Legacy: Phoenix and the Dark Star. Gerald Pruett
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“I’m sure one of them will once I call and tell them that I need a ride,” Ellen replied.
“I’ll take you home, Ellen,” Kristen offered.
“Okay, thanks, Mrs. Delaney,” Ellen said.
“You’re welcome,” Kristen told her with a grin. “And as soon as I get my jacket and my purse we can go.”
“I don’t know what it is yet, but Ellen has a question for you,” Lance informed Kristen.
“What is it, Ellen?” Kristen prompted.
“At the party, Everett and I… and of course Jessica, Karla, Simon and Allen too, met this girl named Andie. She’s fifteen and she can see, hear and speak to ghosts.” Curious expressions came quickly across Kristen’s and Lance’s faces. “However, her parents don’t believe her, and they have her on medication. So my question is, what can we do to get her off her medication?”
“If I understand you correctly, Andie is on medication for delusions…” Kristen was only able to get out.
“She’s not delusional though,” Ellen insisted.
Kristen gestured for Ellen to wait while saying, “Be that as it may, it sounds as though she is on medication for delusions…. and I believe you when you say that she can see, hear and speak to ghosts. However, most psychiatrists don’t believe in the paranormal, and the few who do couldn’t distinguish between a person having delusions and a person having a genuine paranormal experience. So to answer your question, I sympathize over Andie’s situation, but there’s really nothing that we can do to get her off of the medication.”
“There has to be something that we can do,” Ellen insisted.
“Ellen,” Lance called to grab her attention. When Ellen looked he continued with, “The courts will be on the parents’ side on this issue, and if you do anything to interfere, you can be held legally accountable.”
“Well, I wouldn’t do anything illegal,” Ellen assured him.
“And there’s nothing legally you can do about it,” Lance countered. “So I strongly suggest that you drop this issue and cut your losses.”
“Andie is the one who’s losing here,” Ellen retorted. “That medicine she’s on makes her feel like crap and she’s missing out on the life that she should have.”
Kristen placed her hand on Ellen’s back before saying, “And again I sympathize over Andie’s situation, but, sweetie, there’s really nothing that we can do.”
Ellen formed her lips to protest some more, but grunted in frustration instead before grumbling, “Fine. I’m dropping it—for now.”
“For now?” Lance questioned.
“There has to be a legal way to help Andie, and I’m going to come up with it,” Ellen informed.
“Listen to me carefully, Ellen,” Lance said sternly. Ellen gave him her full attention. “It doesn’t matter how noble of a cause you think this is, if you get yourself arrested then any future career in law enforcement that you hope to have after college could be ruined beyond salvaging. So before you start staging a crusade… over this or any other issue, make sure that it’s not a fool’s crusade.”
“Yes, sir,” Ellen said politely.
“Ellen, if I’m going to get you home and get to work on time, we need to leave now,” Kristen urged.
“I’m ready,” Ellen assured Kristen.
“I’ll walk Ellen to the car,” Everett announced.
Kristen slightly grinned before agreeing, “Alright.” She then stepped up to and gave Lance a quick kiss.
Once the kiss ended, Lance faced Ellen again before saying, “Goodnight, Ellen.”
“Goodnight, Mr. Delaney,” Ellen replied.
“Don’t forget, Ellen, that I’m picking you up tomorrow after school for your appointment with Dr. Pendell,” Lance reminded.
Ellen smirked before saying, “I can’t no matter how hard I try.”
Lance rolled his eyes before repeating, “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” Ellen echoed before turning and walking away.
After getting her jacket and purse Kristen gestured for Ellen to leave out first. Everett followed Ellen out as Kristen followed him out.
Once they were at the car, Everett gave Ellen a kiss. Kristen got into the car and shut her door before Ellen and Everett ended their kiss.
“See you tomorrow at school,” Everett told Ellen as he slowly backed away.
Ellen grinned before echoing, “See you tomorrow.”
Everett turned, and as he was walking away, Ellen opened the front passenger door and climbed in.
Minutes later, as Kristen was pulling up to Ellen’s house, Ellen saw a rented car parked in the driveway.
“Who’s here?” Ellen rhetorically mumbled out incoherently.
Kristen didn’t hear Ellen clearly and asked, “What, sweetie?”
“Oh, um, I was just wondering who was here,” Ellen explained as Kristen was parking her car in front of the house. “I guess I’ll find out soon enough.”
Kristen grinned before saying, “Okay, well, have a goodnight, and I’ll see you later.”
“Have a goodnight too,” Ellen replied with a grin as she opened her door. “Bye.”
As Ellen was getting out of the car, Kristen echoed, “Bye.”
Ellen shut her door and waved ‘bye’. Kristen returned the wave before Ellen could turn and walk away.
In the house, Harris and Allyson sat on the love seat. Sadie sat in the armchair. Blaire (Harris and Sadie’s second cousin) and Blaire’s two coven members Devon and Trevor sat on the couch. The six were having a casual conversation as Sonya slept in her playpen a few feet from them.
Devon was currently talking when they heard the front door opening followed by Ellen announcing, “It’s me. I’m home.”
The six waited quietly during the short time that it took Ellen to step into the living room. Ellen’s eyes gazed upon Trevor first after entering.
“Ellen, we have company,” Harris informed.
Ellen’s eyes moved onto Blaire, Devon and finally Sadie. Ellen grinned when she saw that Sadie was among the guests before agreeing, “Yes. I actually figured that out myself when I saw the rented car out front. I didn’t imagine that Sadie would be here though. It’s good to see you again, Sadie.”