Japanese Kanji Power. John Millen

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Japanese Kanji Power - John Millen

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      Raishū, Takao-zan ni ensoku ni ikimasu.

      I'm going on an excursion to Mount Takao next week.

      2. 最近の若い人は、足が長い。

      Saikin no wakai hito wa, ashi ga nagai.

      Young people these days have long legs.

      3. 時間が足りない。

      Jikan ga tarinai.

      There isn't enough time.

      4. 独身男性の多くは、野菜不足だ。

      Dokushin dansei no ōku wa, yasai busoku da.

      A lot of single men are not eating enough vegetables.

      5. 父は田舍で自給自足の暮らしを始めた。

      Chichi wa inaka de jikyū jisoku no kurashi o hajimeta.

      My father started living by himself in the country.

Common Compounds and Phrases
遠足ensokuan excursion; a trip
不足fusokua shortage; a lack of
土足dosokuwith one's shoes on
三足sansokuthree pairs (of socks)
自給自足jikyū jisokuself-sufficiency
足首ashikubian ankle



      a man; a male

      ダン DAN ナン NAN おとこ otoko *お o

      The character 男 combines characters for 田 rice paddy and 力 strength and indicates a man working.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 男性用のかつらがよく売れている。

      Dansei-yō no katsura ga yoku urete iru.

      Wigs for men are selling well.

      2. 歌舞伎は男優ばかりの芝居です。

      Kabuki wa danyū bakari no shioai desu.

      Kabuki is a form of drama involving only male actors.

      3. 長男とは結婚したくないわ。

      Chōnan to wa kekkon shitakunai wa.

      I don't want to marry an eldest son!

      4. あの背の高い男の人は誰?

      Ano se no takai otoko no hito wa dare?

      Who is that tall man?

      5. 小さな男の子が迷子になっています。

      Chiisa na otoko-no-ko ga maigo ni natte imasu.

      A little boy is lost.

Common Compounds and Phrases
男性danseia man; a male; masculine
男優danyūan actor
男女danjomale and female
長男chōnanthe eldest son
次男jinana second son
男の子otoko no koa boy; a male child
大男ō-otokoa tall / large man



      to come; to cause; to bring about

      ライ RAI く • る ku(ru) きた•す kita(su) きた • る kita(ru)

      The character 来 derived from a pictograph of wheat. The meaning of come perhaps was connected with wheat having been brought from a distant country.

      GR2 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 未来のことはだれも知らない。

      Mirai no koto wa dare mo shiranai.

      No one knows what the future holds.

      2. お正月以来会っていませんね。

      Oshōgatsu irai atte imasen ne.

      We haven't seen each other since New Year's.

      3. 電車が来た。

      Densha ga kita.

      The train has arrived.

      4. コンピューターがダウンして仕事に支障を来した。

      Konpyūtā ga daun shite shigoto ni shishō o kitashita.

      The computer being down hindered my work.

      5. 大統領が来日した。

      Daitōryō ga rainichi shita.

      The President came to Japan.

Common Compounds and Phrases
未来miraithe future
以来iraisince then; from that time
来日rainichicoming to Japan
来月raigetsunext month
本来honraioriginally; naturally
由来yuraithe origin; derived from
来客raikyakua caller; a visitor




      ゥ U あめ ame *あま ama *さめ same *ゆ yu

      The character 雨 combines three things: heaven 一, clouds and rain falling.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. あそこは雨量が多い地方です。

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