Legacy: Phoenix and the Dark Star. Gerald Pruett
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“Yes,” Sadie said with an amused grin. “Harry informed us of that. Anyway, I should introduce you to the three you don’t know. This is my mom’s cousin, Blaire, and two of Blaire’s coven members Devon and Trevor.”
Ellen shot Blaire a curious look before accusing, “You’re the Phoenix rising.”
“Phoenix rising?” Blaire questioned curiously.
“Phoenix rising is a term that her uncle had coined a few weeks ago,” Harris explained. “It means that you were born with the mark of Merlin when both of your parents were in the Phoenix stage.”
“Then I suppose I am a Phoenix rising,” Blaire agreed while facing Ellen. “I know that you and Harris now carry the mark of Merlin. Have you come up with a word that would describe you two?”
Ellen shrugged before saying, “Phoenix is all I can think of to describe us.”
“Why call yourself the Phoenix,” Devon curiously asked.
“I’m not really a Phoenix rising, but yet I rose above the Phoenix stage,” Ellen replied without putting too much thought into her answer. “And if you think about it, Harris and I were destroyed… symbolically speaking of course, and then renewed when we received the mark of Merlin.”
“Yes,” Trevor agreed. “And you two are unique on how the two of you had risen above the Phoenix stage. In fact, until I heard of you and Harris receiving the mark of Merlin, I had thought that it was impossible for anyone born within the Phoenix stage to receive the mark of Merlin.”
“I was thrown by it myself,” Ellen retorted.
“Yes. I imagine you were,” Trevor agreed with a grin. “Anyway, since you are here, we should include you in as to why we’re here.”
“So this isn’t a social visit?” Ellen questioned curiously.
Trevor grinned before saying, “Blaire, Devon and I are presently the co-leaders to the Tri-Star Confederation…”
“And what’s the Tri-Star Confederation?” Ellen interrupted.
Trevor held his grin as he said, “I’m presently the elected leader to a Brimstone acorn coven. The acorn coven that I’m in charge of has sixteen members above the age of fifteen… plus Sadie as an unofficial member.” Ellen glanced towards Sadie as he continued. “Blaire is the elected leader of a Raven acorn coven with fifteen members above the age of fifteen, and Devon is the elected leader of a Clover acorn coven with also fifteen members above the age of fifteen. And together we all form a large coven known as the Tri-Star Confederation, and this confederation was formed in the year 1435.”
“Okay,” Ellen said in a tone as if she didn’t know what else to say. “So why are you here?”
“We are always on the look out for potential members with proper morals, and I understand that you and Harris are now eligible to join the Tri-Star Confederation,” Trevor continued.
Ellen busted out laughing.
Everyone gave her a curious look. After a second, Blaire looked at Harris while pointing out, “She’s laughing. Why is she laughing?” When Harris shrugged Blaire turned towards Ellen again. “Why are you laughing?”
Ellen tried to get her laughter under control while saying, “I thought you knew me better than that, Harry.”
“What are you talking about?” Harris questioned.
Ellen cleared her throat in order to get serious. Once her laughter was under control she said, “I’m assuming that to be a part of this Tri-Star Confederation Coven, one must commit to it fully and vow an allegiance to it… which I believe is how most private organizations are. However, I’m not one to blindly follow the commands of a leader. I need to know all the who’s, what’s, when’s, where’s, why’s and how’s, and if I have a problem with any of that then my first loyalty is to my principles.”
“What if I tell you that we would accept your terms?” Blaire questioned.
Ellen shot Blaire an incredulous look before asking in a matching tone, “The Tri-Star Confederation Coven wouldn’t pressure me into doing something I don’t want to do?”
“We’re not that kind of organization, Ellen,” Blaire began. “Devon’s coven meets three times a year. My coven meets four times a year, and Trevor’s coven meets four times a year… I believe.” Trevor nodded. “The Tri-Star Confederation members meet once a year. If you would decide to join, you would be part of Devon’s coven, and although your attendance at the coven meetings is appreciated and strongly encouraged, nothing bad will happen to you if you don’t show up. Nothing bad will happen to you if you don’t go along with the coven as well.”
Ellen thought for a moment before saying, “Over twenty years ago, my uncle was an animal rights activist. He was very committed… overly committed, in fact, in protecting the animals, and so about twenty years ago, he went to prison for several years for breaking into a lab, releasing animals and assaulting police and security officers.
“Everett asked me earlier if I took after my uncle and I shrugged because I didn’t know the answer to that. I took his question wrong because I do know the answer to that. Blaire, if I join this Tri-Star Confederation Coven and see you or the other coven members doing something that I strongly think that you shouldn’t be doing, I’m not going to be turning a blind eye. I will do what I can to stop you and the coven.”
“Thank you for your candor, Ellen, and to be candor with you, we do band together when a strange wizard or sorceress threatens a Tri-Star Confederation member,” Blaire began. “A percentage of them were killed in the way that you, Harris and Jessica had killed Leon Stone, while the rest of them were allowed to go on their merry way. It just depends on the individual and the situation at the time. In any case, the Tri-Star Confederation’s mission statement is to respect others and do no harm… unless threaten obviously and then we will do what we have to, to protect ourselves. From what I had learned of you, Ellen, your beliefs and morals fall in line with our beliefs and morals, so again, the terms that you’re setting are acceptable.”
“Hmm,” Ellen let out as she contemplated on what to do. “Let’s say I joined, and a year from now, I decide that being a Tri-Star Confederation member isn’t for me. Can I quit?”
“We aren’t going to force you into doing something that you don’t want to do,” Blaire assured her. “So after a year… or even ten years, if you decide to leave the coven, we’ll respect your choice. However, by being a coven member, you are guaranteed support from the coven if a wizard or sorceress would threaten you. You won’t be guaranteed support if you’re not a member.”
“I’ll think about joining,” Ellen said.
“Okay, well, are there any questions that you would like answered that would help you to decide?” Blaire asked.
“There is a question I would like answered, actually,” Ellen replied.
“Okay, shoot,” Blaire prompted.
“What is Immortal Magic?” Ellen questioned. Disconcerting expressions quickly came across Blaire’s,