Английский разговорный язык. Практическое пособие по развитию устной речи. В. А. Миловидов

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Английский разговорный язык. Практическое пособие по развитию устной речи - В. А. Миловидов

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– жестокость

      directive – директива

      disaster – катастрофа, беда

      failure – неудача, провал

      force – сила; вынуждать силой

      forsee – предвидеть

      gap – провал, разрыв, пробел

      ignore – игнорировать

      institute – устанавливать, вводить

      interchange – взаимообмен

      malfunction – неправильное функционирование

      maximize – максимизировать

      ministry – министерство

      mobilize – мобилизовать

      partial – частичный

      prerevolutionary – дореволюционный

      ratio – коэффициент, соотношение

      reestablish – восстанавливать

      remedy – лекарство, лекарственное средство

      stuff – вещество, вещи, мусор; набивать

      surpass – превосходить, оставлять позади

      target – цель

      warehouse – склад (оптовый)

      put in practice– ввести в практику

      profit drive – стремление к прибыли

      pyramid of command – командная пирамида

      target rate of growth – целевые темпы роста

      due to the fact – благодаря тому факту

      on-site – «на месте»

      is more likely – в большей степени вероятно

      from top to bottom – сверху донизу

      Exercise 4

      Answer the questions:

      1. What is the definition of socialism?

      2. Who is usually thought to be the architect of socialism?

      3. What was Lenin trying to substitute the profit drive and the market mechanism with?

      4. What made Lenin introduce NEP?

      5. What was the role of Gosplan?

      6. What was the number one problem for the socialist planning?

      7. What products were the Soviet goods to compete with?

      8. Why was the economic flow increasingly clogged and clotted in the Soviet economic system?

      9. What was the real danger of socialism for the national economic system?

      10. What intention did Mikhail Gorbachev announce?

      Communism and Economics

      During the days of communism in the Soviet Union, an inspector was encharged with visiting local chicken farmers and inquiring about the amount of feed they were giving their chickens. Central planning was still in effect and each farmer was allocated 15 Roubles to spend on chicken feed.

      One farmer very honestly answered that he spent five of the allocated 15 Roubles on chicken feed. The inspector took this to mean that the farmer stole the other ten and sent the farmer to prison.

      Having heard of this, the next farmer down the road insisted that he spent all 15 Roubles on food for the chickens. The inspector saw this as a case of deficit spending and the second farmer too was imprisoned.

      The third farmer heard of both episodes and was more prepared for the inspector's arrival.

      «How many of the 15 Roubles do you actually spend on chicken feed,» asked the inspector.

      Like a true capitalist, the farmer threw his hands in the air and answered, «Hey! I give 15 Roubles to the chickens. They can eat whatever they want!»

      Buy Machine for a Socialist Factory

      An American manufacturer is showing his machine factory to a potential customer from The Soviet Union. At noon, when the lunch whistle blows, two thousand men and women immediately stop work and leave the building.

      «Your workers, they're escaping!» cries the visitor. «You've got to stop them.»

      «Don't worry, they'll be back,» says the American. And indeed, at exactly one o'clock the whistle blows again, and all the workers return from their break.

      When the tour is over, the manufacturer turns to his guest and says, «Well, now, which of these machines would you like to order?»

      «Forget the machines,» says the visitor. «How much do you want for that whistle?»

Слова и выражения:

      allocate – распределять, размещать

      blow – дуть, гудеть, свистеть

      encharge – давать задание

      escape – спасаться, убегать

      potential – потенциальный

      whatever – что бы ни, какие бы ни


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