50 Masterpieces you have to read before you die vol: 2 (Book Center). Джек Лондон

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50 Masterpieces you have to read before you die vol: 2 (Book Center) - Джек Лондон

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7:12 says, All things whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so to them. This quotation has outer and inner meanings. You are interested in its inner meaning from the standpoint of your subconscious mind which is: As you would the men should think about you, think you about them in like manner. As you would that men should feel about you, feel you also about them in like manner. As you would want men to act toward you, act you toward them in like manner.

      For example, you may be polite and courteous to someone in your office, but when his back is turned, you are very critical and resentful toward him in your mind. Such negative thoughts are highly destructive to you. It is like taking poison. You are actually taking mental poisons which rob you of vitality, enthusiasm, strength, guidance and good will. These negative thoughts and emotions sink down into your subconscious, and cause all kinds of difficulties and maladies in your life.

       The Master Key To Happy Relationships With Others

       Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with that judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Matthew 7:1-2.

      A study of these verses and the application of the inner truths therein contained represent the real key to harmonious relations. To judge is to think, to arrive at a mental verdict or conclusion in your mind. The thought you have about the other person is your thought, because you are thinking it. Your thoughts are creative, therefore, you actually create in our own experience what you think and feel about the other person. It is also true that the suggestion you give to another, you give to yourself because your mind is the creative medium.

      This is why it is said, For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged. When you know this law and the way your subconscious mind works, you are careful to think, feel and act right toward the other. These verses teach you about the emancipation of man and reveal to you the solution to your individual problems.

      And With What Measure Ye Mete, It Shall Be Measured To You Again

      The good you do for others comes back to you in like measure; and the evil you do returns to you by the law of your own mind. If a man cheats and deceives another, he is actually cheating and deceiving himself, his sense of guilt and mood of loss inevitably will attract loss to him in some way, at some time. His subconscious records his mental act and reacts according to the mental intention or motivation.

      Your subconscious mind is impersonal and unchanging, neither considering persons nor respecting religious affiliations or institutions of any kind. It is neither compassionate not vindictive. The way you think, feel and act toward others returns at least upon yourself.

       The Daily Headlines Made Him Sick

      Begin now to observe yourself. Observe your reactions to people, conditions, and circumstances. How do you respond to the events and news of the day? It makes not difference if all the other people were wrong and you alone were right. If the news disturbs you, it is your evil because your negative emotions robbed you of peace and harmony.

      A woman wrote me about her husband, saying that he goes into a rage when he reads what certain newspaper columnists write in the newspaper. She added that his constant reaction of anger and suppressed rage on his part brought on bleeding ulcers and his physician recommended an emotional reconditioning.

      I invited this man to see me and I explained to him the way his mind functions indicating how emotionally immature it was to get angry when others write articles with which he disapproves or disagrees.

      He began to realize that he should give the newspaperman freedom to express himself even though the latter disagreed with him politically, religiously or in any other way. In the same manner, the newspaperman would give him freedom to write a letter to the newspaper disagreeing with is published statements. He learned that he could disagree without being disagreeable. He awakened to the simple truth that it is never what a person says or does that affects him, it is his reaction to what is said or done that matters.

      This explanation was the cure for this man, and he realized that with a little practice he could master his morning tantrums. His wife told me, subsequently, that he laughed at himself and also at what the columnists say. They no longer have power to disturb, annoy or irritate him. His ulcers have disappeared due to his emotional poise and serenity.

       I Hate Women, But I Like Men

      A private secretary was very bitter toward some of the girls in her office because they were gossiping about her, and as he said, spreading vicious lies about her. She admitted that she did no like women. She said, “I hate women, but I like men.” I discovered also that she spoke to the girls who were under her in the office in a very haughty, imperious and irritable tone of voice. She pointed out that they took delight in making things difficult for her. There was a certain pomposity in her way of speaking, and I could see where her tone of voice would affect some people unpleasantly.

      If all the people in the office of factory annoy you, isn't it a possibility that the vibration, annoyance and turmoil may be due to some subconscious pattern or mental projection from you? We know that a dog will react ferociously if you hate or fear dogs. Animals pick up your subconscious vibrations and react accordingly. Many undisciplined human beings are just as sensitive as dogs, cats and other animals.

      I suggested a process of prayer to this private secretary who hated women, explaining to her that when she began to identify herself with spiritual virtues and commenced to affirm the truths of life, her voice, mannerisms and hatred of women would completely disappear. She was surprised to know that the emotion of hatred shows up in a person's speech, actions, in his writings and in all phases of his life. She ceased reacting in the typical, resentful and angry way. She established a pattern of prayer, which she practiced regularly, systematically and conscientiously in the office.

      The prayer was as follows: “I think, speak and act lovingly, quietly and peacefully. I now radiate love, peace, tolerance and kindness to all the girls who criticized me and gossiped about me. I anchor my thoughts on peace, harmony and good will to all. Whenever I am about to react negatively, is ay firmly to myself, 'I am going to think, speak and act from the standpoint of the principle of harmony, health and peace within myself.' Creative intelligence leads, rules and guides me in all my ways.”

      The practice of this prayer transformed her life and she found that all criticism and annoyance ceased. The girls became co-workers and friends along life's journey. She discovered that there is no one to change but myself.

       His Inner Speech Held Back His Promotion

      One day a salesman came to see me and described his difficulties in working with the sales manager of his organization. He had been with the company ten years and had received no promotion or recognition of any kind. He showed me his sales figures, which were greater proportionately than the other men in the territory. He said that he sales manager did not like him, that he was unjustly treated and that at conferences the manager was rude to him and at times ridiculed his suggestions.

      I explained that undoubtedly the cause was to a great degree within himself, and that his concept and belief about his superior bore witness to the reaction of this man. The measure we mete, shall be measured to us again. His mental measure or concept of the sales manager was that he was mean and cantankerous. He was filled with bitterness and hostility toward the executive. On his way to work he conducted a vigorous conversation with himself filled with criticism, mental arguments, recriminations and denunciations of his sales manager.

      What he gave out mentally, he was inevitably bound to get back.

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