Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов. С. Ю. Дмитриева

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Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов - С. Ю. Дмитриева

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вынужден поехать туда ( должен вместо Н., который заболел ).

have, have+got, do+have1

      Форма have без got и do сохраняется в устной и письменной формах официально-делового стиля. Например:

      Have you an appointment?

      Однако неосложненное have постепенно вытесняется формами с got и do.


      Have you got the money? ( обладание)

      Do you have the money?

      I’ve got a new car.

      She hasn’t got a car.

      He has got a brother. ( родственные отношения)

Устойчивые сочетания на основе глагола have

      I have ( got) a cold. – Я простудился.

      He has an appointment. – У него назначена встреча.

      He has a lesson. – У него занятие.

      He has breakfast ( dinner, lunch, …) at 7. – Он завтракает в 7.

      to have a swim ( a bath, a shave, a sleep, a day off, a nice evening, a walk, a shower, a rest, a dream, a holiday)

      She has a baby. – У нее родился ребенок.

      I’ve got an idea. – У меня есть идея.

      Вопросы с этими сочетаниями бывают только с do, did.

      Eg. Did you have a good holiday?

      Exercise 1. Use: am, is, are.

      1) He … a student. 2) You … French. 3) I … a teacher. 4) It … a car. 5) Nick … from Glasgow. 6) Ann … a doctor. 7) We … to go there. 8) He … sleeping now. 9) We … in Moscow now. 10) They … invited to the party. 11) Ann … to learn the poem.

      Exercise 2. Use: have (got), has (got).

      1) We … many relatives in Moscow. 2) They … to study many subjects. 3) She … a good computer. 4) I … done the work. 5) Linda … a brother. 6) David and Mike … to correct all their mistakes. 7) Nick … to water plants. 8) I … a good day.

      Exercise 3. Use: do, does.

      1) … you like this book? 2) We … this work together. 3)You … not play tennis. – But I … 4) He … his work on time. 5) Julia and Ann … like my cooking! 6) My brother … not want to live in a noisy street. 7) His dog … not play with mine.

      Exercise 4. Use: I, you, he, she, it, we, they. Sometimes several variants are possible.

      1) … am speaking now. 2) Where are Kate and Jane? … are playing volleyball in the park. 3) … don’t like rain. … brings me in a bad mood. 4) … is not late. … is on time. 5) What color is your new car? – … is white. 6) … have to work in the garden today. 7) … am to stay at home on Sunday. 8) … are to go to Moscow this week. Are … going with us? 9) Mary is playing the piano. … is a good musician.

      Exercise 5. Point out the functions of the verbs to be, to have, to do. Translate the sentences.

      1) I don’t play chess well. 2) He is an engineer. 3) She has to work this Saturday. 4) We have got a new car. It is blue. 5) Pete is in London. He is to make a report about an agricultural exhibition. 6) Sorry, we are late. 7) They did win all the matches! 8) Why don’t you visit him? 9) He doesn’t do his work. He is in hospital. 10) We have to correct this mistake immediately. 11) Her car is broken. 12) Thanks for everything – we had a great time. 13) Have you ever had your own business? 14) She didn’t pay cash, did she? 15) Let’s have a look at it.

      Exercise 6. Translate the sentences.

      1) Он не инженер. Он студент. 2) Нам придётся сделать это самим. 3) – Вы делаете утреннюю зарядку каждый день? – Да. 4) – Что она сейчас делает? – Она рисует. 5) – Где ваша машина? – Она в гараже. 6) – У него есть брат? – Нет, у него есть сестра. 7) Тебе предстоит поехать туда. 8) Как у тебя дела? – Хорошо, спасибо. 9) Кто она по профессии? – Повар. 10) – Ты не любишь зиму. – Очень люблю. 11) Она действительно учится водить машину ( to drive a car ).

      Exercise 7. Some sentences are wrong. Correct them.

      1) I had a garden big near my house.

      2) She have a new neighbour.

      3) Their house are not very large.

      4) We always do our work well and in time.

      5) We are to cook dinner.

      6) He has to stay at home yesterday.

      7) Lived I at the hotel.

      8) It is cold, is it?

      9) Baltimore is not far from Washington.

      10) Be quiet!

      11) You knows as much as I do.

      12) Who has eaten all the grapes?

      LESSON 2

      Task 1. Answer the questions.

      1) Do you live with your family?

      2) Is your family large?

      3) How many people are there in your family? Who are they?

      4) Do you have any brothers or sisters?

      5) Who is the youngest in your family?

      6) Who

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Новое в грамматике современного английского языка Г.А. Вейхман, Москва, «Астрель», 2002