Европа. Борьба за господство. Брендан Симмс

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Fürbringer, Necessitas und libertas. Staatsbildung und Landstände im 17. Jahrhundert in Brandenburg (Frankfurt, 1985), passim (quotations pp. 56, 67 and 162–3).


      F. L. Carsten, ‘The resistance of Cleves and Mark to the despotic policy of the Great Elector’, The English Historical Review, LXVI, 259 (1951), pp. 219–41, especially pp. 223–4 and 232 on the foreign policy link.


      Ferdinand Grönebaum, Frankreich in Ost – und Nordeuropa. Die französisch-russischen Beziehungen von 1648–1689 (Wiesbaden, 1968), especially pp. 32–3.


      Peter Burke, The fabrication of Louis XIV (New Haven, 1992).


      Georges Livet, ‘Louis XIV and the Germanies’, in Ragnhild Hatton (ed.), Louis XIV and Europe (London and Basingstoke, 1976), pp. 60–81, especially pp. 62–3.


      Quoted in Andrew Lossky, Louis XIV and the French monarchy (New Brunswick, NJ, 1994), p. 129.


      Guy Rowlands, The dynastic state and the army under Louis XIV. Royal service and private interest, 1661–1701 (Cambridge, 2002).


      Стратегическая мотивация: Leslie Tuttle, Conceiving the old regime. Pronatalism and the politics of reproduction in Early Modern France (Oxford, 2010), p. 7.


      John A. Lynn, Giant of the Grand Siècle. The French army, 1610–1715 (Cambridge, 1997), especially pp. 595–609.


      William Beik, Absolutism and society in seventeenth-century France. State power and provincial aristocracy in Languedoc (Cambridge, 1985), pp. 150–51 and 156–7, and Bailey Stone, The genesis of the French Revolution. A global-historical interpretation (Cambridge, 1994), p. 58. The quotations range from the 1630s to the 1690s.


      Название одной из высших должностей в Соединенных провинциях, дававшей право, в частности, от имени Генеральных штатов вести переговоры с иноземными послами и министрами. Примеч. ред.


      Writing in 1673, quoted in Klaus Malettke, Frankreich, Deutschland und Europa im 17 und 18. Jahrhundert. Beiträge zum Ein uss französischer politischer Theorie, Verfassung und Aussenpolitik in der Frühen Neuzeit (Marburg, 1994), p. 311.


      О влиянии внешнего давления на работу сейма: Anton Schindling, Die Anfänge des immerwährenden Reichstags zu Regensburg. Ständevertretung und Staatskunst nach dem Westfälischen Frieden (Mainz, 1991), pp. 53–5, 68–90 and 229–30.


      Wout Troost, ‘“To restore and preserve the liberty of Europe”. William III’s ideas on foreign policy’, in David Onnekink and Gijs Rommelse (eds.), Ideology and foreign policy in Early Modern Europe (1650–1750) (Farn – ham, 2011), pp. 283–304 (German context pp. 288–9).


      О важности Нидерландов и Германии для испанской стратегии: Christopher Storrs, The resilience of the Spanish monarchy, 1665–1700 (Oxford, 2006), pp. 14 and 113–14. Аннексия Франш-Конте: Darryl Dee, Expansion and crisis in Louis XIV’s France. Franche-Comté and absolute monarchy, 1674–1715 (Rochester, NY, and Woodbridge, 2009).


      Sonja Schultheiss-Heinz, ‘Contemporaneity in 1672–1679: the Paris Gazette, the London Gazette, and the Teutsche Kriegs-Kurier (1672–1679)’, in Brendan Dooley (ed.), The dissemination of news and the emergence of contemporaneity in Early Modern Europe (Farnham, 2010), pp. 115–36.


      Об английских политических памфлетах: Tony Claydon, Europe and the making of England, 1660–1760 (Cambridge, 2007), pp. 220–25. Германия: Erich Everth, Die Öffentlichkeit in der Aussenpolitik von Karl V. bis Napoleon (Jena, 1931), pp. 155–7.


      Alexander Schmidt, ‘Ein französischer Kaiser? Die Diskussion um die Nationalität des Reichsoberhauptes im 17. Jahrhundert’, Historisches Jahrbuch, 123 (2003), pp. 149–77, especially pp. 150, 156–8 and 174.


      Gabriel Glickman, ‘Conflicting visions: foreign affairs in domestic debate, 1660–1689’, in William Mulligan and Brendan Simms (eds.), The primacy of foreign policy in British history, 1660–2000. How strategic concerns shaped modern Britain (Basingstoke, 2010), pp. 15–31.


      Quoted in Brendan Simms, Three victories and a defeat. The rise and fall of the first British Empire, 1714–1783 (London, 2007), p. 32.


      Annabel Patterson, The Long Parliament of Charles II (New Haven and London, 2008), pp. 178–208, especially pp. 179–80.


      О важности «деволюционной войны» для отношения немцев к Людовику: Martin Wrede, Das Reich und seine Feinde: politische Feindbilder in der reichspatriotischen Publizistik zwischen Westfälischem Frieden und Siebenjährigem Krieg (Mainz, 2004), pp. 330–407.


      Leonard Krieger, The German idea of freedom. History of a political tradition (Chicago and London, 1957), pp. 6, 19 and passim.


      Quoted in Peter SchrÖder, ‘The constitution of the Holy Roman Empire after 1648: Samuel Pufendorf’s assessment in his Monzambano’, Historical Journal, 42 (1999), pp. 961–83 (quotation p. 970).


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