Japanese Kanji Power. John Millen

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Japanese Kanji Power - John Millen

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• い ō(i)

      The character 多 combines two moons to indicate many.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 多分、明日は雨だね。

      Tabun, ashita wa ame da ne.

      It'll probably rain tomorrow.

      2. あちこちでテロが多発している。

      Achikochi de tero ga tahatsu shite iru.

      Everywhere you go, acts of terrorism are becoming more frequent.

      3. ご多忙のところおいで下さってありがとうございます。

      Gotabō no tokoro oide kudasatte arigatō gozaimasu.

      Thank you so much for taking the time to come.

      4. 近頃外食が多い。

      Chikagoro gaishoku ga ōi.

      I've been eating out a lot lately.

      5. 英語が多少話せます。

      Eigo ga tashō hanasemasu.

      I can speak some English.

Common Compounds and Phrases
多分tabunprobably; likely
多発tahatsua frequent occurrence
多忙tabōbeing busy
多少tashōmore or less
多才tasaiversatile; multi-talented
多種多様tashu tayōvarious; diverse
多目ōmea somewhat larger quantity



      a year

      ネン NEN とし toshi

      The character 年 combines 木 rice plant and へ a person bent over. This represented harvest, which occurred every year.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 日本に来てから一年たちました。

      Nihon ni kite kara ichinen tachimashita.

      One year has passed since I came to Japan.

      2. 近年、日本に住む外国人が増えてきた。

      Kinnen, Nihon ni sumu gaikokujin ga fuete kita.

      The number of foreigners living in Japan has been growing in recent years.

      3. 犠牲者は十五歳の少年だった。

      Giseisha wa jūgosai no shōnen datta.

      The victim was a 15-year-old boy.

      4. 今、60年代が注目されている。

      Ima, 60-nendai ga chūmoku sarete iru.

      Now, everyone is interested in the 60's.

      5. 今年の秋に、インドへ旅行に行く予定です。

      Kotoshi no aki ni, Indo e ryokō ni iku yotei desu.

      I'm planning to travel to India this autumn.

Common Compounds and Phrases
一年ichinenone year; twelve months
近年kinnenrecent years
少年shonena boy; a lad
60年代rokujū-nendaithe sixties
今年kotoshithis year
年上toshiueolder; senior
毎年maitoshi / mainenevery year




      ヒャク HYAKU もも momo

      The character 百 combines one 一 and white 白. It is believed that 白 also once indicated hundred; adding — thus meant one hundred.

      GR1 N5 AP

      Example Sentences

      1. 百動販売機に百円玉を入れた。

      Jidō hanbaiki ni hyakuen-dama o ireta.

      I put a ¥100 coin into a vending machine.

      2. パーティーに三百人ぐらいの人が来た。

      Pātii ni sanbyaku-nin gurai no hito ga kita.

      About three hundred people came to the party.

      3. 百科事典で調べよう。

      Hyakka jiten de shirabeyō.

      Let's look it up in an encyclopedia.

      4. 百聞は一見にしかず。

      Hyakubun wa ikken ni shikazu.

      A picture is worth a thousand words. (a saying)

      5. テストで百点をとった。

      Tesuto de hyakuten o totta.

      I got full marks for the exam.

Common Compounds and Phrases
百円hyakuenone hundred yen
三百人sanbyaku-ninthree hundred people
百科事典hyakka jitenan encyclopedia
百貨店hyakkatena department store
百点hyakutenone hundred points; full marks
百個hyakkoone hundred pieces



      every; each

      マイ MAI

      The character 毎 depicts a mother 母 wearing a headpiece .The meaning of every perhaps stems from the frequency at which

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