Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works. Knowledge house

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Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works - Knowledge house

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I am afraid Lord Brancaster knew a good deal about that. More than his poor wife ever did. [Turning to Lady Chiltern.] You know Lady Brancaster, don’t you, dear?

      lady chiltern

      Just slightly. She was staying at Langton last autumn, when we were there.

      lady markby

      Well, like all stout women, she looks the very picture of happiness, as no doubt you noticed. But there are many tragedies in her family, besides this affair of the curate. Her own sister, Mrs. Jekyll, had a most unhappy life; through no fault of her own, I am sorry to say. She ultimately was so broken-hearted that she went into a convent, or on to the operatic stage, I forget which. No; I think it was decorative art-needlework she took up. I know she had lost all sense of pleasure in life. [Rising.] And now, Gertrude, if you will allow me, I shall leave Mrs. Cheveley in your charge and call back ·109· for her in a quarter of an hour. Or perhaps, dear Mrs. Cheveley, you wouldn’t mind waiting in the carriage while I am with Lady Brancaster. As I intend it to be a visit of condolence, I shan’t stay long.

      mrs. cheveley

      [Rising.] I don’t mind waiting in the carriage at all, provided there is somebody to look at one.

      lady markby

      Well, I hear the curate is always prowling about the house.

      mrs. cheveley

      I am afraid I am not fond of girl friends.

      lady chiltern

      [Rising.] Oh, I hope Mrs. Cheveley will stay here a little. I should like to have a few minutes’ conversation with her.

      mrs. cheveley

      How very kind of you, Lady Chiltern! Believe me, nothing would give me greater pleasure.

      lady markby

      Ah! no doubt you both have many pleasant reminiscences of your schooldays to talk over together. ·110· Good-bye, dear Gertrude! Shall I see you at Lady Bonar’s to-night? She has discovered a wonderful new genius. He does … nothing at all, I believe. That is a great comfort, is it not?

      lady chiltern

      Robert and I are dining at home by ourselves to-night, and I don’t think I shall go anywhere afterwards. Robert, of course, will have to be in the House. But there is nothing interesting on.

      lady markby

      Dining at home by yourselves? Is that quite prudent? Ah, I forgot, your husband is an exception. Mine is the general rule, and nothing ages a woman so rapidly as having married the general rule. [Exit Lady Markby.]

      mrs. cheveley

      Wonderful woman, Lady Markby, isn’t she? Talks more and says less than anybody I ever met. She is made to be a public speaker. Much more so than her husband, though he is a typical Englishman, always dull and usually violent.

      lady chiltern

      [Makes no answer, but remains standing. There is a pause. Then the eyes of the two women meet. Lady Chiltern looks stern and pale. Mrs. Cheveley ·111· seems rather amused.] Mrs. Cheveley, I think it is right to tell you quite frankly that, had I known who you really were, I should not have invited you to my house last night.

      mrs. cheveley

      [With an impertinent smile.] Really?

      lady chiltern

      I could not have done so.

      mrs. cheveley

      I see that after all these years you have not changed a bit, Gertrude.

      lady chiltern

      I never change.

      mrs. cheveley

      [Elevating her eyebrows.] Then life has taught you nothing?

      lady chiltern

      It has taught me that a person who has once been guilty of a dishonest and dishonourable action may be guilty of it a second time, and should be shunned.

      ·112· mrs. cheveley

      Would you apply that rule to everyone?

      lady chiltern

      Yes, to everyone, without exception.

      mrs. cheveley

      Then I am sorry for you, Gertrude, very sorry for you.

      lady chiltern

      You see now, I am sure, that for many reasons any further acquaintance between us during your stay in London is quite impossible?

      mrs. cheveley

      [Leaning back in her chair.] Do you know, Gertrude, I don’t mind your talking morality a bit. Morality is simply the attitude we adopt towards people whom we personally dislike. You dislike me. I am quite aware of that. And I have always detested you. And yet I have come here to do you a service.

      lady chiltern

      [Contemptuously.] Like the service you wished to render my husband last night, I suppose. Thank heaven, I saved him from that.

      ·113· mrs. cheveley

      [Starting to her feet.] It was you who made him write that insolent letter to me? It was you who made him break his promise?

      lady chiltern


      mrs. cheveley

      Then you must make him keep it. I give you till to-morrow morning—no more. If by that time your husband does not solemnly bind himself to help me in this great scheme in which I am interested——

      lady chiltern

      This fraudulent speculation——

      mrs. cheveley

      Call it what you choose. I hold your husband in the hollow of my hand, and if you are wise you will make him do what I tell him.

      lady chiltern

      [Rising and going towards her.] You are impertinent. What has my husband to do with you? With a woman like you?

      ·114· mrs. cheveley

      [With a bitter laugh.] In this world like meets with like. It is because your husband is himself fraudulent and dishonest that we pair so well together. Between you and him there are chasms. He and I are closer than friends. We are enemies linked together. The same sin binds us.

      lady chiltern

      How dare you class my husband with yourself? How dare you threaten

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