Essential Indonesian Phrasebook & Dictionary. Iskandar Nugraha

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Essential Indonesian Phrasebook & Dictionary - Iskandar Nugraha Essential Phrasebook and Dictionary Series

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I come around?Jam berapa saya bisa datang?At…Pada jam…After…Sesudah jam…Before…Sebelum jam…Between…and…Antara jam…dan jam…From…to…Dari jam…sampai jam…In…minutesDalam…menitIn an hourdalam satu jamIn…hoursdalam…jamIn a quarter of an hourdalam seperempat jamIn three quarters of an hourdalam tiga perempat jamtoo earlyterlalu awal/pagi/cepattoo late (in the morning)terlalu siangtoo late (in the afternoon)terlalu soretoo late (in the night)terlalu malamon timetepat waktu
day hariyesterday kemarin
today hari inithe day after tomorrow lusa
tomorrow besokthe day before yesterday kemarin lusa
What day is it today?Ini hari apa?
Today is ….Sekarang hari ….
– Monday Senin– Friday Jumat
– Tuesday Selasa– Saturday Sabtu
– Wednesday Rabu– Sunday Minggu
– Thursday Kamis
What’s the date today?Tanggal berapa hari ini?
Today’s the 24th.Hari ini tanggal dua puluh empat.
Monday is November 3rd.Hari Senin tanggal tiga November.
morning pagithis morning pagi ini
week minggunext… depan
midday siangin…days dalam…hari
this midday siang iniin …weeks dalam…minggu
late afternoon sore…weeks ago …minggu yang lalu
this evening malam inithis week minggu ini
night malamlast week minggu lalu
tonight malam ininext week minggu depan
last night tadi malamday off hari libur
holiday hari besar
month bulanyear tahun
What month is it?Sekarang bulan apa?
It is [the month of]Sekarang bulan…
– January Januari– July Juli
– February Februari– August Agustus
– March Maret– September September
– April April– October Oktober
– May Mei– November November
– June Juni– December Desember
next month bulan depanin…months dalam…bulan
last year tahun laluin…years dalam…tahun
dry kemaraudry season musim kemarau
rainy season musim hujanin the rainy season di musim hujan
spring musim semiin spring di musim semi
summer musim panasin summer di musim panas
autumn musim gugurin autumn di musim gugur
winter musim dinginin winter di musim dingin
2018tahun dua ribu delapan belas
2019tahun dua ribu sembilan belas
2020tahun dua ribu dua puluh
2021tahun dua ribu dua puluh satu
2022tahun dua ribu dua puluh dua
the twentieth centuryabad kedua puluh
the twenty-first centuryabad kedua puluh satu

       See 5.2 Traffic signs

polisi lalu lintastraffic policekamar mandibathroomsWCtoiletruang tungguwaiting roombahaya apifire hazardberhentistopbukaopentutupcloseddilarang masukno access/no entrydilarang merokokno smokingdinas kebakaranfire departmentdisewakanfor hire/for renttangga daruratfire escapetegangan tinggihigh voltagerem daruratemergency brake(bukan) air minum(not) drinking waterair panashot waterair dingincold waterloketticket counterketeranganinformationkantor pariwisatatourist information bureaujangan (di) sentuhplease do not touchjangan (di) gangguplease do not disturbjangan membuang sampah sembaranganno litteringpintu masukentrancepintu keluarexitpintu daruratemergency exitpertolongan pertamafirst aidawas anjingbeware of the dogtutup untuk perbaikanunder maintenancekasircashierkosongnot in usebahayadangerpolisipolicerumah sakithospitalrusakout of ordersibukbusytarikpulldorongpushpenuhfullterjualsold outdijualfor salekantor pospost officejadwaltimetable

      The most important public holidays in Indonesia are the following:

Tahun Baru (New Year’s Day)January 1
Imlek (Chinese New Year)Variable
Jumat Agung (Good Friday)Nyepi (Balinese Saka Calendar New Year)Waisak (Buddhist Festival)VariableVariableVariable
Isra Miraj (Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad)Variable
Hari Kemerdekaan (Independence Day)August 17
Muharram (Islamic New Year)Variable
Hari Natal (Christmas Day)December 25

      Many holidays follow the Islamic lunar calendar and do not fall on the same date every year. One of the biggest holidays of the year is Idul Fitri which falls at the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. The date of this festival moves forward roughly 10 days each solar year. During Ramadan many shops and restaurants in Muslim areas are closed during daylight hours. It can be difficult to travel during Idul Fitri as hotels and transport are booked out in advance by locals.

      3. Small Talk


       3.1 Introductions

       3.2 Pardon me, do you speak English?

       3.3 Starting/ending a conversation

       3.4 Chatting about the weather

       3.5 Hobbies

       3.6 Invitations

       3.7 Paying a compliment


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