Legacy: Phoenix and the Dark Star. Gerald Pruett
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“I don’t think anyone knows the more involved ways on achieving Immortal Magic,” Trevor added. “The incantations are very ancient and were most likely lost before Merlin’s time.”
Ellen gave Trevor a curious look while asking, “Would these incantations be written in languages that only a linguist who studies dead languages could read?”
“Okay, that doesn’t sound like a random question,” Trevor pointed out.
“It’s not,” Ellen replied. “Jessica’s grandfather was a linguist and he was reading something from an ancient language before Harris, Jessica and I… faced him.”
Trevor shared a look with Blaire before Blaire questioned, “Ellen, do you think that Jessica and Karla would allow us to take a look at what their grandfather was reading?”
Ellen shrugged before saying, “I’ll find out.”
“Harris feels that Jessica’s and Karla’s beliefs and morals also fall in line with ours, so when you speak with them, the invitation to join the Tri-Star Confederation extends to them as well,” Blaire added.
Ellen politely grinned before saying, “I’ll pass that along.”
“Actually, instead of you passing that along to them, we would like to be the ones to offer the invitation,” Trevor added. “As far as you speaking of this with people outside the coven members, I prefer that you didn’t.”
“Yeah, well, there is at least one person that I won’t hide this from,” Ellen informed.
“I’m guessing that you’re speaking of Everett,” Blaire said. Ellen just nodded. “Yes, well, the Tri-Star Confederation’s existence needs to remain a secret, and Harris had warned us that you might inform Everett of this secret. We won’t try to stop you, but just keep in mind that telling him could come back and haunt you in the future.”
“Not telling him could come back and haunt me as well,” Ellen retorted. “In fact, before Everett met me, he thought that all of Merlin’s descendants were evil and needed to be stopped. He had already thought the worst of us, so I told him about us, and after I did he realized that not all of us are evil. He fully trusts me and I’m not going to ruin that or betray his trust by not being straight with him.”
“Well, as I said, we won’t try to stop you,” Blaire said. “However, if the coven would feel the fallout over your choice, the coven’s meeting locations will be relocated and you will be shunned by the coven. So if you’re threatened by a wizard, you won’t be receiving any assistance from us.”
“Noted,” Ellen said before gesturing towards her room. “Well, I should take off my costume and clean up.”
“Before you walk away, you should know that I’ve decided to pass onto you the beast master incantation… the incantation that will activate your powers over the beasts,” Devon informed.
“You have that incantation?” Ellen asked as her interest piqued.
“The Tri-Star Confederation has a library of incantations and the beast master incantation is among them,” Devon said. “In fact, two of those incantations that you had shared with Sadie had been added to the library, and for every two incantations you can add to the library earns you the right to receive one incantation from the library of your choice among certain incantations.”
“So the beast master incantation is among those certain incantations,” Ellen assumed aloud.
“No,” Devon quickly corrected. Ellen shot him a confused look. “That incantation requires the current leader’s approval—which is me, and your defense plan to defend yourself against that one wizard sounds viable. So I’m giving you my approval.”
Ellen grinned before saying, “Thanks.”
“I’ll call Galvin—my second-in-command—and tell him to copy that incantation and to overnight that copy to this address,” Devon told Ellen.
Ellen thought for a second before saying, “I guess you don’t want to send it via Email.”
“No,” Devon agreed. “If a menacing wizard or sorceress would get a hold of that incantation, that wizard or sorceress could lead an army of wolves, dogs or big cats. There would be no telling what kind of destruction that a wizard or a sorceress could do before being stopped. So I consider this incantation to be highly dangerous, and therefore, it should not be sent via Email.”
“Okay, you had just answered something I was wondering about—about why this incantation needs the leader’s approval before being used,” Ellen shared. Devon and the others grinned. Ellen then gestured towards her room again. “Anyway, I’m going to take off my costume and clean up.”
“Alright,” everyone said, almost in cadence. Ellen grinned before stepping away.
Chapter Three
At 2:20 A.M., at the Hospital, a doctor stepped up to Winona, Riley and Brad—who were waiting in the waiting room—and gave them the news that Bonnie was diagnosed with having a severe case of heartburn.
“Thank God it’s not a heart attack,” Winona couldn’t help saying.
The doctor slightly grinned before saying, “Your aunt will be discharged shortly.”
Winona nodded before saying, “Thanks.”
The doctor nodded before saying, “Take care.”
“Take Care,” Winona, Riley and Brad echoed.
The doctor nodded with a grin before walking away.
A few hours later at school, twenty minutes before the first class was to begin, Ellen stepped up to her locker. The halls were moderately crowded, and the closest student to her was six lockers away.
Ellen was finishing up at her locker when Everett stepped up.
“Good morning,” Everett told Ellen as he moved to his locker, which was two lockers from Ellen’s right.
“Good morning,” Ellen echoed in a slightly troubled tone.
Everett caught the tone, and without opening his locker, he faced Ellen and asked, “What’s wrong?”
Ellen deliberated for a moment before taking a breath and saying, “I have an opportunity to be a part of something; something that I think might be worthwhile.”
“If it’s worthwhile then why do you sound worried?” Everett questioned.
“I’m worried because I know that you won’t share my opinion,” Ellen explained nervously.
Everett gave Ellen a curious look while asking, “What’s this opportunity?”
“Can you trust me that I won’t do anything immoral?” Ellen requested.
“I do trust you, and you can trust me,” Everett replied.