Ghost Recon. David Knight

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Ghost Recon - David  Knight

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and Colonel Force will be in charge. Thank you, Marine.”

      The president cut the transmission and walked to his room and took a nap to de-stress.

      Chapter 7

      Grandfather Force

      Marine One Colonel John Force got on Air Force One, the United States presidential plane, seat belted up, and yelled at the pilot, “Hammer this thing full throttle now!”

      The pilot replied by revving the turbofan jet engines and releasing the brakes. Colonel Force was seated back in his seat as the jet engines went full throttle, and the plane left the runway bound for fifty thousand feet and San Diego International Airport.

      The president’s plane landed in San Diego four and a half hours later on runway one with a landing clearance level one. The Marines ran off the plane and jumped in the Marine One motorcade Hummers and left for the United States consulate in Tijuana, Mexico. The service lights flashing sirens on, they were inbound to Star Gazer full throttle. The Marine motorcade arrived in Tijuana, Mexico, twenty minutes later and came to a tire-squealing stop in the consulate garage.

      Colonel Force sprinted inside the consulate hybrid containment hallway and stopped at Star Gazer’s room door. He stared at Star Gazer sleeping there in his room with teary eyes.

      Colonel Force said, “Thank you, God. Gunny, get the door open now.”

      The Marine gunnery duty sergeant opened Star Gazer’s room door and backed off. The entire Marine One command force from the Pentagon was there wall to wall in the hallway and inside Star Gazer’s room. Star Gazer was lying on his left side, facing the room door, deep in sleep. When he was awakened by a soft gentle hand on his right rib cage, Star Gazer opened his eyes and saw Grandfather Force Marine One face-to-face after a nine-and-a-half-year absence.

      Star Gazer said, “Hello, Grandfather. I am unarmed compliant and noncombative.”

      Grandfather Force said, “Hello, you beautiful lethal little son of bitch. Welcome home, son.” Grandfather Force lay down and hugged Star Gazer and cuddled with the nineteen-year-old baby hybrid assassin he looked for over nine years worldwide.

      Chapter 8

      MI-45 Council

      The congressional council that funded the Marine hybrid production center got word from Colonel Force that they have Star Gazer in custody, and he is completely compliant. There was a loud roar of “hell yeah” and standing ovation in the congressional buildings during the briefing over secured satellite communications from the United States consulate in Tijuana, Mexico, to Washington, DC. It took the congressional commanders and funders ten minutes to settle down and state their questions to Colonel Force.

      The colonel asked the congress, “Where you want him?”

      The entire congressional command said, “Right here in DC as soon as Air Force One can get here, Colonel.”

      Colonel Force replied, “Yes, boss. On the way now.”

      The congressional commander said, “And by the way, Colonel Force, you just got another congressional medal of honor for that one. Congratulations.” The commander smiled and cut the transmission to prepare for Star Gazer’s DC inbound arrival.

      Colonel Force rallied the Ghost Recon Marines and addressed them to the fact that they were moving baby Star Gazer to a more secure Marine hybrid containment in Washington, DC. The older hybrids went to Star Gazer’s room and got their baby brother ready for transport to the presidential Marine One hybrid containment base in Washington, DC. They told Star Gazer that he was going before the council in a few days, and Star Gazer nodded yes and replied, “I know.”

      They got Star Gazer dressed in his presidential hybrid body armor and walked him to the Marine One Hummer motorcade, lead Hummer with Star Gazer’s presidential flag flying from the tailgate. They drove Star Gazer across Mexico, United States, border straight to the San Diego International Airport nonstop and fully unrestrained. They went through gate 5, boarded Air Force One, and seat belted up and had an immediate priority one clearance. Star Gazer sat in front of the plane next to Grandfather Force and cried softly, knowing he was finally home with family.

      Chapter 9

      Ghost Recon Base One

      The entire Marine One base was closed on full security Zebra one lockdown. The off duty Marines were called in for security force service immediately. The Marine One hybrid medics were there and waited to do a full medical workup on baby Star Gazer. It was a very excited and very tense four-hour wait before the call came in. That Air Force One was in final descent inbound runway one standby to receive baby Star Gazer. The entire Marine Force One was in presence, waiting to receive Star Gazer’s full hybrid medical retrieval unit in rank on the runway by the airport’s back door, of door one. The hybrid medical Hummer was parked and idling, and the back door was open to receive baby Star Gazer.

      Air Force One landed and hit the brakes and rolled to close stop by the Marine One hybrid medical team and Hummer. The Force One Marines rushed the ladder up to the plane door and rushed in. They picked Star Gazer up and rushed him to the Marine hybrid medical Hummer. They strapped Star Gazer down on a stretcher, loaded him in the back of the Hummer, and rushed him to the hybrid medical center on the Marine base. The medical center was on full alert that Star Gazer was coming in code one medical alert. The medical Hummer raced across the base lights flashing and sirens on. The hybrid medics were preparing Star Gazer for treatment during this high-speed medical transport.

      The Hummer came racing into the parking lot, tires smoking and squealing, and the Hummer slid sideways to a stop. Star Gazer was pulled out and rushed into the hybrid medical suite one for any treatments he may need. Star Gazer’s pulse was very low, and he was having a hard time catching his breath. He was listed in critical condition until further notice. The medics got Star Gazer stabilized with several hybrid injections, and he was groggy and in and out of consciousness. The medics gave him full-body x-rays and CAT scans to see if he was internally all right. He passed the test okay—no seen problems. They rolled Star Gazer back to his hybrid medical suite and watched closely as he slept soundly.

      Chapter 10

      Washington, DC

      Star Gazer came fully awake eight hours later and was put through medical mobility tests, which he passed. Star Gazer was taken out of critical condition and put in medical watch alert. The hybrid medical team was placed on watch, and they stayed with Star Gazer another three days in the medical suite, and he turned out to be fine. Star Gazer was cleared for full active duty three days later and was sent to the MI-45 congressional council debriefs. Star Gazer was called into the congressional building in Washington, DC, to declare his whereabouts for the past nine years and six months. Star Gazer sat at the table and answered the congressional council’s questions for three days—starting at nine in the morning with a lunch break from noon to one and sessional debrief from one to four in the afternoon.

      After three days, the congressional council retired for review. The council took two weeks to reconvene and recall Star Gazer for disposition. During the two weeks’ wait for disposition from the MI-45 council, they held Star Gazer at the Marine hybrid containment building at the Ghost Recon Marine base in Washington, DC. After hearing what Star Gazer had been through for nine and a half years, they decided to give him his own Marine One Ghost Recon Unit 5 command in San Diego, California—basically,

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