Английский с Брэмом Стокером. В гостях у Дракулы и другие таинственные истории = Bram Stoker. Dracula’s Guest and Other Weird Stories. Брэм Стокер
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audible ['ɔ:dɪb(ə)l], present /прил./ ['prez(ə)nt], triumph ['traɪəmf], delicious [dɪ'lɪʃəs]
The parson said no more, and on the next day he read out the banns for the first time amidst an audible buzz from the congregation. Sarah was present, contrary to custom, and though she blushed furiously enjoyed her triumph over the other girls whose banns had not yet come. Before the week was over she began to make her wedding dress. Eric used to come and look at her at work and the sight thrilled through him. He used to say all sorts of pretty things to her at such times, and there were to both delicious moments of love-making.
The banns were read a second time on the 29th (их имена огласили во второй раз двадцать девятого), and Eric's hope grew more and more fixed (и надежда Эрика становилась все более и более твердой / сильной; to grow – расти, увеличиваться; делаться, становиться; fixed – неподвижный; навязчивый, неотступный), though there were to him moments of acute despair (хотя у него бывали минуты крайнего отчаяния; acute – острый, сильный, резкий /об ощущениях/) when he realised that the cup of happiness might be dashed from his lips at any moment, right up to the last (когда он сознавал, что чаша счастья может быть отброшена от его губ в любой момент, вплоть до последнего; to dash – бросать; отбрасывать; right – точно, как раз; прямо). At such times he was full of passion – desperate and remorseless (в такие минуты он был полон гнева – страшного и беспощадного; passion – страсть; вспышка гнева, гнев; desperate – отчаянный; ужасный, очень сильный; remorse – угрызения совести; жалость) – and he ground his teeth and clenched his hands in a wild way (он скрежетал зубами и судорожно сжимал руки /в кулаки/; to grind) as though some taint of the old Berserker fury of his ancestors still lingered in his blood (словно дух древней ярости его предков все еще сохранялся в его крови; taint – пятно; примесь; Berserker – берсеркер /древнескандинавский воин, отличавшийся невероятной яростью в бою/; to linger – задерживаться; сохраняться, не исчезать полностью). On the Thursday of that week he looked in on Sarah (в четверг на той неделе он зашел к Саре; to look in – зайти, заглянуть /к кому-л./) and found her, amid a flood of sunshine, putting finishing touches to her white wedding gown (и увидел ее среди потока солнечного света = увидел, как она сидела, залитая солнечным светом, и заканчивала белое свадебное платье; flood – наводнение, потоп; поток; to put the finishing touches to smth. – добавлять последние штрихи к чему-л., отделывать, заканчивать что-л.; to finish – заканчивать/ся/; touch – прикосновение; штрих; деталь).
acute [ə'kju:t], realised ['rɪəlaɪzd], Berserker [bɜ:'sɜ:kə], ancestors ['ænsəstəz], Thursday ['θɜ:zdɪ], flood [flʌd], touches ['tʌtʃɪz], gown [gaʊn]
The banns were read a second time on the 29th, and Eric's hope grew more and more fixed, though there were to him moments of acute despair when he realised that the cup of happiness might be dashed from his lips at any moment, right up to the last. At such times he was full of passion – desperate and remorseless – and he ground his teeth and clenched his hands in a wild way as though some taint of the old Berserker fury of his ancestors still lingered in his blood. On the Thursday of that week he looked in on Sarah and found her, amid a flood of sunshine, putting finishing touches to her white wedding gown.
His own heart was full of gaiety (его собственное сердце было исполнено радости;