Basic literary translation. Е. Д. Андреева

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Basic literary translation - Е. Д. Андреева

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being firmly fixed to the hole in the nut, could not take part in the expression; but he endeavoured to make up for this by winking at us excessively with his right eye. At length he stopped, and, drawing a long breath, exclaimed –

      “Nectar! Perfect nectar! I say, Jack, you’re a Briton – the best fellow I ever met in my life. Only taste that!” said he, turning to me and holding the nut to my mouth.

      Extract 3.

      “Oh! don’t stop him from speaking, Jack,” said Peterkin, who, now that his fears for my safety were removed, busied himself in erecting a shelter of broken branches in order to protect me from the wind; which, however, was almost unnecessary, for the rock beside which I had been laid completely broke the force of the gale. “Let him speak, Jack; it’s a comfort to hear that he’s alive, after lying there stiff and white and sulky for a whole hour, just like an Egyptian mummy. Never saw such a fellow as you are, Ralph; always up to mischief. You’ve almost knocked out all my teeth and more than half choked me, and now you go shamming dead! It’s very wicked of you, indeed it is.”

From “The Coral Island”, by R.M. Ballantyne

      3 . Compare the original and its translation. Define means of translation used by the translator.

From “Lord of the Flies”, by W. Golding

      4 . Translate the following sentences paying attention to the hyperboles and understatements. Explain what means of translation you have used.

      1. The water was warmer then his blood and he might have been swimming in a huge bath [32].

      2. Clouds of birds rose from the tree-tops, and something squealed and ran in the undergrowth [32].

      3. I bet you can hear that for miles [32].

      4. Here, the roots and stems of creepers were in such tangles that the boys had to thread through them like pliant needles [32].

      5. Round the castles was a complex of marks, tracks, walls, railway lines, that were of significance only if inspected with the eye at beach-level [32].

      6. Like a myriad of tiny teeth in a saw, the transparencies came scavenging over the beach [32].

      7. “There was lashings of blood”, said Jack, laughing and shuddering, “you should have seen it!” [32].

      8. My daddy says there’s things, what d’you call ’em that make ink-squids – that are hundreds of yards long and eat whales whole [32].

      9. Jack’s face went so white that the freckles showed as clear, brown flecks [32].

      10. He was surrounded on all sides by chasms of empty air [32].

      11. Soon, in a matter of centuries, the sea would make an island of the castle [32].

      12. Now he saw the landsman’s view of the swell and it seemed like the breathing of some stupendous creature [32].

      13. A steady current of heated air rose all day from the mountain and was thrust to ten thousand feet; revolving masses of gas piled up the static until the air was ready to explode [32].

      14. There was only one other rock up there that they might conceivably move; but that was half as big as a cottage, big as a car, a tank [32].

      15. Perhaps he can hear my heart over the noises of the fire [32].

      16. Peterkin immediately put them on, but they were so large that, as Jack said, they would have done for boots, trousers, and vest too [28].

      5 . Translate the following sentences paying attention to the hyperboles and understatements. Explain what means of translation you have used.

      1. А съевши один апельсин, я должен было сознаться, что хороших апельсинов до этой минуты никогда не ел [26].

      2. Улицы так длины, что конца нет: версты две и более [26].

      3. Вероятно, эти деревья ровесники местечку, а оно старше почти всех других в колонии <…> [26].

      4. Мы застали уже накрытый стол <…>. Чего только не было наставлено на столе: это лавочка съестных припасов [26].

      5. Я познакомился с ними, и мы пошли за город, к мосту, через мост по полю, и уже темным вечером, почти ощупью, воротились в город [26].

      6. Эти шесть миль, которые мы ехали с доктором, большею частью по побочным дорогам, были истинным истязанием, несмотря на живописные овраги и холмы: дорогу размыло дождем, так что по горам образовались глубокие рытвины, и экипажи наши не катились, а перескакивали через них [26].

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