Japanese Kanji Power. John Millen

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Japanese Kanji Power - John Millen

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will call you later.

      4. 後でまた掛け直します。

      Ato de mata kakenaoshimasu.

      I'll call you back later.

      5. 列の後ろに並んで下さい。

      Retsu no ushiro ni narande kudasai.

      Please go to the end of the line.

Common Compounds and Phrases
最後saigothe last; the end
今後kongoin the future; from now on
後半kōhanthe latter half
後輩kōhaione's junior
後世kōseilater ages; posterity
後味atoajian aftertaste
後ろ足ushiroashia hind leg, paw



      food; eating; to eat

      シヨク SHOKU *ジキ JIKI た • べる ta(beru) く • う ku(u)

      The character 食 derived from a pictograph of a tall vessel filled with food and covered by a

      GR2 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 食後に薬を飲んでいる。

      Shokugo ni kusuri o nonde iru.

      I take my medication after meals.

      2. 今夜は月食が見られる。

      Konya wa gesshoku ga mirareru.

      We can see a lunar eclipse tonight.

      3. 今晩は、何を食べようか。

      Konban wa, nani o tabeyō ka.

      What shall we have to eat this evening?

      4. 蚊に食われてかゆい。

      Ka ni kuwarete kayui.

      I've been bitten by a mosquito and it's itchy.

      5. 彼は厳格な菜食主義者だ。

      Kare wa genkaku na saishoku shugisha da.

      He is a strict vegetarian.

Common Compounds and Phrases
食後shokugoafter meals; after eating
食事shokujia meal; dining
食欲shokuyokuan appetite
定食teishokua set-course meal
食べ放題tabehōdaieating as much as one likes
菜食主義者saishoku shugishaa vegetarian



      before; the front

      ゼン ZEN まえ mae

      The character 前 combines boat 月, foot and sword リ. From the idea of cutting off the rope and pushing off from shore comes the meaning advance, which evolved to before.

      GR2 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 前回はいつお越しになりましたか。

      Zenkai wa itsu okoshi ni narimashita ka.

      When was the last time you came?

      2. その人とは前に会ったことがある。

      Sono hito to wa mae ni atta koto ga aru.

      I've met that person before.

      3. 駅前にタクシー乗り場がある。

      Ekimae ni takushii noriba ga aru.

      There is a taxi stand in front of the station.

      4. ラーメンを二人前出前して下さい。

      Rāmen o nininmae demae shite kudasai.

      Could I have two bowls of ramen delivered, please?

      5. そのTシャツ後ろ前じやない。

      Sono T-shatsu ushiromae ja nai.

      You have that T-shirt on back to front, don't you?

Common Compounds and Phrases
前回zenkaithe last occasion
五日前itsuka-maefive days ago
直前chokuzenimmediately before
駅前ekimaein front of (outside) a station
二人前nininmaetwo portions
出前demaea restaurant delivery service
後ろ前ushiromaeback to front




      ナン NAN *ナ NA みなみ minami

      The character 南 can be thought of as ten 十 houses with plants growing inside a reference to villages in southern areas.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. ペンギンはもともと南極の鳥です。

      Pengin wa motomoto nankyoku no tori desu.

      Penguins are from Antarctica.

      2. 沖繩は日本の南西地方です。

      Okinawa wa Nippon no nansei chihō desu.

      Okinawa occupies the southwestern region of Japan.

      3. 東南アジアの島でのんびり休暇を楽しんだ。


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