Japanese Kanji Power. John Millen

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Japanese Kanji Power - John Millen

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thread毛糸keitowool; woolen yarn糸を引くito o hikuto have sticky threads to pull strings絹糸kinu-ito, kenshisilk thread糸口itoguchia beginning; a clue生糸kiitoraw silk糸偏itohenthe ito radical of a Chinese charactr




      ジ JI みみ mimi

      The character 耳 depicts the shape of an ear.

      GR1 N5

      Example Sentences

      1. 耳鼻科の先生に喉を診てもらった。

      Jibika no sensei ni nodo o mite moratta.

      I had an ear, nose and throat specialist have a look at my throat.

      2. 耳に水が入った。

      Mimi ni mizu ga haitta.

      Some water got into my ear.

      3. 祖父は少し耳が遠い。

      Sofu wa sukoshi mimi ga tōi.

      My grandfather is a little hard of hearing.

      4. それは初耳だよ。

      Sore wa hatsumimi da yo.

      That's news to me!

      5. パンの耳を切り落とさないで。

      Pan no mimi o kiri-otosanai de.

      Please don't cut the crust off the bread!

Common Compounds and Phrases
耳鼻科jibikathe ear, nose and throat department
中耳炎chūjiena middle ear infection
初耳hatsumimihearing something for the first time
耳が遠いmimi ga tōihard of hearing
耳たぶmimitabuan earlobe
耳鳴りmiminariringing in the ears
耳障りmimizawarirasping; harsh




      セイ SEI サイ SAI にし nishi

      The character 西 depicted a bird in a nest. A bird returns to its nest when the sun sets in the west.

      GR2 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 西洋の文化に興味があります。

      Seiyō no bunka ni kyōmi ga arimasu.

      I'm interested in Western culture.

      2. 関西国際空港はいつ完成しましたか。

      Kansai Kokusai Kūkō wa itsu kansei shimashita ka.

      When was the Kansai International Airport completed?

      3. 毎日、東西線に乗る。

      Mainichi, Tōzai-sen ni noru.

      I take the Tōzai line every day.

      4. 西の空に太陽が沈む。

      Nishi no sora ni taiyō ga shizumu.

      The sun sets in the west.

      5. この部屋は西日が射して暑い。

      Kono heya wa nishibi ga sashite atsui.

      This room is hot from the afternoon sun.

Common Compounds and Phrases
西洋seiyōthe West; Europe
西部seibuthe western part
西暦seirekithe Christian era; A.D.
関西kansaithe Kansai (Region)
東西tōzaieast and west; East-West
西日nishibithe western (afternoon) sun



      previous; ahead; future

      セン SEN さき saki

      The character 先 combines foot and leg 儿 to give the idea of a person going forward.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 先月、ロンドンに出張した。

      Sengetsu, Rondon ni shutchō shita.

      I went to London last month on a business trip.

      2. 先着順で受け付けます。

      Senchakujun de uketsukemasu.

      We will accept people on a first-come, first-served basis.

      3. 先日、クラス会がありました。

      Senjitsu, kurasu-kai ga arimashita.

      I had a class reunion the other day.

      4. お先にどうぞ。

      Osaki ni dōzo.

      Please go ahead of me.

      5. タクシーの運転手に行き先を告げた。

      Takushii no untenshu ni ikisaki o tsueeta.

      We told the taxi driver where we wanted to go.

Common Compounds and Phrases
先月sengetsulast month
先生senseia teacher; a doctor
先着順senchakujunthe order of receipt (arrival)
先日senjitsuthe other day
先輩senpaione's senior; one's superior

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