Essential Indonesian Phrasebook & Dictionary. Iskandar Nugraha

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Essential Indonesian Phrasebook & Dictionary - Iskandar Nugraha Essential Phrasebook and Dictionary Series

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morning, sir.Selamat pagi, Pak.Good morning, madam.Selamat pagi, Ibu.Good morning, Sri.[formal] Selamat pagi, Ibu Sri.Good morning, Peter.[formal] Selamat pagi, Pak Peter.Hello, Peter.Halo, Peter.Hi, Sri.Hai, Sri.middaysiangGood day, madam.Selamat siang, Ibu.Good day, sir.Selamat siang, Pak.Good afternoon.Selamat siang./Selamat sore.late afternoonsorenightmalamGood evening.Selamat malam.How are you?Apa kabar?How are things?/How have you been?Bagaimana kabarnya?Fine, thank you, and you?Baik, terima kasih, dan Anda?Very well, and you?Baik-baik saja, dan Anda?So-so.Lumayan.Not very well.Kurang baik.The usual.Biasa saja.I’m going.Saya akan pergi.I have to leave now.Saya harus berangkat sekarang.I have to be going.Saya harus pergi.Someone’s waiting for me.Ada yang menunggu saya.Goodbye.(to the person leaving)Selamat jalan.Goodbye.(to the person staying)Selamat tinggal.See you again.Sampai bertemu lagi.Until we meet again.Sampai jumpa lagi.See you later (today).Sampai nanti.Sweet dreamsMimpi manis.Sleep well.Selamat tidur.All the bestSukses!Have a nice vacation.Selamat berlibur.Bon voyage/Have agood trip.Selamat jalan.Give my regards to….Titip salam untuk….Say hello to….Salam buat….

Who? Siapa?Who’s that? Siapa itu?
Who’s this? Siapa ini?Who’s there? Siapa di sana?
What is there [to see]?Ada apa di sana?
What is inside?Ada apa di dalam?
What is this?Apa ini?
What is that?Apa itu?
How many stars does this hotel have?Hotel ini bintang berapa?
Where? (location)Di mana?
Where’s the bathroom?Kamar kecil di mana?
Where? (direction)Ke mana?
Where are you going?Anda akan pergi ke mana?
Where are you from?Anda dari mana?
How far is that?Berapa jauh itu?
How big? [time]Berapa lama?
How long does it take [to go there]?Berapa lama ke sana?
How long is the trip?Berapa lama perjalanan ini?
How many hours?Berapa jam?
How much? (price)Berapa?
How much is this?Berapa harga barang ini?
What time is it?Jam berapa?
Which one(s)?Yang mana?
Which glass is mine?Gelas saya yang mana?
When are you going?Kapan anda pergi?
Could you…?/Can you…?Bisakah anda?
Could you help me, please?Boleh saya minta tolong?
Could you show me this, please?Dapatkah anda menunjukkan saya barang ini?
Come with me, please.Tolong ikut saya.
Could you help me book a ticket, please?Tolong pesan karcis untuk saya.
Is there another hotel nearby?Ada hotel lain di sekitar sini?
Do you know about …?Apa anda tahu…?
Do you have…?Ada…?
Do you have a…for me?Apakah ada…untuk saya?
Do you have a vegetarian dish, please?Ada menu vegetarian?
Do you have a vegan dish, please?Ada makanan vegan?
I would like…Saya mau…
I’d like a kilo.Saya mau satu kilo.
Can I?Bisa saya?
May l?Bolehkah saya?
Can I take this?Bisa saya ambil ini?
May I take this?Boleh saya ambil ini?
May I smoke?Boleh saya merokok?
May I ask you something?Boleh saya tanya?

      There are several ways of asking for something in Indonesian.

to ask for [something]minta
Can you help me?Bisa bantu saya?
Please give me one.Minta satu.
Please give me two.Minta dua.
Please give me a beer.Minta bir.
Please give me drinking water.Minta air minum.
Pleasemohon [polite]
Please wait.Mohon ditunggu.
Please do not smoke.Mohon jangan merokok.
I cannot stand cigarette smoke.Saya tidak tahan asap rokok.
to help [do something]tolong
Can you help me (do something)?Bisa tolong saya?
Please show us that.Tolong kasih lihat itu.
Please give me that one.Tolong kasih yang itu.

Yes, of course.Ya, tentu saja.
No, I’m sorry.Tidak, maaf.
Yes, what can I do for you?Ya, apa yang bisa saya bantu?
Yes, how can I help?Ya, bisa dibantu?
Wait a moment, please.Tunggu sebentar.
No, I don’t have time now.Maaf, saya tidak punya waktu sekarang.
I’m sorry, I can’t help you.Maaf, saya tidak bisa bantu.
Sorry, that’s impossible.Maaf, itu tidak mungkin.
I think so.Saya rasa begitu.
I think that’s right.Saya rasa itu benar.
No, not at all.Sama sekali tidak.
Absolutely not.Tentu saja tidak.
no onetidak seorangpun
nothing at alltidak satupun.
That’s right.Betul.
That’s correct.Benar.
Something’s wrong.Ada yang tidak benar.
That’s wrong.Itu salah.
I agree.Saya setuju.
I don’t agree.Saya tidak setuju.
It’s nothing.Tidak apa-apa.
No problem.Tidak masalah.
All right.Baiklah.
I don’t know.Saya tidak tahu.

Thank you.Terima kasih.
You’re welcome.Sama-sama.
Thank you very much.Terima kasih banyak.
You’re very kind.Anda baik sekali.
My pleasure.Dengan senang hati.
I enjoyed it very much.Saya senang sekali.
Thank you for….Terima kasih atas….
You’re so kind.Anda sangat baik.
That’s nothing.Tidak apa-apa.
You needn’t to.Tidak usah.
Thanks for your help.Terima kasih atas bantuannya.
We’ll pay next time.Lain

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