Japanese Kanji Power. John Millen

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Japanese Kanji Power - John Millen

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      Kono bangumi wa maikai omoshiroi ne.

      This program is always interesting.

      3. この薬は毎食後に飲んでください。

      Kono kusuri wa maishokugo ni nonde kudasai.

      Please take this medication after every meal.

      4. 毎朝、公園を散歩する。

      Maiasa, kōen o sanpo suru.

      I walk in the park every morning.

      5. 毎月、東京へ出張する。

      Maitsuki, Tōkyō e shutchō suru.

      I make a business trip to Tokyo every month.

Common Compounds and Phrases
毎日mainichievery day; daily
毎朝maiasaevery morning
毎晚maibanevery evening; nightly
毎回maikaievery time
毎食後maishokugoafter every meal
毎度maidoeach time; always
毎月maitsuki / maigetsuevery month; monthly



      a name; famous

      メイ MEI ミョウ MYŌ な na

      The character 名 combines 夕 evening and ロ mouth. People at night would announce themselves to others by calling out their names.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 彼はベストセラーを書いて有名になった。

      Kare wa besutoserā o kaite yūmei ni natta.

      He wrote a bestseller and became well-known.

      2. レストランに八名で予約した。

      Resutoran ni hachimei de yoyaku shita.

      I made a reservation for eight people at the restaurant.

      3. 東名高速を一時間半走った。

      Tōmei kōsoku o ichijikan-han hashitta.

      I drove along the Tōmei (Tokyo-Nagoya) Expressway for one and a half hours.

      4. 結婚して、名字が変わった。

      Kekkon shite, myōji ga kawatta.

      Her surname changed when she married.

      5. カタカナで名前をここに書いてください。

      Katakana de namae o koko ni kaite kudasai.

      Please write your name here in katakana.

Common Compounds and Phrases
有名yūmeifamous; well-known
八名hachimei8 people, persons
氏名shimeia full name
名産meisana noted product; a specialty
名字myōiia surname
本名honmyōone's real name
名前namaea name; one's first name




      力 KA なに nani なん nan

      The character 何 combines person イ and possibility 可. Think of this character as a depiction of one's breath when asking What?

      GR2 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 今、何時ですか。

      Ima, nanji desu ka.

      What time is it now?

      2. 夕食はイ可がいい。

      Yūshoku wa nani ga ii.

      What would you like to have for dinner?

      3. 何人ぐらい来る予定ですか。

      Nannin gurai kuru yotei desu ka.

      About how many people are you expecting?

      4. それについてはイ可も知りません。

      Sore ni tsuite wa nani mo shirimasen.

      I know nothing about it.

      5. 遅くまで、何処へ行っていたの?

      Osoku made, doko e itte ita no?

      Where have you been until so late?

Common Compounds and Phrases
何時nanjiwhen; what time?
何人nanninHow many people?
何もnani monot anything; nothing
何曜日nanyōbiWhat day of the week?
何日nannichiHow many days; What day of the month?



      a flower

      力 KA はな hana

      The character 花 combines plants and change 化 to indicate the flowering of a plant.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 毎年、春先は花粉症になる。

      Maitoshi, harusaki wa kafunshō ni naru.

      I suffer from hay fever every year in early spring.

      2. お祝いに花を贈ったらどう?


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