Sexual Harassment in the United States. Mary Welek Atwell

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Sexual Harassment in the United States - Mary Welek Atwell Studies in Law and Politics

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the Court set limits. Not all offensive behavior rose to the level of a Title VII violation. “For sexual harassment to be actionable, it must be sufficiently severe or pervasive ‘to alter the conditions of [the victim’s] employment and create an abusive working environment’.”39 Mechelle Vinson’s allegations certainly met that standard.

      Finally, the Court considered the question of employer liability. The Court of Appeals had found that employers were strictly liable for hostile work environments created by supervisors, even if the employer did not know of the harassment. But the Supreme Court evaded the issue, although they commented on it. They rejected the position that employers are always strictly liable. On the other hand, they also noted that the mere fact that an employer has an anti-discrimination policy is not enough to protect them from liability. Nor is it appropriate to have a grievance procedure that requires the employee to inform a supervisor, especially if that supervisor is the perpetrator of the harassment. But regarding the matter of liability, the decision in Meritor Savings Bank v. Vinson provided little guidance to employers or to lower courts and left the situation quite murky.

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