production, function, development, mathematics, session.

      Task 4. Make up sentences.

      Task 5. Make up pairs of synonyms.

      Curriculum, teacher, research, chair, plan of studies, lesson, lecturer, take part in, department, be engaged in, appreciate, scientific study, informatics, computer studies, value, double-period.

      Task 6. Find the most general word in each chain.

      1) mathematics, history, subject, English.

      2) research, practical-training, laboratory work, activity.

      3) sport, public life, dancing, students concert, reading, music, disco.

       Task 7. In pairs, act out and translate the dialogues.

      a) – Why, Paul! What a pleasant surprise!

      – Hello, Mike. This is a small world! Now I am a first-year student of …

      – Let me guess. Are you a student of the faculty of engineering?

      – No, I’m not.

      – Technological faculty?

      – You’re mistaken again.

      – Oh, yes. You study at the faculty of economics.

      – Right you are.

      – My best congratulations!

      – Thanks.

      b) – Excuse me.

      – Yes, What can I do for you?

      – Where is the dean’s office?

      – Which faculty?

      – The faculty of agronomy.

      – It is on the first floor to the right.

      – Thank you

      – Don’t mention it.

      c) – How many double periods do you have a day?

      – Let me see … On Monday and Friday we have three double periods, on

      – Wednesday – five, the rest of the week – four double periods.

      – Do you study on Saturday?

      – No.

      d) – What is your favourite subject?

      – It is difficult to say. I like mathematics, informatics, English and some other subjects.

      – Are you good at chemistry?

      – Not very good, but I find it rather interesting.

      – I see.

      e) – Hi, Nick! I haven’t seen you at the University for a while. What’s the matter?

      – You see, Mike, now I am a student of the extra-mural department.

      – Really?

      – I work and study. I’ve got married.

      – Glad to hear it. Is your wife a student?

      – Yes, she is.

      Task 8. Find English equivalents for the following phrases in the dialogues:

      – Трудно сказать.

      – Понятно.

      – Рад за тебя (слышать об этом).

      – Что случилось?

      – Как тесен мир!

      – Мои сердечные поздравления!

      – Дай подумать.

      – Не стоит благодарности.


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