Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов. С. Ю. Дмитриева

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Английский язык для студентов сельскохозяйственных вузов - С. Ю. Дмитриева

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so many questions at once. My son, Alec, is eleven and he is fond of computer games.

      b) – Is your family large?

      – Not very large. There are four of us: my wife, my two children and I.

      – How old are your children?

      – My son is fourteen and my daughter is twenty.

      – What do they do?

      – My son is a schoolboy. My daughter is a student.

      – I see.

      c) – Do you often see the Browns?

      – Yes, I do.

      – What do they do?

      – Mr Brown is a doctor and works at the hospital all day.

      – And what about his wife, Mrs Brown?

      – Oh, she isn’t working now. She has a baby.

      – I see.

      d) – Hi, Mary! Is your son at home?

      – Yes, he is. What’s the matter?

      – I want to introduce him to my daughter.

      – Really? And what does she like doing?

      – Well, she likes dancing, singing songs, and going to parties…

      – Oh, my son doesn’t like dancing, he doesn’t sing songs and he doesn’t like going out.

      – And what does he like then?

      – He’s fond of reading, cooking, and working in the garden.

       Task 10. In pairs, act out a conversation about your families.

Тext 1 My Family

      Let me introduce myself. My name is Philip Stanley. I am 40. I am a doctor. I work at a hospital in Liverpool. Liverpool is the biggest city in Lancashire. I like my work very much. I am married. My wife’s name is Linda. She is 32. She is kind and beautiful. She is a teacher at school. Our hobby is working in the garden. Our daughter Nora is 12. She is a schoolgirl. She looks like her mother and takes after her mother in character. Her hobby is dancing.

      My parents are farmers. They have got a farm not far from the city. They breed pigs. But best of all they like roses. They have to work from morning till night. I have got many relatives: uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews. We often get together at our parents’ house.

      Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

       Exercise 2. In pairs, agree or disagree with the following statements:

      Use the phrases: You are right (to a certain extent). – Вы правы ( отчасти ).

      You are mistaken. – Вы ошибаетесь.

      1) Philip Stanley is a farmer.

      2) He lives in the biggest city of Lancashire.

      3) He is married and has got a son.

      4) Linda is a doctor.

      5) Linda’s hobby is dancing.

      6) Their parents’ farm is far from the city.

      7) They breed pigs and rabbits.

      8) They are a close family.

       Exercise 3. Complete the chart with information about Philip’s family.

       Exercise 4. Tell your groupmates about your family.


       In groups, discuss the following: 1) the advantages and disadvantages of growing up in a large (small) family; 2) your idea of a close family 3) the head of the family; 4) “generation gap”.


      To my mind (по-моему); it is difficult to say (трудно сказать); to help each other (помогать друг другу); to get together at one’s parents’ house (собираться в доме родителей); the parents’ attention (родительское внимание); more financial support (больше финансовой поддержки); to receive better education (получить лучшее образование); to feel lonely (чувствовать себя одиноким); to be a burden for smb. (быть обузой); to respect (уважать); to be economical (быть экономным); to earn more money (зарабатывать больше денег); to keep house (вести домашнее хозяйство); to have a strong character (обладать сильным характером); to be a reliable person (быть надёжным человеком).

       Задание на аудирование

      Прослушайте текст (Unit 1 Text 1 “My Biography”) дважды и постарайтесь понять его содержание. Выполните предложенные задания.

      1) Finish up the sentences.

      My name is …

      My surname is …

      I was born in …

      But now I live in …

      My family consists of … people. They are …

      I am a student of … My future specialization is …

      My hobbies are …

      2) Which of the following statements are false?

      He was born in spring.

      He was born in a small town.

      Now they live in Samara.

      His mother is a bookkeeper.

      He has got an elder sister. He is a first-year student.

      His future profession is connected with automobiles.

      English is one of his favourite subjects.

      3) Make

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