America under enemy rule and the world as it is. Антон Николаевич Геля
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Classic pattern how the bureaucrats hurt you: They use perceived, real or just created by them crisis to grab more power. 96% totalitarian leftist media help them by hysterical coverage of any incidents, mishaps and the like to create in public the sense of urgency like "DO something!". The government and “progressive” media create a hype to make sure no one will dare challenge the essence of the “change” because of the highly emotional “noble” label, something like “Help poor kitties, poor minorities, poor women, poor crime victims, poor children, poor cripples” and the like. Oh, yes, the bureaucrats gladly will do "something". They will do virtually nothing to punish perpetrators or right the wrongs, but they will punish 100% of innocent ones. When the government disarms-it disarms only law obiding citizens while the criminals are still armed, which make the situation much worse. When the chief enemy of patients Joint Commission mandates locking up the innocent medicines in the C-section room, it kills the babies and mothers alike when emergency C-sections come. When it mandates piles and mountains of paper work "to prevent mistakes", then it is the time stolen from the patients care to the care of paper, and less time for patients means more chance of making mistake in a rush. When the bureaucrats make doctors, nurses and pharmacists waste their time on spying on each other, on doing cross checks and so forth under pretext of "narcotic abuse prevention", again, it hurts only innocent people and diverts our valueble time to create more papers for the bureaucrats just to justify their existence and tighten their grip. There is no presumption of innocence for those our enemies. They treat all of us as guilty and demand that we prove our innocence. If 100% of the government bureaucracy is eliminated, then innocent people can actually work, and the very few real criminals and perpetrators (something like 0.00001% of the impacted by the bureaucrats population) will be caught by police and tried. When their mandates inevitably fail, they explain that it is because there are NOT ENOUGH mandates, and grab even more power, intrude into your privacy even more. Just like another invasion in privacy regarding cell phone use with zero effect on the safety– police can stop you in socialistic Illinois and go through you private cellphone call log. Now under Obama they demanding ID for a bottle of wine purchase even though I don't look younger than 40. Soon the totalitarians will demand a written permission from the communist comissioners or the socialist labor union to by a drink? CSI health corporation demands the hospital workers to submit their fingerprints to the medicine distributing machines. Should we be thankful for not being required a rectal probe for that purpose? And now, when the enemies of America took over Washington, DC these power grabs started growing with the speed of an avalanch, like a snow ball.
Whatever positive or negative happens in our lives, the universal response of the delusional "progressive" enemies of the people is always the same:"Oh, we need more government, more power grabs, more government wasting, more entitlement programs although the only thing they do is generating more losers and parasites like the manure grows more mashrooms.
Overall, majority of the corporations still on the side of free market, on the side of freedom with the 60:40 ratio, although some of them like BE or GE sided with the totalitarian enemies of America. GE sucks blood out of America for all this heavily subsidized by taxpayor's money "green crap", and they own worst leftist TV station in the country. One can just substract the "enemy" points from the "friend" points to see who is who. If one is 90% for freedom, for free market, then 90%-10%=80, they're 80% friends of America. Obama is 100% enemy of America, of course. GE 90–10=80% enemy of America, and so forth. If you want to evaluate the whole government, then you can go by the taxation level with a healthy approximation. On exctremes-zero taxes means 100% freedom, 100% taxes means 100% slavery. Slavery is the worst productive system, full freedom is the system with best productivity. If Scandinavian country levy 70% in taxes, then it's 70% slavery, 30% freedom. If you include the cast of running the government, then before Obama America had 43% freedom and 57% slavery respectively, but now it is much worse. How much worse we shall know only when Obama will be kicked out of the White House.
The government offices are the worst of all those levels of bureaucracy, of course, because they have a least degree of feedback. All they do is collecting their paychecks, benefits, protected by the socialist labor unions, demand a paper work FROM YOU, meanwhile doing nothing. If they do something– they occasionally might be responsible for their actions, but if they do nothing– they have nothing to fear. They feed on paper, it's their way to justify their exsistence (which in fact has no justification at all), so they generate thousands of papers, mandates, regulations, demanding FROM YOU to waste all you potentially work time for filling out tens of thousand papers. The required paperwork pile becomes unbearable, you have physically no time not only to do your job or fill out their papers, but even to read all their demands. That's how collapsed great empires– Egypt, ancient China, Austro-Hungary and many others. Do you know how the governors were chosen in ancient China? They a calligraphy contest, and whoever was a best bureaucrat with the best handwriting-was in charge of life and death of the province.
Federal bureaucracy: If you are a decent person-it is your plain enemy, the biggest enemy of your life. They want with ever accelerating speed to take away all your money, all your decision making powers, your right to say anything or even to think not according to their politically correct orders. It's 100% pure evil, they do no job they have right to do (according to American Constitution, the only federal crimes are money counterfeiting, piracy and treason) but put their nose in every slingle thing they have no right to! The only thing we expect from the feds is to protect our borders-and they fail at that miserably, keeping the borders open for all kinds of criminals, including islamofascists of Hizbolla. And they have nerves acting against Arizona that attempts to inforce their own federal laws!
The litmus test is: what would happen if the feds overnight just disappeared? Say, green aliens took them away and planted on the hostile planet X as a biological weapon of mass destruction to destory their enemies? What a sigh of relief! All the country (well, except form some America haters and parasites) would eventually start breathing free. 100% better! What if the state bureucrats also were taken away to another planet? Our life would be 80% better. What if the hated by the Democ-rats business community would dissappear? Oh-oh.. end of the country....time to pack baggage.
International bureaucracy: So, you think the feds are the worst possible villains, the filthiest bastards? Think twice. Let's start with European Union whose ideologists basically were trying to replicate totalitarian Soviet Union. (I would call them "grinding freedom fathers" although they had a nerve to compare themselves to American Founding Fathers that HAVE established the freest country in the world, returning to the people the sovereignity, while Eurototalitarians actually took away the freedom and decision making powers from the people, usurping the power by unelected bureaucracy). Natural course of totalitarization of the world, promoted by the people's enemies– their governments, keeps getting worse and worse. Remember how many European nations turned down during referenda totalitarian European Constitution that was basically eliminating the people's say? And the peoples of Europe voted "NO" in 2005. You think it stopped the Eurobureaucrats power grab? No, it just slowed them down. They disguised the totalitarian Euroconstitution as the Lisbon treaty and despite several defeats kept putting on a vote until socialist governments pushed it through. Then, of course, they stopped the voting since the power grab was accomlished. Those totalitarians just don't take a people's "NO" for an answer– they keep pushing until their reach the next level of totalitarization. EU bureaucrats (especially top Eurobureaucrat Jose Barroso) were blackmailing Irish voters, reminding them during the financial crisis that they owe to European Central Bank over 120 billion Euro. Armtwisting worked– next time Irish voters gave in and approved totalitarian Lisbon treaty on Oct.3, 2009. International Justice Court in Haague was another step towards eliminating nation's say, reducing individual countries sovereignty by un-elected judicial bureaucrats. As a freer society, the US refused to be subject to the more totalitarian Europe-based court, and justly so. However, the un-elected bureucrats along with people's enemies– their government keep pushing their totalitarization agends world-wide, they want to create the new world order. The next level of bureaucracy, threatening to the very existence of people's individual liberties, is