A Smart Girl's Guide: Boys (Revised). Nancy Holyoke

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A Smart Girl's Guide: Boys (Revised) - Nancy Holyoke American Girl

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writes a note to Brett and folds it up till it’s the size of

      a wad of chewing gum. She gives it to Caitlin to deliver.

      2:10 p.m.

      Angela and Jing and Clementine have a good time in gym

      getting teased by David and DeShay and Reese.

      3:00–3:30 p.m.

      Caitlin gives Lindsey’s note to Brett. She thinks

      he looks cute when he’s embarrassed. On the

      bus, Caitlin makes a list of all the boys she’s

      gone with this year. It looks like this:

      1. Brett (2 weeks)

      2. Khalid (1 week)

      3. Joaquin (2 days)

      4. David (3½ hours)

      5. Maggie’s older brother, Jonathan

       (in her dreams)

      There were others first semester, but she

      lost count. She thinks maybe she’d like to

      go with Brett again after he and Lindsey

      break up. She figures her friend and her

      new crush will last about 2 weeks.

      Maybe 1.



      What’s caused all this drama? For one thing: hormones.

      Hormones are chemicals in the body. During puberty, a girl’s hormones help

      her body develop into a woman’s body, and a boy’s hormones help his body

      develop into a man’s body. Hormones cause lots of emotional changes. They

      also change the way girls and boys look at one another.

      In general, hormones start working in girls a little sooner than they do in boys.

      This means that many girls may be taller and more physically mature than

      most boys their age up until high school. For the same reason, girls are often

      ready to be interested in boys earlier than boys are ready to be interested in

      them. That difference can lead to confusion and disappointment for girls.

      Before hormones

      After hormones



      staying normal

      I don’t have any problem being myself around girls, but

      sometimes when boys are around, I can’t seem to be me.

      I just act weird.


      A lot of girls find it hard to act normal. The simplest thing—like passing

      an assignment to the boy in the next desk—may send clouds of questions

      rolling through your mind.

      What if he starts to like me?

      What if he starts to think

      I like him?

      What if my friends think he

      and I like each other and

      embarrass me about it?

      What if I start to like him and

      he doesn’t like me back?

      What if he and I start liking

      each other at the same time?

      WHAT THEN????

      You start acting, well, WEIRD.


      So what’s weird? For instance:

      You talk too much

      Ahmad is standing next to you in line. Suddenly you hear yourself

      jabbering away as if your mouth weren’t connected to your brain.

      Weird-O-Meter Rating:

      Slow down. It will give you time to think before you speak. Don’t run

      your words together. Take a breath between sentences. Ask questions.

      Conversations involve both people talking, after all. And while he’s

      looking for words, you’ll have more time to get a grip on your own.

      You pretend you’re invisible

      C.J. and Matt are so cute! They’re talking to your best friend during a break

      in gym. You’d like to join them, but what if you say the wrong thing? You

      stay where you are and count bricks in the wall.

      Weird-O-Meter Rating:

      Try not to avoid boys. It will only make your nerves worse. Remind yourself

      that it’s natural for girls and boys to be fluttery around one another at this

      age. The way to learn to talk to boys is to talk to boys. Practice makes perfect.

      Or, at least, with a little practice, talking to boys won’t be such a big deal.


      You act too cool

      Louis is cute, Zach is awesome, and Ian is cool. You have to walk past

      them all on the way to your locker. You put a big smile on your face,

      pretend you’re a movie star, and hope they buy the act.

      Weird-O-Meter Rating:

      Most of us put up a front when we’re nervous. Acting relaxed is the next

      best thing to feeling that way. It helps a person stay in

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