Ghost Recon. David Knight

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Ghost Recon - David  Knight

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      Star Gazer accepted, and he was fully funded by the MI-45 congressional council. They made Star Gazer a four-star Marine One colonel of Ghost Recon Marine One Unit 5, which was, in fact, San Diego’s basin command. The congressional council mandated Star Gazer to take over the seventh floor of San Diego’s federal building, which was the Defense Intelligence Agency command headquarters. The president acknowledged this event and fully approved the congressional action for funding Star Gazer’s unit. Star Gazer walked out of the congressional council and got what he wanted, and so did congressional council MI-45. It was a fair deal.

      Chapter 11

      San Diego Station

      Star Gazer was driven from Washington, DC, back to San Diego cross country by the congressional council, giving the president time to prepare Star Gazer’s new command on the seventh floor of the federal building. Star Gazer was in his black battle-dress uniform, and his body armor was printed with the presidential seal on the front center of his bulletproof vest. The back was printed MI-45 Combat Assassin, with the presidential seal in the back center—under the seal was Hybrid, and bottom on the back was Star Gazer.

      Star Gazer was transported in the back of the lead Chevy Suburban. There were fifteen vehicles in the presidentially tagged motorcade. The lead Suburban was flying Star Gazer’s presidential combat assassin flag from the rear roof of the vehicle. Star Gazer mostly slept on the way to San Diego, but he was up several hours at a time, being briefed by congressional oversight as to the new job and rank and position on San Diego.

      The presidential motorcade stopped for fuel and food and, occasionally, the presidential suite at the motel to get some rest. Star Gazer stayed completely compliant through the entire transport. He was subdued to himself and quiet. Star Gazer was quiet and calm because he felt at peace. He was with his commanders, going out on another job for them. They were his family as far as he knew.

      It took seven days for the president and federal agents to prepare Star Gazer’s command office on the seventh floor of the San Diego federal building. The presidential motorcade bringing Star Gazer into San Diego stayed in a suite at the Hampton motel on the north side of San Diego until the federal agents were done remodeling Star Gazer’s office. Star Gazer slept and was briefed on the situational targets in the area. Star Gazer was driven around town by the congressional commanders, and they showed him the who’s who of San Diego. When Star Gazer’s seventh-floor federal office was ready, they took him to the federal building and gave him the keys to his motor pool in the federal yard. And they gave him the keys to his office complex.

      Chapter 12

      The Calling

      Star Gazer was at the federal building in the parking lot, looking at his motor pool. He chose the emerald-green Mercedes Benz, twin-turbo eight-cylinder E-55 four-door sedan. He got in, started the car, let it warm up for a minute, then drove to the Navy base. Star Gazer showed his Marine identification card at the gate, and the Navy SEAL security team let him on the base. He drove to the pier 7 parking lot and parked where he could view the Acadia ship, without being seen by the Acadia command or the crew.

      Star Gazer sat there for three hours, and then the Acadia crew had shift change at five in the evening. That’s when Star Gazer spotted his missing brother Tail Gunner exiting the pier 7 gate into the same parking lot Star Gazer was sitting in. Star Gazer sat straight up in the driver’s seat of the Benz and watched Tail Gunner walking toward his Benz. Star Gazer started his car and rolled the front windows down as Tail Gunner walked toward Star Gazer’s car. Tail Gunner stopped one row in front of Star Gazer and was just about to get into an old 1999 Camaro Super Sport.

      Star Gazer got out of the Benz and said, “Hey, bro, was that just the Acadia shift change?”

      Tail Gunner looked over at Star Gazer and said, “Yeah, brother.”

      Star Gazer said, “Maybe you can help me, man. I’m looking for my brother Tail Gunner. You ever heard of him? He’s stationed on the Acadia. Just want to spend some time with him.”

      Tail Gunner turned to look at the kid saying his name. His mouth dropped open. His eyes went big, and he said, “Star Gazer, is that you?”

      Star Gazer said, “Yes, Tail Gunner, it’s me. Let’s take a ride. We got to talk.”

      Tail Gunner walked up to Star Gazer, and they embraced each other in a bear hug. Star Gazer drove, and Tail Gunner sat in the passenger seat, and Star Gazer told Tail Gunner what was going on. Tail Gunner listened to Star Gazer, and after he was done talking, he told Star Gazer, “Count me in, bro. Let’s do it.”

      Star Gazer smiled, picked up his secured marine radio, and called T-Con 56 to Marine One, “Tail Gunner is ready for recovery in custody in bound fifteen minutes to Coronado Marine One.”

      There was no reply at all from the Marine radio. Not one Marine answered the call. They were all in shock. Star Gazer drove Tail Gunner to the Coronado Marine base from San Diego across the bridge. Star Gazer drove through the gate at the Marine base turned the corner left at the cafeteria. They both got out and went inside to see the Marine colonel on duty. They stopped at the duty colonel’s table in the chow hall, and Star Gazer said, “Grandfather, look who I just found. It’s Tail Gunner.”

      The Marine colonel turned slowly in his seat and looked at the boys and then said, “Hello, son.”

      Tail Gunner smiled and said, “Hello, Grandfather,” and stepped up and hugged the Marine colonel.

      Sitting in the Marine colonel’s lap, he said, “Grandfather, I know where Ghost is. He is on the Acadia Navy ship.”

      It went dead silent in the Marine chow hall as the Marines just heard they know where all three missing baby hybrids were now after nine and half years of not knowing. The Marine colonel just sat there in shocked silence for a minute then said, “Boys, give me a minute to talk, okay?”

      Star Gazer and Tail Gunner replied, “Yes, Grandfather,” and walked outside and sat on the hood of the car.

      Fifteen minutes later, a Marine gunny came out and said, “Boys, Grandfather will see you now. Come inside.”

      Star Gazer and Tail Gunner replied, “Yes, Gunny,” and went into the chow hall to talk to the Marine colonel.

      The Marine duty colonel turned toward the boys in his seat and said, “Boys, I want Ghost of that damn ship here tonight. You hear me? Tonight.”

      Star Gazer and Tail Gunner wiped tears from their faces and said, “It will be done, Grandfather. We promise you.”

      The Marine duty colonel said, “Go get him, boys, now.”

      Star Gazer and Tail Gunner said, “We will be back with Ghost in an hour or so. Wait for the call, Grandfather.”

      Chapter 13

      Ghost Caller

      Star Gazer and Tail Gunner drove back to the San Diego naval station surface warfare base, and the Navy SEALs security force gave them entrance to the base. They drove south across the base down to the service piers and backed into the parking spot in front of pier 7 main gate. Star Gazer took a deep breath, looked over at Tail Gunner in the passenger seat, and said, “Let’s do this quietly.”


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