Skip the Guilt Trap: Simple steps to help you move on with your life. Gael Lindenfield
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• It can produce emotional and behavioural symptoms that are attributed to other causes.
• The habit of disguising guilt (real or imagined) can often be traced back to childhood.
• The process of outing this kind of guilt needs to be done skilfully and sensitively. A therapeutic professional often does this. Others who know and care for the person can also achieve it.
Childhood guilt
This is a subject that I could easily write a whole book about, and so could most psychotherapists. Childhood guilt is one type that surfaces so frequently. It is one of the main contributing causes of chronic low self-esteem and a host of other common mental-health problems.
As is now common knowledge, our default emotional auto-responses are largely ‘wired in’ during our childhood years. This makes them much more difficult to control. This is especially so if we experienced guilt repeatedly or it arose as a result of a traumatic experience. Even when, as adults, we can see that many of these responses are not rational and are indeed harmful to us, they still have stubborn sticking power.
Additionally, parents, or other significant adults who had power and influence over us when we were children, induce much of this guilt. Here are a few brief examples of these kinds of ‘messages’ that I have come across through words, attitudes or consequences:
And, of course, damage can also be done indirectly through nobody’s fault. I met someone in her eighties recently who, when she found out what I was writing about, said she still feels guilty about her own birth. She was premature and her mother was unable to have any more children afterwards.
Here are some other examples I have known where people feel guilty about being who they were born to be:
And then, of course, there are the guilty secrets that some children felt they had to keep (rightly or wrongly), such as:
Of course, many people have these experiences and grow up to be able to talk about them or laugh them off. Others unfortunately cannot do this. When they are ‘confessed’ or discussed, the emotion of guilt visibly floods back into their system. They typically bow their heads or cover their faces with their hands. Unsurprisingly, they commonly feel shameful guilt, which we will be looking at later.
Having guilt from childhood still live within us in adulthood renders us more vulnerable to feeling guilt in the present day. We shall look at ways of dealing with childhood guilt in Chapter 7.
Summary: Childhood guilt