Sexual Harassment in the United States. Mary Welek Atwell

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Sexual Harassment in the United States - Mary Welek Atwell Studies in Law and Politics

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of speech and dress means that all sexual harassment victims are burdened with the need to refute the claim that they actually provoked the advances.50 As with other crimes against women, attention focuses on the behavior of the plaintiff, rather than on the aggression of the defendant. Because of fear that she may be humiliated by such inquiries, a woman who experiences sexual harassment is faced with a “cruel trilemma.” She may endure it, she may attempt to oppose it, or she may leave her job.51 For workers with limited skills or education, for those who are responsible for supporting others, the only real option is endurance.

      It may be true that Vinson did not get at the root of the problem of sexual harassment, even less at the roots of gender discrimination. The Court did not grapple with the idea that sexual harassment was not really about sexual attraction but that it is an exercise of power based on assumptions about what it means to be a man or a woman. On the other hand, every effort to bring about social change requires a foundation—a recognition that legal protections exist and that certain behaviors are prohibited. Vinson left many questions unanswered and many harms without remedies, but it did provide the Court’s ruling that sexual harassment is a form of discrimination based on sex prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Future cases would build on that foundation.

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