Ghost Recon. David Knight

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Ghost Recon - David  Knight

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and clean after the shower. His face and body were washed, and he felt rejuvenated.

      He left his motel room and walked to the lobby of the Motor Inn, where there was a twenty-four-hour diner. He sat at a booth on the left side of the diner and ordered a large chicken salsa burrito with a Pepsi. As Star Gazer was sitting there, a massive force of Marines came in and seated themselves at the three main tables in the center of the diner. They saw Star Gazer and almost jumped him to the ground, but they restrained themselves.

      The Marine One colonel looked at Star Gazer and said, “Hello, son, what’s your name?”

      Star Gazer did not answer the Marine colonel, which was not the normal Star Gazer. He did not even acknowledge the Marine colonel at all. The Marines started to rise out of their table seats, and the Marine colonel waved them back down. The United States Secret Service, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the United States Marshal Service showed up. They spotted Star Gazer and stopped dead in their tracks in disbelief. The federal agents were on an open federal radio channel, and they all called each other to stop. The Secret Service commander got the colonel’s attention, and the colonel acknowledged that yes, it was Star Gazer. The Secret Service commander called congressional agents with a code one emergency sighting of Star Gazer and gave the address and location of the sighting.

      The congressional commanders ran from the situation room in the United States consulate in Tijuana, Mexico, to the transport vehicles in the garage of the consulate. They piled in and floored the vehicles all the way fifteen blocks south to Star Gazer’s positive sighting, using the service lights and sirens. They were there in three minutes. The congressional commanders ran into the diner and halted just behind the federal agents. The congressional commanders were pulling pictures out of their files and looking hard at Star Gazer.

      One of the congressional commanders said, “Oh my god! It is Star Gazer! What the hell!”

      The congressional commander called out over the federal channel and said, “Everyone, hold your position, and do not rush Star Gazer.”

      The federal recovery unit was there to back up the United States Marine Corps Ghost Recon recovery unit. And now the congressional commanders were there. They were in charge. The congressional commanders were quietly taking pictures of Star Gazer as he sat there, eating his burrito. The commanders started an open video commlink to the president in the White House combat information center room 215 and quietly informed the White House Marines to get the president on this now. The president was alerted to the situation in the White House cafeteria and rushed into the situation room. With a heavy Marine One guard in tow, they ran into the room and stopped at the monitors. They stared at the monitors for a full minute.

      The congressional commander called in and asked, “Is the president there yet?”

      The president replied, “I’m here, but I don’t believe what I’m seeing. Is that Star Gazer?”

      The congressional commander replied, “Yes, Mr. President, that is Star Gazer. How do you want to do this, sir?”

      The president replied very carefully, “Commander, get him restrained and I mean right now.”

      The congressional commander said, “Yes, sir.”

      The congressional and federal agents were rolling video cameras of Star Gazer’s recovery as it was mandated by the congressional MI-45 guidelines and mandates of their bylaws. The congressional commander slowly approached Star Gazer until Star Gazer turned and saw him approaching. The commander saw Star Gazer looking at him, and he stopped approaching.

      The commander said, “Hello, son, what is your name, and what Navy ship are you stationed on?”

      Star Gazer said, “My name is Star Gazer, and I’m supposed to be stationed on the Navy ship Acadia in San Diego naval base.”

      The congressional agents asked the president if that was true and correct, and the president said, “No, I have no idea what he’s doing there.”

      The congressional commander said, “Son, I need to talk to you. You are not in any trouble, but we need to talk right now, okay?”

      Star Gazer looked down at the ground for a few seconds, then looked at the commander, and replied, “Yes, I know, Commander.”

      There was a collective holy shit from the federal agents and the marines with Star Gazer’s reply.

      The commander said, “Star Gazer, what are you doing in the Navy ship, the Acadia? What is your current mission?”

      Star Gazer replied, “Presidential directive 0375 silence the lambs.”

      Every single marine federal agent and congressional commander all said, “Oh shit,” at the same time.

      The commander whispered into his radio, “Mr. President, did you hear that?”

      The president said, “Yes, I did, and may God be with us today. Get him down now and fully restrain him immediately right now.”

      The commander said, “Star Gazer, I need you to be a good boy and not be combative, okay? Can you do that for me, son?”

      Star Gazer looked at the ground and turned in the booth seat to face the commander, and when Star Gazer looked up, he had tears streaking his face. Star Gazer said, “I’m unarmed compliant and noncombative, Commander Jones.”

      The Congressional Commander Jones said, “That’s nice to know, Star Gazer, because you are very dangerous, aren’t you?”

      Star Gazer nodded his head yes and wiped the tears from his young face.

      Commander Jones said, “Star Gazer, please comply for retrieval, please.”

      Star Gazer just slid out of the booth seat and lay on the ground in the prone retrieval position. After doing that, Star Gazer said, “I surrender, Commander Jones.”

      The president almost fainted and said, “Thank you, God, wherever you are.”

      The Marines got up and started approaching Star Gazer slowly and carefully.

      The Marine colonel said, “Star Gazer, are you ready to go home?”

      Star Gazer whined out almost a yell, “Yes, Grandfather!”

      The colonel said, “Gunny, go easy but carefully. Be gentle.”

      The hybrid ghosts approached their little brother, Star Gazer, easily but using extreme caution and restrained Star Gazer in leg irons and belly chains and cuffed him in front.

      The hybrid Marine ghosts said, “Hello, little brother, welcome back.”

      Star Gazer just cried like a baby. The older hybrid Marines walked Star Gazer to the Marine One Hummer and drove him back to the United States consulate. They placed him in a hybrid containment room on the bottom floor of the consulate and locked him in his room after taking the restraints off Star Gazer. They already had his bed made up on the floor of the holding cell with mattresses, blanket, and pillow. They walked out and locked the door and stood guard over their little hybrid brother and watched Star Gazer as he cried himself to sleep.

      The president watched the Star Gazer transport over and over on replay and wiped tear after tear from his face. The president contained himself for a minute before he said, “I

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