A Smart Girl's Guide: Boys (Revised). Nancy Holyoke

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A Smart Girl's Guide: Boys (Revised) - Nancy Holyoke American Girl

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      How do you get him to notice you? Well, you could . . .

      take up skydiving.

      flirt till you drop.

      lie down in front of him in the hallway.

      dress like a pop star.

      put a photo of yourself in his ham sandwich.


      But, as any boy would tell you, it shouldn’t require that much effort.

      What do boys look for in a girl? Glad you asked:

      Someone who is attractive, funny, and nice. She has to not drag

      me into malls.

       Joey, age 13

      A good personality and a good sense of humor. Someone who is

      nice and can make me laugh.

       Andrew, age 12

      A girl who’s willing to go places, who’s not scared to talk to me.

       Grant, age 13

      Someone who’s willing to be there for me when I’m in need.

      James, age 12

      Smart, cute, fun to be around. Happy and talented.

      Aaron, age 13

      Someone who likes me for me, and doesn’t care what I look like.

      Adam, age 13

      I appreciate it when girls are themselves, when they don’t

      act all phony and stuff.

      Connor, age 12

      So before you buy a bucket of makeup or change your name or dump old

      friends for new, hoping to attract that special boy, ask yourself this: “Is this

      going to make me happier to be me?”

      Unless the answer is yes, don’t do it.


      should you tell him

      you like him?

      Feelings fear

      I really, really, really like this boy in my class, but I’m afraid

      to tell him that I like him. I’m afraid he’ll say something like

      “Gross!” or tell his friends and have everyone laughing at me.

      Boy Crazy in Illinois

      For some girls, having a crush is a private thing. They’re not ready to go public

      with how they feel.

      Other girls would like the boy to know, if they weren’t afraid of one little




      Everybody worries about it, boys and girls both. Nobody wants to get hurt.

      Nobody wants to be embarrassed. Nobody wants to find out that the person

      she’s had a crush on doesn’t feel the same way about her. It’s always a gamble,

      letting a boy know you like him. But you can cut your risk a lot if you take

      some time to read a boy’s signs before you speak up.


      what’s he thinking?

      Most boys will give some pretty obvious signals about how they feel by the

      way they behave.

      Funny looks

      I really like this one guy. Just about every time he sees me,

       he gives me this long (not mean) stare. Is this good or bad?

      Sight or Fright

      Staring could be good. It could also mean your shirt tag is hanging out. Find

       an excuse to talk to him: make a remark about your classwork or the Hawaiian

       Surprise pizza in the lunchroom. See what happens. Maybe he’ll grunt and

       turn away. Maybe he’ll grin and blush and tell you what he did with his pizza

       after he scraped off the pineapple. Either way, you’ll have your answer.


      Wise guy

      There’s this boy that I like, and I think he likes me, but I’m not

      sure. For example: At recess he says, “Hi, Psycho.” But he also

      unfreezes me when we play freeze tag with our friends. What

      should I think?

      Not Sure About Love

      Boys express affection for their friends by kidding around. They often do

      the same thing with a girl they like. A boy who teases you in a fun way could

      indeed have a crush on you. If he says “Hi, Psycho” and makes a big point of

      unfreezing you at tag? It’s a good bet.


      I like a boy I know. My brother told me that the boy said he wants

      to be single, live in a trailer park, and be a sports announcer.

      I want to go out with him, but he’s afraid to go out with anyone.

      Should I ask him out or keep my feelings a secret?

      Single and Lonely

      This boy may indeed not want to have anything to do with girls—now or ever.


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