America under enemy rule and the world as it is. Антон Николаевич Геля
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Dolphins , penguins, whales, who live in a very hostile environment and depend on each other to survive. That would be an ideal material to build utopian society, so I suggest we collect all communists, "progressive" Democrats and other totalitarians and send them to the ocean to realize over there their day dreams rather than ruining our real human world, populated mainly by wolves. Of course, the totalitarian "social engineers" keep trying to make "new men" = dolphins out of us, and of course they fail, creating another blood bath– French Revolutionary terror, Stalin's, Hitler's, Ayatolla Homeini's, Mao's and Pol Pot's "noble intended" attempts to create "new men" zombies and robots. If you let them– they will keep trying to change your nature until the very last of you is dead, using the coercive powers of the Big Government. So, minimize the powers of any government to minimize the inevitable abuse and try to prevent totalitarians' power grabs. All totalitarians are the same, they all are criminals against their own people, just committing different crimes.
Other things to aware of ourselves: We need mythology, we want our leaders /ideologues to explain us why we are better than others. American exceptionalism does have a true base because it is based on the popular sovereignty and the un-alienated rights (at least until totalitarian "progressives" started eroding the Rupiblic since 1913), which made it the freest coutnry in the world, though Obama wants to destroy it. Others don't have these grounds, but still want the sheppards to explain them, why they got a feeling that they are the best in the world.
Humans also need scapegoats, they need some image to hate and to blame all their fault on someone else. That's a perfect and easy explanation for all their ills. Whatever is wrong– blame the scapegoat. When statists, "progressives" and other totalitarians hurt America– they blame free market for their own fault of overregulating. How much is too much, how much is "over"-regulating? Well, actually, ANY regulation is OVER regulation by definition of the FREE (means, unregulated) market. As more they regulate-as more they hurt the country. How to find a scapegoat? Use your sense of envy, be jealous, pick the more successful ones and preferably helpless.
Chineese serve as scapegoats in the South-East Asia because they are successful. Muslim government in Malaysia officially discriminates against Chineese, favoring local Muslims instead, and as usually it fires back, insulating the Muslims from the healthy competition and rendering them more and more useless losers. Losers hate winners, and blame them for their own failures.The same comes true about all "Civil RIghts " and "Antidiscrimination" Acts of the 1960-s: all their effects were negative for the "opressed ones", all they did is stopping the trend of narrowing gap between majority and minorities, ruined minorities families, insulated them from healthy competition of the free market, thus, rendering them forever poor losers. Usual paradox of life– all those "civil right activists" only destroy human rights, all self-appointed "minority rights" activists such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton serve only themselves, while doing everything they can to prevent the full integration of minorities (because it would be the end of their lucrative political career).
Yeah, right, all their Big Government-style "fixes" fixed nothing, just making it worse, as expected, and all these "good wishers" were full of sh.. Oi, I mean, full of noble intentions. Noble intentions always pave road to hell. The actual goal of the Democ-rats is to turn as many American into their voters: lazy losers and immoral freaks, so the Dems can grab more power and money.
French hated Germans and Britts and vice versa, Muslims hated Armeniansm and the most universal scapegoat of all times and places are Jews for their successes in every intellectual field. Right now the logics tells the Muslims to realize that their problem is a lack of freedom, caused by their own governments and ideologues, that Israel's successes are due to the greater degree of freedom, so the Muslims should come to learn from Israelis how to make their countries freer, thus, more prosperous. Instead, Muslim leaders want to destroy Israel as "a bad example" for their people– what a freer society can accomplish.
Another important feature: just like anything else in the nature, we go by the path of least resistance. The fluid and electrical current flow the path of least resistance, and so do we. If I need to work to make living, then I will. If I am on a welfare for the 3rd generation and someone else pays for me, then I won't. So, if you want to help poor– don't let the government help them, otherwise it will perpetuate the misery. Do us a favor, Mr. Fed– don't do us favors.
Naturally, frequently there is discrepancies or even antagonisms between different drives– biological, social, economic, ethical, customs, psychilogical, idndividual and so forth. Biologically a woman is supposed to start her child bearing when she's about 18 and to finish her child bearing by the time she is 35 y.o.: each pregnancy until that cut off point decreases breast cancer risk ofr 7.5%, after that each pregnancy increases this risk for the same 7.5%, not mentioning increasing risk of genetic mutations and other helath problems in mom and child alike. However, the social drive says : don't even start until you get your education and establish yourself at your work. Well, the best time to have kids is when you retire– you have time, money, home, wisdom and so forth.. But…well, you get it....
Diversity– is it good or bad? Just like anything else– if it is a result of the natural selection, governed by the laws of mother nature– it is good (it gives more options to choose from for betterment). If it is imposed by the instruments of coercion (government) and by driven by totalitarian ideology propaganda machine (96% "progressive" MSM) then it is bad because we, the people must pay for inevitable consequences of interference. When totalitarian monkeys ("progressives" in America's case) "reform" economy and "engineer" society by sticking a stick of the legislation into self-regulated free market mechanisms– it malfunctions, the outcome worsens, and we all pay for totalitarian redistributionists experiments (like peoples of Russia, Zimbabwe, Kampuchia and many others). If there should be a ban on experimenting– it should be ban prohibiting totalitarian experimentation on human beings.
Biological drive tells men: "Get every woman you see to pass along your genes!!",and it tells women:"Pick all the best mates to improve your offspring" (major function of majority of sperm cells is to fight and to immobilize in vagina sperm cells of other men, which means majority of human history promiscuity was the way of life), but the society and economic drives say:"Wait, wait, there so many benefits of family life and monogamy– consider it". The only true monogamy is in one gut worm species with the "love at the first sight"– they get entangles for the rest of their lives. Even swans have social monogamy, but not a sexual monogamy, as genetic studies show.
Our language (as our society, our body and our biosystems) is also the end-product of self-regulated process with feed-back loop. Society gradually accumulates customs, traditions, "the wisdom of ages", frequently accumulated in proverbs, that help stabilize sociaty, establish some "rules of engagement" to minimize negative consequences of confrontations, engrave some rule of law in the society to have predictable interactions and predictable results of those. In a mature society those rules, established by the "wisdom of ages" and free market, will suffice to optimize the society life, so there is no need for a government regulation. Government can only serve as 911 service, to comprehend unruly criminals to keep the rule of law. It's not government's business to regulate our language, society, economy, psychology and life. Government is our enemy by definition, we compete with the government for the power and money, so let's keep our necessary evil, our enemy at bay. Just say no to Obamunism.
V. Self-regulated systems with feedback loop
The easiest way to understand this concept is to look at ourselves. Our body has hudnreds of patameters influenced by millions of factors interacting in real time and pushing in different, frequently in oposite directions. What is good for one parameter,