Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов. С. Ю. Дмитриева

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Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов - С. Ю. Дмитриева

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What do you look like?

      Use the words to describe a person:

      A girl (a woman): nice, pretty, long/short-haired, fair/dark-haired, blonde, blue/brown-eyed, slim, fat, long-legged, a pleasant smile, is wearing jeans, goodlooking, pleasant, kind, beautiful.

      A man: young, handsome, strong, well-built, tall/short, dark/fair-haired, has brown eyes, a big (small, straight) nose, short-cut hair, curly hair.

Text 1 Communication

      We can communicate with other people in many different ways. We can talk and write, and we can send messages with our hands and faces. There is also the phone (including the mobile!), the fax and e-mail. Television, film, painting, and photography can also communicate ideas.

      Developing good communication skills is an important part of living a fulfilled life (полноценная жизнь) because:

      • The average worker spends 50 percent of his or her time communicating.

      • Business success is 85 percent dependent on effective communication and interpersonal skills (способность строить отношения и взаимопонимание с людьми).

      • Forty-five percent of time spent communicating is listening.

      • Writing represents nine percent of communication time.

      • One-fourth of all workplace mistakes are the result of poor communication.

      No matter (независимо от) what your age, background, or experience, effective communication is a skill you can learn.

      Obviously, it is impossible to tell someone how to have a conversation, but here are some things that help:

      • Ask questions.

      • Show that you are interested.

      • Don’t just answer yes or no.

      • Try to add a comment of your own.

      • Don’t let the conversation stop.

      Exercise. 1. Scan the text.

      Exercise 2. Here is the plan. Is it true?

      I Ways of communication

      II Importance of communication

      III Having a conversation

      Exercise 3. Choose the best answer.

      – Hello, what’s your name?

      a) Mary. b) Mary. And what’s your name?

      – What a lovely day, isn’t it?

      a) Oh, yes. I like such weather. What kind of weather do you like? b) Hmm, I don’t know.

      – Where are you from?

      a) Moscow. b) I come from Moscow, one of the busiest cities of the world. And what about you?

      – Are you having a good time?

      a) Hmm, yes. b) Yes, I meet a lot of people and see wonderful places.

       Exercise 4. Write your tips to improve conversations within other people.


      Introduce yourself and your friend.

PHONETICS Правила чтения гласных в ударном слоге Открытый слог

      Открытый слог оканчивается на гласную или на согласную, за которой следует немая гласная «е». Как правило, в таком слоге гласная читается так же как в алфавите.

      Exercise 1. Read the words correctly.

      a) date, lake, safe, make, take, state, plane, wave, frame, plate, mis΄take.

      b) me, he, we, be, she, eve, Pete, these, theme.

      c) I, hi, mine, wife, time, de΄fine, wine, like, dis΄like, a΄live, in΄vite, five,

      d) no, go, home, alone, close, slope, note, ago, rose, hope, wrote, spoke, zone, pole.

      e) use, re΄fuse, mule, tune, tube, ΄human, ΄student, super, a΄cute, June.

      f) my, sky, why, try, type, cycle, fly, rely, apply, supp΄ly, dry, dyne, style.

      !!! Remember: have [hæv], give [giv], some [s٨m], come [k٨m], live [liv], do [du:], two [tu:].

Закрытый слог

      При закрытом положении слог оканчивается на одну или более согласных ( кроме r) в односложных словах, или за ударной гласной следуют две или более согласных ( кроме r) в многосложных словах. Все гласные в таком положении читаются кратко.

      !!! Remember: Буква o перед m, n, th, v передаёт звук [٨]. e. g. London, Monday, son, front, month, another, mother, love, brother.

      Буква u в словах: pull, full, put, push читается как [u]

      Exercise 2. Read the words correctly.

      a) map, sat, sad, stand, lamp, happy, apple, cat, fat, plan, bag, land, as, man, battle.

      b) desk, net, next, bed, fed, red, men, ten, left, melt, send, sent, smell, best, end.

      c) tip, lip, miss, will, fit, this, slim, disk, differ, win, clip, since, resist, sit, pick.

      d) crop, stop, fodder, cross, on, not, pot, lot, got, offer, spot, hot, lock, dog, fog, log.

      e) up, plus, cut, sun, be΄gun, bus, must, butter, bulb, pulse, number, re΄sult, ΄hundred.

      !!! f) have, love, come, some, glove, dove, mother, pull, push, full, put, monk.

      Чтение гласных в сочетании с “r”

      !!! Remember w+ar [o: ] war, ward

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