Евгений Онегин / Eugene Onegin. Александр Пушкин
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Was a scenic and charming place;
The one, who’s innocence enjoying,
This nook would evidently bless.
A landlord house stood in lone
Above a river on a knoll,
Under the lee of a small hill,
In front of it a lovely scene:
The golden fields and blooming meadows,
The villages dropped here and there,
The flocking herds and country air;
An uncared park by a thick shadow
Extended far away its spreads –
A home of meek and mute Dryads.
A worthy mansion was erected
As for the castles it should be:
Perfectly durable and tranquil,
In style as smart antiquity.
The lofty chambers all around,
Damask wallpaper in the parlor,
The royal portraits on the walls,
The parti-colored tiles on stoves.
All that has now dilapidated,
And I don’t really know why,
So far as for the friend of mine,
He wasn’t at all by that affected,
Since he was yawning when he strolled
Both, modern room and ancient hall.
Он в том покое поселился,
Где деревенский старожил
Лет сорок с ключницей бранился,
В окно смотрел и мух давил.
Все было просто: пол дубовый,
Два шкафа, стол, диван пуховый,
Нигде ни пятнышка чернил.
Онегин шкафы отворил:
В одном нашел тетрадь расхода,
В другом наливок целый строй,
Кувшины с яблочной водой
И календарь осьмого года;
Старик, имея много дел,
В иные книги не глядел.
Один среди своих владений,
Чтоб только время проводить,
Сперва задумал наш Евгений
Порядок новый учредить.
В своей глуши мудрец пустынный,
Ярем он барщины старинной
Оброком легким заменил;
И раб судьбу благословил.
Зато в углу своем надулся,
Увидя в этом страшный вред,
Его расчетливый сосед.
Другой лукаво улыбнулся,
И в голос все решили так,
Что он опаснейший чудак.
He’d settled in the mansion’s chamber,
Where the old timer for great whiles
With housekeeper used to ramble,
Sat at a window and crushed flies.
Everything casual: the oak floors,
The table, sofa, two cupboards,
And not a speck of ink, do note.
Onegin opened one cupboard –
Obtained the housekeeper’s papers,
The other one – the bottles line,
A row of jugs with apple wine,
Eighteen eighth calendar, the latest.
The old was busy at all times
And other books didn’t recognize.
Onegin bored, and then decided,
Just idle time to pass away,
To change routine and thus provided
A reformation in estate.
And in his nook the sage of desert
The corvee – ancient yoke of peasant
By easy quitrent had replaced,
And serf had blessed the divine grace.
But thrifty neighbor was in pouts,
Suspecting in it a great harm
To his hereditary farm,
Another archly smiled in doubts,
And all of them made a conclusion
That he is