Japanese Kanji Power. John Millen

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Japanese Kanji Power - John Millen

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      Ashita no tenki yohō wa ōame da.

      Heavy rain is forecast for tomorrow.

      4. 小雨なら傘は要らない。

      Kosame nara kasa wa iranai.

      I won't need an umbrella if it's just drizzling.

      5. 梅雨の頃は蒸し暑い。

      Tsuyu no koro wa mushiatsui.

      It's muggy during the rainy season.

Common Compounds and Phrases
雨量uryōthe amount of rainfall
豪雨gōuheavy rain; a downpour
暴風雨bōfūua windy rainstorm
大雨ōameheavy rain
*小雨kosamelight rain; drizzle
*雨漏りamamoria leak in the roof
*梅雨tsuyu / baiuthe rainy season



      learning; to study

      ガク GAKU まな • ぶ mana(bu)

      The character 学 can be thought of as a child 子 under a roof , to suggest learning.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 大学で英語を勉強した。

      Daigaku de eigo o benkyō shita.

      I studied English at university.

      2. 数学は苦手だった。

      Sūgaku wa nigate datta.

      I was poor at mathematics.

      3. 三年間スウェーデンに留学した。

      Sannenkan Suēden ni ryūgaku shita.

      I went to Sweden to study for three years.

      4. 医学博士の学位をとった。

      Igaku hakase no gakui o totta.

      I received my doctorate in medicine.

      5. 少しドイツ語を学んだ。

      Sukoshi doitsugo o mananda.

      I learned a little German.

Common Compounds and Phrases
大学daigakua university; a college
留学ryūgakustudying abroad
学位gakuian academic degree
学生gakuseia student
小学生shōgakuseielementary school student
学校gakkōa school



      money; gold

      キン KIN コン KON かね kane *かな kana

      The character 金 represents treasures in the ground 土 with a covering over them. The treasures are gold.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 現金で払います。

      Genkin de haraimasu.

      I'll pay in cash.

      2. 弟は金属アレルギーがある。

      Otōto wa kinzoku arerugii ga aru.

      My younger brother is allergic to metals.

      3. 来週の水木金は休みます。

      Raishū no sui-moku-kin wa yasumimasu.

      Next week I will take Wednesday, Thursday and Friday off.

      4. あら!お金がない!

      Ara! Okane ga nai!

      Oh, no! I don't have any money!

      5. バッグの金具が壊れた。

      Baggu no kanagu ga kowareta.

      The clasp on my handbag broke.

Common Compounds and Phrases
金属kinzokua metal
税金zeikina tax
料金ryōkina fee; a charge; a fare
黄金ōgon(yellow) gold
金具kanagumetal parts



      sky; emptiness

      クウ KŪ そら sora あ • く a(ku) あ• ける a(keru) から kara

      The character 空 combines hole 穴 and work upon エ. This concept suggests a room, which encloses space. From this came the meaning of sky and emptiness.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 成田空港は都心から遠い。

      Narita kūkō wa toshin kara tōi.

      Narita Airport is far from the city center.

      2. 空がきれいだなあ。

      Sora ga kirei da nā.

      The sky is so beautiful!

      3. あの歌を空で覚えている。

      Ano uta o sora de oboete iru.


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