Essential Indonesian Phrasebook & Dictionary. Iskandar Nugraha
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1.2 Asking a question
Who? Siapa? | Who’s that? Siapa itu? |
Who’s this? Siapa ini? | Who’s there? Siapa di sana? |
What? | Apa? |
What is there [to see]? | Ada apa di sana? |
What is inside? | Ada apa di dalam? |
What is this? | Apa ini? |
What is that? | Apa itu? |
How many stars does this hotel have? | Hotel ini bintang berapa? |
Where? (location) | Di mana? |
Where’s the bathroom? | Kamar kecil di mana? |
Where? (direction) | Ke mana? |
Where are you going? | Anda akan pergi ke mana? |
Where are you from? | Anda dari mana? |
How far is that? | Berapa jauh itu? |
How big? [time] | Berapa lama? |
How long does it take [to go there]? | Berapa lama ke sana? |
How long is the trip? | Berapa lama perjalanan ini? |
How many hours? | Berapa jam? |
How much? (price) | Berapa? |
How much is this? | Berapa harga barang ini? |
What time is it? | Jam berapa? |
Which one(s)? | Yang mana? |
Which glass is mine? | Gelas saya yang mana? |
When? | Kapan? |
When are you going? | Kapan anda pergi? |
Why? | Kenapa? |
Could you…?/Can you…? | Bisakah anda? |
Could you help me, please? | Boleh saya minta tolong? |
Could you show me this, please? | Dapatkah anda menunjukkan saya barang ini? |
Come with me, please. | Tolong ikut saya. |
Could you help me book a ticket, please? | Tolong pesan karcis untuk saya. |
Is there another hotel nearby? | Ada hotel lain di sekitar sini? |
Do you know about …? | Apa anda tahu…? |
Do you have…? | Ada…? |
Do you have a…for me? | Apakah ada…untuk saya? |
Do you have a vegetarian dish, please? | Ada menu vegetarian? |
Do you have a vegan dish, please? | Ada makanan vegan? |
I would like… | Saya mau… |
I’d like a kilo. | Saya mau satu kilo. |
Can I? | Bisa saya? |
May l? | Bolehkah saya? |
Can I take this? | Bisa saya ambil ini? |
May I take this? | Boleh saya ambil ini? |
May I smoke? | Boleh saya merokok? |
May I ask you something? | Boleh saya tanya? |
1.3 Making a request
There are several ways of asking for something in Indonesian.
to ask for [something] | minta |
Can you help me? | Bisa bantu saya? |
Please give me one. | Minta satu. |
Please give me two. | Minta dua. |
Please give me a beer. | Minta bir. |
Please give me drinking water. | Minta air minum. |
Please | mohon [polite] |
Please wait. | Mohon ditunggu. |
Please do not smoke. | Mohon jangan merokok. |
I cannot stand cigarette smoke. | Saya tidak tahan asap rokok. |
to help [do something] | tolong |
Can you help me (do something)? | Bisa tolong saya? |
Please show us that. | Tolong kasih lihat itu. |
Please give me that one. | Tolong kasih yang itu. |
1.4 How to reply
Yes, of course. | Ya, tentu saja. |
No, I’m sorry. | Tidak, maaf. |
Yes, what can I do for you? | Ya, apa yang bisa saya bantu? |
Yes, how can I help? | Ya, bisa dibantu? |
Wait a moment, please. | Tunggu sebentar. |
No, I don’t have time now. | Maaf, saya tidak punya waktu sekarang. |
I’m sorry, I can’t help you. | Maaf, saya tidak bisa bantu. |
Sorry, that’s impossible. | Maaf, itu tidak mungkin. |
I think so. | Saya rasa begitu. |
I think that’s right. | Saya rasa itu benar. |
Hopefully. | Mudah-mudahan. |
No, not at all. | Sama sekali tidak. |
Absolutely not. | Tentu saja tidak. |
no one | tidak seorangpun |
nothing at all | tidak satupun. |
That’s right. | Betul. |
That’s correct. | Benar. |
Something’s wrong. | Ada yang tidak benar. |
That’s wrong. | Itu salah. |
I agree. | Saya setuju. |
I don’t agree. | Saya tidak setuju. |
OK. | Oke. |
It’s nothing. | Tidak apa-apa. |
No problem. | Tidak masalah. |
All right. | Baiklah. |
Perhaps. | Mungkin. |
Probably. | Barangkali. |
I don’t know. | Saya tidak tahu. |
1.5 Thank you
Thank you. | Terima kasih. |
You’re welcome. | Sama-sama. |
Thank you very much. | Terima kasih banyak. |
You’re very kind. | Anda baik sekali. |
My pleasure. | Dengan senang hati. |
I enjoyed it very much. | Saya senang sekali. |
Thank you for…. | Terima kasih atas…. |
You’re so kind. | Anda sangat baik. |
That’s nothing. | Tidak apa-apa. |
You needn’t to. | Tidak usah. |
Thanks for your help. | Terima kasih atas bantuannya. |
We’ll pay next time. | Lain