Japanese Kanji Power. John Millen

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Japanese Kanji Power - John Millen

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      Minami-muki de 2DK no heya o sagashite imasu.

      I'm looking for an apartment with two rooms and a kitchen-dining area, facing the south.

Common Compounds and Phrases
南極nankyokuthe Antarctic; the South Pole
南北nanbokunorth and south
南向きminami-mukifacing south
南太平洋minami taiheiyōthe South Pacific
南十字星minami jūjiseithe Southern Cross



      high; to increase; to raise

      コウ KŌ たか • い taka(i) たか • める taka(meru)

      The character depicts a high lookout.

      GR2 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 電車の中で女子高生が騒いでいた。

      Densha no naka de jōshi kōsei ga sawaide ita.

      Some senior high school girls were making a commotion on the train.

      2. あの人はいつも高圧的な態度をとる。

      Ano hito wa itsumo kōatsuteki na taido o toru.

      He is always very overbearing.

      3. このビルは日本一高いビルです。

      Kono biru wa Nihonichi takai biru desu.

      This building is the tallest in Japan.

      4. 口座の残高を教えて下さい。

      Kōza no zandaka o oshiete kudasai.

      Please tell me the balance of my account.

      5. 彼はこの映画に出て、評判を高めた。

      Kare wa kono eiga ni dete, hyōban o takameta.

      His appearance in this movie has added to his reputation.

Common Compounds and Phrases
高校生kōkōseia senior high-school student
高速道路kōsoku dōroan expressway; a freeway
取尚saikōmaximum; best; great
尚価kōkahigh priced
高級kōkyūhigh-grade / class
背が高いse ga takaito be tall in stature
高山TakayamaTakayama (a place, name)



      a school

      コウ KŌ

      The character 校 combines 木 tree and 父 a person sitting cross-legged, and can be thought of as a place where people sit and study; i.e., a school.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 希望の高校に合格した。

      Kibō no kōkō ni gōkaku shita.

      I was accepted into the high school I wanted to go to.

      2. —年間予備校に通った。

      Ichinenkan yobikō ni kayotta.

      I attended a prep school for one year.

      3. 明日中に校正してください。

      Ashita-jū ni kōsei shite kudasai.

      Please proofread this by the end of tomorrow.

      4. 彼は海軍の将校になった。

      Kare wa kaigun no shōkō ni natta.

      He became a naval officer.

      5. 小学校のとなりに住んでいる。

      Shōgakkō no tonari ni sunde iru.

      I live next door to an elementary school.

Common Compounds and Phrases
高等学校kōtō gakkōa senior high school
予備校yobikōa preparatory (prep) school
小学校shōgakkōan elementary school
下校gekōgoing home from school
校門kōmona school gate
初校shokōfirst proofs



      time; hour

      ジ JI とき toki

      The character 時 combines 日 sun and 寺 a place of work, which suggests moving the hands and feet to work, hence the idea of continuous motion and by association, time.

      GR2 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. ちょっとお時間ありますか。

      Chotto ojikan arimasu ka.

      Do you have a moment?

      2. 北京と東京の時差は何時間ですか。

      Pekin to Tōkyō no jisa wa nanjikan desu ka.

      How many hours' time difference is there between Beijing and Tōkyō?

      3. 当時を知る人はおじいさんだけです。

      Tōji o shiru hito wa ojiisan dake desu.

      Only grandfather knows what life was like then.

      4. うちの主人は時々夕食を作る。

      Uchi no shujin wa tokidoki yūshoku o tsukuru.


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