Английский разговорный язык. Практическое пособие по развитию устной речи. В. А. Миловидов

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Английский разговорный язык. Практическое пособие по развитию устной речи - В. А. Миловидов

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      Answer the questions:

      1. Who consumes milk within the feudalism economic system?

      2. How much milk would you get under pure socialism?

      3. What would happen to your cows if they were cared for by ex-chicken farmers?

      4. What happens to cow-owners under dictatorship?

      5. Who tells you who you should give the milk to within representative democracy?

      6. What is «Cowgate»?

      7. What happens to cows if they are fed by sheep's brain?

      8. How much is the fair price under anarchy?

      9. What will happen to your cow after you have bought a bull?

      10. What does Feng Shui have to do with breeding of cows?

      11. What might happen to a cow in case you do not milk it?

      12. Which of the two feminist cows is going to be the calf's Dad?

      13. Where would the European Union get the money to subsidise European cows?

      14. What is the difference between Eastern and Western European democracies, from the cow's point of view?

      15. Which one of all the cows spoken here of might be the happiest?


      Capitalism is a term to define the system of economic individualism, based on the assumption that people's pursuit of self-interest and the right to own private property are legally legitimate and morally defensible. In this case the state exists to protect individual rights. Restricted by law and custom to a certain extend, people as individuals are free to decide where to invest, what to produce or sell, and what prices to charge. Their efforts in terms of assets, sales and profits, or the number of customers, employees, and investors, or whether they operate in local, regional, national, or international markets, are not limited in any natural way.

      In the nineteenth century even capitalism's defenders did not understand its nature. It was believed that the perfect economic system was that of «pure» competition, where all firms are small scale, products in each industry are homogeneous, buyers are perfectly informed about what is for sale and at what price, and all sellers have to «take» the market price, being unable to charge a higher one for their goods.

      In practice, though, there is no such thing as pure competition. Under real competition within capitalism companies are rivals for sales and profits. This leads them to introduce cost-cutting technologies, to innovate in product design and performance, and to use packaging to make products more attractive for customers. Companies also offer assurances of security to imperfectly informed consumers, such as money-back guarantees or product warranties. They also build customer loyalty through investing in their brand names and reputations.

      If a company is successful in adopting these techniques of rivalry, it is growing, and eventually may come to dominate its industry, though usually only for a few years until other firms find better ways of satisfying consumer demands. Neither rivalry nor product differentiation occurs under perfect competition, but they happen constantly under real flesh-and-blood capitalism.

      These rivalry and product differentiation account for the major benefits of capitalism, where luxuries are quickly transformed into necessities. Quite recently, microwave ovens, videocassette recorders, answering machines, personal computers, sophisticated cameras, and compact disc players were available to only a few. Now lots of people can afford those.

      Giant corporations are the main feature of modern capitalism. They attract capital from thousands and even millions of investors who may not know each other, but who entrust their money to managers in exchange for a share of the resulting profits. So, investment and management have become two distinct elements of modern capitalism, and giant corporations have become a good proof of the ability of individuals to engage in large-scale, long-range cooperation for their mutual benefit and enrichment.

      A fully free economy, though, never has existed, as governmental authorities have always been playing a more or less active, interventionist role in regulating national economies.

Слова и выражения:

      adopt – принимать

      afford – позволить (себе)

      assumption – предположение

      assurance – обеспечение, гарантия

      available – доступный

      benefit – выгода

      constantly – постоянно

      custom – обычай

      defender – защитник

      defensible – подлежащий защите

      define – определять

      differentiation – дифференциация

      distinct – ясный, различимый

      dominate – доминировать

      effort – усилие

      enrichment – обогащение

      entrust – вверять, доверять

      eventually – постепенно, шаг за шагом

      giant – гигант; гигантский

      homogeneous – однородные

      individualism – индивидуализм

      innovate – использовать инновации

      interventionist – интервенционистская

      law – закон

      legal – законный

      legitimate – законный, легитимный

      loyalty – лояльность

      luxury – роскошь, предмет роскоши

      mutual – общий

      necessity – необходимость, предмет

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