America under enemy rule and the world as it is. Антон Николаевич Геля

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America under enemy rule and the world as it is - Антон Николаевич Геля

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window of dynamic stability, compatible with our health and even with the very staying alive is extremely narrow. You can say that in order to live we must stay alive all the time, while in order to die is enough to die only once;-). One thing went wrong (i.e. heart attack) and we are dear, even though 99,9% of the rest of our body was functioning just fine. How they sing "All we are is dust in the wind"? We walk over the razor blade all our life, and to stay alive we must keep all thousands of the parameters withing extremely narrow range, fluctuating slightly around the ideal axis as the sinusoid graph. The smaller the amplitude of fluctuations is– the finer the tuning of the organism is, the healthier it is, the better chances for survival, longevity and passing on a successful combination of the genes are. And there are thousands of the "razor blades" in our body. Meanwhile in order to die all we need is just one peremeter to go wrong. That's why they say that medicine is half-art and half-science, because the medicine is never going to be a pure science: we try to help body help itself, and if it doesn't– there's nothing we can do.

      Tightly coordinated task of keeping all these parameters within the desired range is called homeostasis. Lets pick one of the parameters we're more familiar with: the blood sugar level. Ideally it fluctuates like sinusoidal graph around 4 mM/L = 73 mg/dL, and as smaller the amplitude of the fluctuation– the healthier we are. As soon as the blood level exceeds that level– the self-regulation mechanisms that drive it down kick in. As soon as it drops below that– the opposite mechanism kick in. It's just amazing to know how precise this regulation is, how smart our body is– the total sugar content at any given moment is only 5 gm (0.2 oz), and this amount suffices to feed the brain, the muscles and the rest of the body, promptly replenishing this 5 gm as soon as it's consumed. What drives blood sugar up? Food (especially bad empty calories of the sweets), stress, trauma, pain, infarction, heat, alcohol initially and certain drugs. Internally the blood sugar increasing forces are catabolic hormones such as catecholamines (including adrenalin), steroids (especially glucocorticoids), growth hormone, hypothalamus/pituitary system, and many-many others. What drives blood sugar down? Consumption by the body, storage in the liver as starch (glycogen) or as a fat in adipose tissues, starvation, some drugs, and ultimately anabolic hormones such as insulin. Low insulin level might result in dysphoria, clamminess, shaking, paranoid or aggressive mentality, fainting, death and so forth. High sugar level slowly ruins all our organs and systems (heart, kidneys, vessels, joints, retina– you name it). That is why so important to treat diabetes before it ruins the whole body. The sugar level is mutually influenced by the electrolite levels, acid-base and water balance, temperature regulation and so forth. Those have their own self-regulation systems with the feed-back loop, and as tighter the feed-back loop is– the healthier the body is. Acid-base buffers include but not limited to bicarbonate-CO2 with hyper– or hypoventilation as needed, protein buffer, hemoglobin, phosphate, behavioral adaptations, dialysis by kidney and many others. Sure, mother nature had 4.5 billion years to tune up our body, but it is still amazes me what a wonderwul job she did. And that's just one human body. Can you imagine how much more complex is the whole society and the entire economy of the US that involves 300 mln Americans and the rest of the world with trillions and trillions interactions with the amount of possible outcomes that impossible to imagine? That is why self-regulated free market with feed-back loop is the only way to optimize the life and economics in any society, while any subjective intervention such as government interference inevitably disrupts the self-regulation, causes imbalances, dusproportion, inner tensions and other disturbances, irregularities inevitably worsens the outcome. As more government's interference– as worse the outcome is. Government is like a monkey that pushes a stick into computer or a wall clock and trying to fix it. Then one wonders why goverment never works. Because it cannot– that would be against the laws of nature. The probability that goverment coercive actions without significant feedback would actually work with favorable risk/benefit ratio is about the same as if 6 gorillas from the jungle would sit behind computer desk and start printing Encyclopedia Britannica, which means zero chance. Why even try? Unless one is a delusional totalitarian....

      Some random examples of self-regularion in nature. Our obesity: majority of humankind history we were starving, so our appetite tends to require more food than we actually need now in order to have some spare calories. When a starvation starts then our metabolism slows down to increase our chances to survive. In a chronic starvation the response is to increase longevity so the species has a chance to go throuhg "7 leans years" and to survive individually (as you know, there are some antagonistic goals between individual survival and survival of a species as a whole). Another reaction to starvation or excessive exercising in females is stopping menstrual cycles (until the better times when a woman has a good enough nutrition to bear a child). When a female partner is much older than a male then a chance of having a daughter is higher to compensate for the assumed shortage of females, and vice versa– if a male is much older then the chance to have a son is higher. Similar sense makes the fact that if the child is conceived after prolonged period of abstinence, then the nature assumes females are in shortage and there is higher chance to conceive a girl. By the same token, if a child conceived during unprotected sex after several intercourses with condoms, then the exhausted man more likely to father a son. We can't be sure of the ways Mother Nature self-regulates such things, but the possible explanation is that even at the stage of spermatozoa female ones have a higher chances of survival due to the presense of 2 X-chromosomes with a backup if one is defective, so after a period of abstinence higher %% of sperm cells will be females. Humans typically prefer a thermally processed food over the raw because those who liked it raw had a higher chance to perish from parasites and germs. Humans get somnolent when the conditions endanger them during their potential reids: when it's dark and stronger and better equipped predators are hunting; when the stomach is full and we can't run fast enough; when we are ill, thus, less likely to escape the predators; when there's bad wheather and we can get pneumonia or slip over the slippery surface while trying to avoid a predator or chasing a prey. Social events might also affect the process of natural selection. For example, after the French Revolution when totalitarian lefties in the name of brotherhood and freedom set up fire of the wars all around of Europe, then the average height of French dropped for almost 10 inches. The similar effect had a Left communist government in North Korea: due to chronic starvation North Koreans now are almost 10 inches shorter than South Koreans. The lefties are always enemies of their own countries and their own people. Some germs replicate every 20 minutes, hence, human's life is programmed to last until our children grow enough to reproduced themselves in the eternal competition of species for survival: the germs adapt to our changing biology, we adapt our defense systems to their ever-changing ways of perfecting their offense and assault means. If we live too long then we already don't participate in the natural selection and survival improvement of the species while we still consume the limited resources that would be available to the next self-improving generation.

      So, the natural course of events may be painfully slow and cumbersome, but it is the only way to optimize the outcome.

      VI. State & bureaucracy as necessary evil; Government as the biggest problem of any given people, country or nation . The role of the feedback loop at the different levels of a society

      P. J. O'Rourke: in "Parliament of whores": To call something public is to define it as dirty, insufficient and hazardous. The ultimate paradigm of social spending is the public restroom". I would also add public "servants" in Washington, DC, failing public schools and piblic women. What career politicians do? They "love their country" for money (and they decide themselves how much their "services" worth) taken by them out of our pockets . What do you call a person who loves for money? That is correct, a whore.

      But let's first make case for bureaucracy in general and for government in particular. Do we need them? If yes– how much?Unfortunately, yes, we need some-very little though. Why? Because of the human nature, which is agressive, selfish, violent, lazy and because all human activities follow the path of least resistance. The human horde is amorphous like an amoeba, so it needs some external shell, a form, a membrane, a skin, a vessel to keep the content in a stable shape. Here's another analogy: imagine a bunch of cells combined in a slug that slowly crowls on a stone. The slug is exposed to all kind of environmental

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