Robot Learning from Human Teachers. Sonia Chernova

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Robot Learning from Human Teachers - Sonia Chernova Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

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      ISBN: 9781627051996 paperback

      ISBN: 9781627052009 ebook

      DOI 10.2200/S00568ED1V01Y201402AIM028

      A Publication in the Morgan & Claypool Publishers series


      Lecture #28

      Series Editors: Ronald J. Brachman, Yahoo! Labs

      William W. Cohen, Carnegie Mellon University

      Peter Stone, University of Texas at Austin

      Series ISSN

      Print 1939-4608 Electronic 1939-4616

       Robot Learning from Human Teachers

      Sonia Chernova

      Worchester Polytechnic Institute

      Andrea L. Thomaz

      Georgia Institute of Technology



      Learning from Demonstration (LfD) explores techniques for learning a task policy from examples provided by a human teacher. The field of LfD has grown into an extensive body of literature over the past 30 years, with a wide variety of approaches for encoding human demonstrations and modeling skills and tasks. Additionally, we have recently seen a focus on gathering data from nonexpert human teachers (i.e., domain experts but not robotics experts). In this book, we provide an introduction to the field with a focus on the unique technical challenges associated with designing robots that learn from naive human teachers. We begin, in the introduction, with a unification of the various terminology seen in the literature as well as an outline of the design choices one has in designing an LfD system. Chapter 2 gives a brief survey of the psychology literature that provides insights from human social learning that are relevant to designing robotic social learners. Chapter 3 walks through an LfD interaction, surveying the design choices one makes and state of the art approaches in prior work. First, is the choice of input, how the human teacher interacts with the robot to provide demonstrations. Next, is the choice of modeling technique. Currently, there is a dichotomy in the field between approaches that model low-level motor skills and those that model high-level tasks composed of primitive actions. We devote a chapter to each of these. Chapter 7 is devoted to interactive and active learning approaches that allow the robot to refine an existing task model. And finally, Chapter 8 provides best practices for evaluation of LfD systems, with a focus on how to approach experiments with human subjects in this domain.


      Learning from Demonstration, imitation learning, Human-robot Interaction


       1 Introduction

       1.1 Machine Learning for End-Users

       1.2 The Learning from Demonstration Pipeline

       1.3 A Note on Terminology

       2 Human Social Learning

       2.1 Learning is a Part of All Activity

       2.2 Teachers Scaffold the Learning Process

       2.2.1 Attention Direction

       2.2.2 Dynamic Scaffolding

       2.2.3 Externalizing and Modeling Metacognition

       2.3 Role of Communication in Social Learning

       2.3.1 Expression Provides Feedback to Guide a Teacher

       2.3.2 Asking Questions

       2.4 Implications for the Design of Robot Learners

       3 Modes of Interaction with a Teacher

       3.1 The Correspondence Problem

       3.2 Learning by Doing

       3.3 Learning from Observation

       3.4 Learning from Critique

       3.5 Design Implications

       4 Learning Low-Level Motion Trajectories

       4.1 State Spaces for Motion Learning

       4.2 Modeling an action with Dynamic Movement Primitives

       4.3 Modeling Action with Probabilistic Models

       4.4 Techniques for Handling Suboptimal Demonstrations

       5 Learning High-Level Tasks

       5.1 State Spaces for High-Level Learning

       5.2 Learning a Mapping Function


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